
EAST BENGAL REGIMENT AND THE 1965 WAR By Usman Khan Yousafzai “… Mujib, who addressed massive crowds at his meetings, lashed out mercilessly at the central government and succeeded in spreading hatred against all non-bengalis. Even the soldiers openly participated in his political meetings and fell prey to his propaganda. Meanwhile, the Bengali officers in the formation had withdrawn into a shell of their own and rarely mixed with their West Pakistani brethren. Their Families kept aloof. Every evening they would get together in small groups among themselves…….. Even during my short tenure at Jerssore, the attitude of the Bengali Officers had caused me concern. Therefore, I shared my apprehensions with the commanding officers of the West Pakistani units, and ordered them to keep half of their personal weapons and ammunitions in the barracks with the troops, to guard against surprise attacks. The suspect loyalty of the Bengali troops, particularly the pure Bengali battalions...
The Turkish Type Fast Attack Craft Project (Türk Tipi Hücumbot - TTHB, in Turkish), also known as the Next Generation Fast Patrol Boat Project (NG-FBP) of the Turkish Navy, first appears in documents published by the Undersecretariat of Defence Industries (now the Presidency of Defence Industries) in 2008. The aim of the project is stated as; "Meeting the future needs of the Turkish Navy, providing the design of a new FAC to replace the ageing classes". Background to the TTHB project and the early stages of the Request for Information (RFI) issued by SSM The Turkish Navy's first inclination was to acquire a Fast Attack Craft solution based on a composite structure that offered a light structure, naturally low RCS and IR & Acoustic signature, and armour protection by Kevlar that could be easily upgraded. Yonca-Onuk, manufacturer of the MRTP (Multi-Role Tactical Platform) series of boats, was the first choice. But this trend didn't last. The initial plan was to acquire at least...
The Court of Chief Justice Rashid; A Study into the Early Schism within the Pakistan Courts By Usman Khan Yousafzai INTRODUCTION The judicial history of Pakistan is of a mixed legacy with instances where the institution completely surrendered itself to the executive, becoming mere rubberstamps of the growing power within the center of the country whereas, in other instances, it rebelled against said powers and enjoyed a level independence not afforded to other institutions within the country. It is safe to say that the judicature has enjoyed its own evolution within the country and it is the examination of this beginning that is the purpose of this study to understand how the Courts of Pakistan evolved within the early years of Pakistan. The Judiciary of Pakistan derives its history from British India where the original organs of the institutions were established in the cities that did not become part of Pakistan forcing the judiciary to formulate a separate path whilst...
What is an IADS A modern IADS is far more complex than a singular SAM battery or its associated command vehicle and radar. Analysts and operational planners should strive to use a common language when discussing IADS, and incorporate this knowledge in order to plan against these complex systems as missions dictate. This understanding must include recognition that a linear, simplistic approach to defeating modern, complex IADS is insufficient and instead requires integrated multi-domain operations. An IADS is the “structure, equipment, personnel, procedures, and weapons used to counter the enemy’s airborne penetration of one’s own claimed territory,” according to one US Air Force intelligence expert. Rather than a single weapon or person, it is an amalgamation of elements, organized to minimize threats in the air domain. Thus, an effective IADS performs three functions—air surveillance, battle management, and weapons control. Of these, air surveillance alone includes five...
In continuation of our previous discussion on unmanned marine vehicles, this article shifts its focus to the intricate realm of Manned-Unmanned Teaming (MUMT). Building upon the groundwork laid in our earlier submission, we delve into the collaborative synergy between human-operated vessels and their unmanned counterparts. MUMT stands as a pinnacle in naval innovation, exemplifying the seamless integration of human expertise with cutting-edge autonomous technologies. Join us on this exploration as we navigate the dynamics, challenges, and transformative potential that Manned-Unmanned Teaming brings to the forefront of modern naval practices. The surge in unmanned systems within the marine environment has sparked a parallel surge in studies exploring the interoperability of unmanned submerged and surface vehicles in conjunction with manned platforms. While acknowledging certain developments during WWII that introduced autonomy capabilities with torpedoes, our focus here shifts to...
