Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia


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Berarti sudah fix ini ya pilih P6, bye Poseidon.
btw ToT nya apa nih, integrasi sistem MPA?
Visit the United Arab Emirates, Jokowi brought 8 'gifts' for RI

The eight agreements are as follows:

1. MoU between the Ministry of BUMN and Eagle Hills related to tourism and air transportation

2. MoU between Nusantara Capital Authority and Dubai International Financial Center Authority related to the formation of financial centers in IKN

3. Mou between Brin and Emirates Nuclear Energy (Enec) related to nuclear energy;

4. MoU between BI and UAECB related to the payment system

5. Mou between the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Finance related to Public Finance Management

6. Framework Agreement between PT DI & Pal Aerospace related to Technology Transfer of Maritime Patrol Aircraft and Anti-Submarine Warfare

7. MoU Between Masdar and PLN Icon+ For Joint Assessment and Study Installation of Solar Rooftop Commercial and Industrial in Indonesia

8. MoU between Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund United Arab Emirates and the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Investment related to the construction of Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed and Joko Widodo International Mangrove Research Center in Bali.

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Indonesia Correspondent
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Sementara N219 apa kabar?
sabar ya bro, masih butuh dana ..

Perkuat Industri Pertahanan, PT Len Minta Suntikan Duit Rp 2 T dari Negara

Berdasarkan paparannya, berikut rincian investasi strategis PT Len Industri hingga 2029:

- Fasilitas Industri Radar

- Fasilitas Produksi Unmanned System

- Fasilitas Produksi N219

- Fasilitas Pendukung Produksi

- Peningkatan kapasitas Bisnis Aerostructure

- Peningkatan Kapasitas Bisnis MRO

- Pembangunan Infrastruktur Kapal Selam

- Akuisisi Galangan Kapal

- Pabrik AN Pulau Jawa

- Power as Service BTS

- Green Hydrogen

- Fasilitas Produksi Munisi Kaliber Kecil

- Modernisasi lini produksi Senjata

- Revitalisasi lini Pendukung Produk Pertahanan

orderan banyak nih mau nambah galangan :)


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Udah biasa yang namanya di php in. First flight juga mundur mundur terus kek undur-undur, mau alasan landing gear lah, ini lah, itu lah. Untuk produksi juga udah dimundurin terus, untuk kedepan kalo bakal mundur lagi ya cuman bisa memaklumi sih, udah tradisi.


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Didn't they get banned in the Israeli vs Iran thread a while back ... ?? I kinda forget the specific of it....
No, Gary and mehmet beg were given warnings for off topic posting (they were arguing about Bosnia), so the system automatically gave them a 3 day ban and while mehmet beg is with us Gary is gone. Bozan is also gone for even more time. They may be probably off for a vacation I am not sure. I hope everything is alright with them.


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They loss much of their financial sources also by the loss of their territorial control in Syria and Iraq. But you know who’s one of the important life saver? IS-Somalia. IS-Somalia also administered Al-Karrar office or Maktabul Karrar that its responsibility also IS Central Africa Province (DR Congo) and IS-Mozambique. The Amir has dual citizenship of British and Somalia, Abdul Qadir Mu’min. Operates in Northern Somalia and US Treasury Department said in 2022,
Extortion or illegal tax. Pemuda Pancasila-style activities right there lol. Major seaport of Bosaso is North Somalia, so not surprising. If you ever played COD MW3, you’ll know lol
What a good business model. Memastikan orang Islam melaksanakan salah satu kewajibannya untuk bayar zakat

Program on Extremism at George Washington University



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What a good business model. Memastikan orang Islam melaksanakan salah satu kewajibannya untuk bayar zakat
View attachment 69629
Program on Extremism at George Washington University

Sel yang di Afrika Selatan nyari uangnya dari maling sama penculikan terus minta uang tebusan (kidnapping for ransom)

Majalah Rumiyah Issue 11 nulis panjang banget tentang ini. Mulai dari bahas harta rampasan perang yang didapat pake pertempuran (Ghanimah), harta rampasan perang yang didapat tanpa pertempuran/musuhnya kabur (Fay) sampe harta yang bener-bener diambil gitu aja dari so called disbelievers di Darul Harb yang disebut Ihtitab atau talassus. Bahkan disemangati sama mereka untuk maling, jadi kayak sahabat Rasul; Abu Bashir sama Abu Jandal.

