Unfortunately, there's not much information to answer your questions that I know of, so we can only assume for now.How are they planning to replenish the missiles? From the sides via hydraulic hatches? That makes the 2 hatches for each bay, leading to 4 hatches and lids. Pop-up launchers sounds more reasonable for this kind of a boat too.
Is there any existing logistic capability to transfer missiles that high and then transfer sideways into the missile bay?
If viewed from the front/rear, that early concept and SAAB's proposed version looks like "^" right? There was another concept drawing showing the launchers arranged to form an "X" or "V".There are two on top of my mind showing lateral launcher, one was early-early concept, with different rear superstructure from the production version (no rhib cave, flat with two lateral twin launcher ala diponegoro-class exocet launcher) and the latter the supposed 'improved' design with main gun in front of the bridge (with internal missile launcher at the back).
Glad they didn't choose any of these arrangements.