Brief history of Turkish LHD/LPD project The Turkish Landing Helicopter Dock (LHD) project, which actually dates back to the 1990s, was referred to as a Landing Platform Dock project. It was designed to meet the amphibious force transfer - projection needs of the Turkish Navy. The first drafts of the LPD were made during the 2000s, with the cooperation of the STM (Turkish Defence Industries Branch, then the Secretariat) and the Project Control Board of the Turkish Navy. The first sketches were straightforward LPD design with a supper structure placed afore, 2 40 or 76mm naval guns are present in the A-location with 1/2 Phalanx CIWS are present above the hangar and afore the bridge. The ship had covered side bays capable of launching several RHIBS and inspection/landing boats, a hangar capable of storing 6/8 medium weight helicopters and a dock capable of launching LCAC / LCM / amphibious tracked vehicles. However, by 2010, the Turkish Navy's interest had shifted to the flat-top...
The Turkish Navy has commissioned the intelligence ship TCG Ufuk at a ceremony held at SNR Holding Istanbul Shipyard, the shipbuilding subcontractor chosen by STM, in the presence of President Erdoğan, SSB President İsmail Demir and STM Managing Director Özgür Güleryüz. Prior to TCG Ufuk, intelligence duties were mainly carried out by TCG Yunus (former West German intelligence ship) and also, more partially, by TCG Cesme and TCG Candarli (Silas Bent Class survey ships). TCG Yunus served in the Turkish Navy between 1988-2000 and performed ELINT-SIGINT duties, also referred to as "Training and Electronic Survey Ship", while TCG Cesme & TCG Candarlı are still in service and function mainly as seismic / oceanographic survey ships with limited SIGINT / COMINT capabilities. TCG Candarli, source; eugenio A588 Pictures of TCG Yunus are rare, and little information is known about her service in the West German Navy. Source; Fatih Mehmet Kucuk (Twitter) The project dates back to...
Prologue Undoubtedly, unmanned systems have become the focal point of contemporary discussions surrounding military applications. This discourse spans ethical considerations, operational efficiency, and concerns regarding security. A pivotal aspect of this dialogue involves evaluating their effectiveness in anti-symmetric warfare and their ability to reduce operational costs in tasks such as monitoring, intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance (ISR), and precision strike missions when juxtaposed with traditional manned systems. While it can be asserted that unmanned systems may still lack the adaptability inherent in manned counterparts in various domains, the narrative takes a different turn when considering naval applications. The distributed approach proves to be both practical and significant, representing a paradigm yet to be embraced by any navy in the immediate future. However, it offers a glimpse into the trajectory that the future of naval operations is likely to...
IDEF'21 (15th fair) has been held in the August, 2021 and in this article we will have a brief look at the naval systems that has been on the display. We will start with Naval platforms of different sizes, then talk about naval weapon systems spanning from cannons to remote controlled stations and finally talk about software and sensors that specifically introduced for naval platforms. Naval Platforms, ongoing projects and concepts TF-2000 AAW Destroyer Before all, in the last IDEF we have seen the latest configuration and design update on the two ongoing, major projects of the Turkish Navy; Istanbul Class frigate and TF-2000 AAW destroyer. I-Class had visible differences on the mast from the earlier released concepts, which was also noticed when the first hull is launched in January 2021, in IDEF the details of the mast and equipment to be installed has been revealed. TF-2000, on the other hand, has been through some remarkable changes in the design with the inclusion of the...
Introduction Ensuring the strong naval presence and military deterrent of the United States also means guaranteeing that American troops will get the supplies they depend on, no matter where confrontation may arise. As a key provider of surge forces to crisis locations around the world, United States Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM) must confront any and all potential challengers it might face in the 21st century, specifically the rising maritime power of the People’s Republic of China. Challenges USTRANSCOM could face in this regard are threefold—the aging and inadequate nature of the American sealift force, the vulnerability of said forces to strategic chokepoints in the event of conflict, and the versatility and strength of the Chinese People’s Armed Forces Maritime Militia (PAFMM). Aging Forces and Recapitalizing Sealift The growing age of the ships available to the United States for sealift operations is perhaps one of its most obvious and most dangerous problems. With...
Rann of Kutch Conflict Battle Of Sardar Post By Usman Khan Yousafzai (Saiyan0321) The history of conflicts between Pakistan and India has been a hotly documented affair with both sides providing their versions of the story and both sides making sure that solely their narrative survives the test of time. In the list of conflicts, the Rann of Kutch conflict often takes a backseat due to the subsequent events of 1965 however what most military historians fail to understand that this conflict created the domino effect that led to the 1965 conflict as the result of the conflict provided Pakistan army with a victory that would make the army overconfident of its prowess whereas India discovered the chinks in its armor and looked to bring appropriate changes to it. The confrontation was not something of a ‘spur of a moment as is often believed. In fact records from both sides hold that they were well aware of a flashpoint developing and there were diplomatic and military exchanges...

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