Mereka juga nulis sedikit tentang konflik antara Muslim Madinah pasca hijrah yang nyegatin rombongan-rombongan dagang Quraysh Mekkah dan ngambil hartanya sebagai ghanimah (Muhammad’s caravans raiding).

Beware. Tulisan tanpa filter, tanpa sugarcoating



Rumiyah Issue 11


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Lebih lanjut tentang pertemuan UAE, Israel sama AS di Abu Dhabi bahas Gaza “day after”, Kamis minggu lalu yang pertama kali reported by Axios.
The essence of the UAE proposal is that a “reformed” Palestinian Authority, as the internationally recognized governing authority for Gaza, could invite international partners to support security and humanitarian aid in Gaza during a “stabilization mandate” that might last up to a year. The Emiratis are said to favor Fayad, the PA’s prime minister from 2007 to 2013, as leader of the reform effort. The Israelis appear willing to accept him. Fayad did not respond to a request for comment on Tuesday.

The Emirati proposal envisions that the PA would solicit military and intelligence support from a range of countries. Despite Netanyahu’s past strident opposition to the PA, Dermer is said to have conveyed that Israel might tacitly accept this approach.

Possible Arab security providers include Egypt, Morocco, Qatar and the UAE itself, officials said. The parties discussed potential security backing from non-Arab countries, too, including Italy, Rwanda, Brazil, Indonesia and perhaps a leading Central Asian nation. The United States would provide command-and-control and logistical support from a nearby base in Egypt. A potentially controversial part of the plan would be armed support from U.S.-based security contractors.

The back-channel group has discussed seeking backing for this stabilization force from the U.N. General Assembly, rather than the Security Council, where it might face a Russian veto or paralyzing negotiations. The initial stabilization period would be followed by a “reconstruction mandate” that could stretch for years.

In its white paper, the UAE is said to have detailed its basic ideas: After fighting ends, the “reformed” PA would issue its invitation to security providers. Israel would agree not to undermine this Gaza effort by making provocative moves in the West Bank that could explode the security situation there. The Emiratis also hope the United States will work to refine a “road map” toward an eventual Palestinian state, even though Israel wouldn’t endorse it.

The Emirati plan envisions a gradually expanding zone of internationally supported security moving from north to south in Gaza, one sector at a time. This approach is similar to Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant’s proposal for security “bubbles,” though the emissaries don’t use that term. Though Netanyahu publicly rejected Gallant’s proposal, Dermer’s involvement suggests he might be ready to accept a rebranded version of it.

The Emiratis have played a growing role in Gaza, with a hospital there and other humanitarian efforts. They have tapped a network of supporters of Mohammed Dahlan, a former top PA security official from Gaza who has lived in Abu Dhabi since Hamas came to power. Dahlan, a controversial figure in Palestinian circles, doesn’t intend to return to the enclave, officials said. But the UAE hopes he will continue tapping a network of longtime supporters behind the scenes, officials told me.

Given Netanyahu’s past disdain for day-after planning, it’s good that his team is finally engaging these issues seriously. But the real requirement in Gaza — the sine qua non, literally, is a real and lasting end to the war. And the Abu Dhabi dialogue, encouraging as it is, hasn’t done anything yet to silence the guns.
UAE tries to pull off an ‘Abraham Redux’ in Gaza | WaPo

Fayad yang dimaksud Salam Fayyad, mantan PM Palestinian Authority (PA) tahun 2007 sampai 2013. UAE mau dia yang mimpin usaha reformasi PA. Menteri Luar Negeri UAE nyebut pejabat PA sekarang “Ali Baba dan 40 perampok” pas pertemuan di Riyadh beberapa bulan lalu.
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