Live Conflict Military Operations Syria


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When the inevitable next terrorist attack happens on civilians in Turkiye are we going to repeat this failing strategy? Send the jets in, hit a few places claim so many pkk killed meanwhile nothing changes? Wait for the next round of peace talks/normalisation?

I remember the charlie hebdo nonsense, the entire world came to france to mourn it including ak party. Turks get hit with hundreds if not thousands of attacks over the past few decades and the international media works to dehumanise the Turkish people and promote the terrorist entities as heroes.

Were not going to solve anything playing these stupid time wasting games. It should be a relentless 24hour hunt non-stop day and night striking these clowns. Everything that can be done should be done to hunt these pigs down.


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Absolutely... Everyone must be tired of throwing some feel good numbers in the air after a strike that PKK probably knew about from days before from their US allies already. Hitting some empty buildings and holes in the mountains won't solve shit.

A hunt down like the one in Afrin or Idlib is what is needed. To see PKK rats crying 24/7 with the photos of their hewals piling up on the web.


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Russia is just as bad as the USA but it doesnt have the brains nor power of the USA and it has nothing to offer the world except energy. No one cares for Russian culture for example, while american culture and inventions are absorbed and used by the entire world.

China has problems with every single one of her neighbours and shes starting to provoke the rest of the world with her arrogance born from an insecurity complex over westerners. For example the Chinese media covering the pkk terrorist event ran with the same exact same propaganda sloguns as her western counter part, coming from a nation that is forcing her Muslims into concentration camps.

The world isnt going to change by US, Russian, Chinese or EU or power. We need something else. Or its just the same cycle of tyranny and oppression.

If no strong Islamic or Turkic bloc is not formed.

Nothing will get better for the Islamic World or the Turkic world for that matter.

This is what liberals, secularists, islamists and conservatives especially in the Islamic World and even the Turkic world fail to grasp.

Because we are wasting our time on mundane shit because we are so drowned in ideology.

This is a true fact.

I dont want to go off topic anymore.

Either people all of us get their act together if not we will continue to be weak and dominated.

In regards to the Kurds they need to get their act together stop their separatism their whole separatism is used by the West and Russia to cause instability.

Lets not forget how the British and the Russians funnelled in weapons and funding to the Kurds so they rebel against the Ottomans and the Turkish Republic.

Kurds and their separatism has caused more of them to get killed and increased their oppression even more.

No doubt us Turks did do mistakes but this does not justify separatism or terrorism.

Kurds sold themselves this dream of a Kurdistan by certain Great Powers instead they made everybody their enemies in the region.

I think they need to get their act together.

Ps: this is not directed to all Kurds mainly the ones who support separatism and terrorist groups like pkk. Time to wake up.


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Nothing will get better for the Islamic World
What is it with you and the Islamic World,when did the Islamic World do anything good to our people and country?
Your Islamic World is causing us nothing but trouble,examples:Iran,Egypt,Syria,KSA,Libya,Iraq to name a few.
Your Turkic World are all stooges of Russia,yes even Aliyev according to Turkish TT's.
Only because of the Ukraine war some ex-soviet states started to show some courage,still not to be trusted(again according to some Turkish Think Tanks).

Kurds sold themselves this dream of a Kurdistan by certain Great Powers instead they made everybody their enemies in the region.
If you say Kurds you name all Kurds which is not true,90% of the Kurds dont care about politics,dont call them Kurds.
Its the PKK,nothing else.
Let this be a warning to all,dont call them Kurds,call them PKK terrorists. @blackjack


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What is it with you and the Islamic World,when did the Islamic World do anything good to our people and country?
Your Islamic World is causing us nothing but trouble,examples:Iran,Egypt,Syria,KSA,Libya,Iraq to name a few.
Your Turkic World are all stooges of Russia,yes even Aliyev according to Turkish TT's.
Only because of the Ukraine war some ex-soviet states started to show some courage,still not to be trusted(again according to some Turkish Think Tanks).

If you say Kurds you name all Kurds which is not true,90% of the Kurds dont care about politics,dont call them Kurds.
Its the PKK,nothing else.
Let this be a warning to all,dont call them Kurds,call them PKK terrorists. @blackjack

Your mixing the Islamic World with the Arab World.

Just because we are at odds with Arab countries and the Persians. Does not mean we are enemies with the Islamic World just like how we are at odds with the Western world. We get along well with Poland and the Baltic countries, Spain and Italy to some extent. Even if relations with the USA and France along with Germany are crap.

I would not lose hope in the Turkic World either to be honest.

It will take decades to break Russian influence. Russian influence is strong because the Russians ruled this region for a century or so.

My arguments are not supportive of a Pan Islamic Empire or a Pan Turkic Empire. Those are just grand delusions.


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What is it with you and the Islamic World,when did the Islamic World do anything good to our people and country?
Your Islamic World is causing us nothing but trouble,examples:Iran,Egypt,Syria,KSA,Libya,Iraq to name a few.
Your Turkic World are all stooges of Russia,yes even Aliyev according to Turkish TT's.
Only because of the Ukraine war some ex-soviet states started to show some courage,still not to be trusted(again according to some Turkish Think Tanks).

If you say Kurds you name all Kurds which is not true,90% of the Kurds dont care about politics,dont call them Kurds.
Its the PKK,nothing else.
Let this be a warning to all,dont call them Kurds,call them PKK terrorists. @blackjack
Turkic World has potential, especially considering that Hungary and some other Eastern European nations want an alternative to the EU. We could see a number of new observer states joining in the next few years. This would form a new bloc with Turkic nations at its core.

The important thing is that the Turkic World has it's own culture and identity. We need to differentiate ourselves by promoting our own cultural holidays and our own lifestyle. We should neither look to Europe or the Islamic World. My biggest problem with Islam is that it is essentially Arabism.

Back to the topic. We need to launch ground operations. These air operations don't achieve much. We strike them, they lose a couple of hundred terrorists, they pump out propaganda and regain a couple of hundred within a few months. We need to enter the bee nest and completely dismantle it.


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2 Turkish Civilians got martyred by Pkk and Assad Terrorists.

While a school got hit.

If this is not enough to vapourise them.

Artik I dont know what to say. Also pkk now have weapons that are allowing them to strike Turkiye across the border.

I wonder who gave them this stuff thanks to these two,USA and Russia.


5 997
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2 Turkish Civilians got martyred by Pkk and Assad Terrorists.

While a school got hit.

If this is not enough to vapourise them.

Artik I dont know what to say. Also pkk now have weapons that are allowing them to strike Turkiye across the border.

I wonder who gave them this stuff thanks to these two,USA and Russia.
Now we should take controll entire syrian turkiye border 40-50km deep . No more waiting .


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If Erdogan have any respect to the Turks or to the victims of pkk attacks , he would order the armed force to go all the way 100km deep with re-arming the Syrian Free Army .
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