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This explains everything
This explains everything
Tunggu aja besokkalau mau ttd LoA sama pentagon harus ada menhan gak ya?
Ini yang bersangkutan aja lagi ke daerah.
Gua tunggu sampai besok tengah hari = tengah malam waktu Washington.Tunggu aja besok
A far right group in Germany that have russian link try to do a coup.
Austrian painter?A far right group in Germany that have russian link try to do a coup.
Solo (Raya) and made mass bai’at to Al-Baghdadi in a mosque just across Polsek Grogol (Solo Baru) lol
Both Grogol and Ngruki are Sukoharjo.Abu Bakar Ba’asyir then so called Amir of Jemaah Islamiyah is also here with his Al-Mukmin in Ngruki, Densus would consider Ngruki as hot spot for sure.
VIDEO: Densus 88 Geledah Rumah Kos Pelaku Bom Bunuh Diri Astana Anyar
Densus 88 menggeledah rumah kos yang pernah ditempati pelaku bom bunuh diri Polsek Astana Anyar, Agus Sujatno (AS) di Sukoharjo.www.cnnindonesia.com
Most probably the laterAH140 cutting steel? F15ID?
wuihhh, abis beli drone china sampe $4bil sekarang mau borong Rafale. Menarik ini dari sisi geopolitik, kayaknya mereka mau diersifikasi alutsista dan ga mau bergantung sama US. Makin panas nih hub mereka sama USBanyak kali pesanan sultan.
I thought USS Tripoli but USS Makin Island go for this exercise. Thanks to @JATOSINT for posted about this first.![]()
Indonesian, US Navy and Marine Corps commence exercise CARAT 2022
The U.S. Navy and Marine Corps began the exercise Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training (CARAT) Indonesia 2022 on Wednesday (December 7) along with the ...en.antaranews.com
Gulf countries has much more disposable cash, mostly from oil revenue, compared to their annual budget spending, therefore they have greater purchasing power for something like weapon.Banyak kali pesanan sultan.
Banyak kali pesanan sultan.
engga lah, pesanan 200 biji itu bisa jadi alasan bikin line produksi baru.Gulf countries has much more disposable cash, mostly from oil revenue, compared to their annual budget spending, therefore they have greater purchasing power for something like weapon.
This sort of spending is possible due to the absolute autocratic monarchy government. No accountability needed, the cash is quite literally under the personal control of the leader. The downside is, sometimes the leader is silly, such as trying to make a sci-fi dystopian hellhole project city called "The Line", or hiring random dudes from impoverished countries as mercenaries to fight their war.
This is in contrast to democratic government where rule of law govern everything, where not even the President can control all the money and every spending has to go through a lot of bureaucracy. Of course that is to ensure the stability, and accountability of government spending, because these money came from the people, not oil, and the spending is also for the benefit of the people, not for the ruling family.