1) Former Soviet Republics. Those are leftover Soviet mines and those states are not fully in control. They are not producing fuel they are just excavating ore under heavy IAEA control and supervision.What you are saying seems completely inaccurate to me.
- Most of the uranium fuel are produced by 2 Turkic nations. Saying Turks are somehow scared of Uranium because it is “dangerous” is, well silly.
- Turkish-Russian reactor project may not include any local pellet, rod production but it is known we wanted local fuel production and storage of depleted fissile material. How else are you going to produce it locally without mining it yourself.
- Pakistan got huge amounts of uranium enrichment centrifuges other parts from Türkiye.
- Every other year there is some nuclear material seized in Türkiye.
- Gaddafi had a large amount of yellow cake, some say on Twitter that Türkiye bought it after Libya fell when they couldn't technologically handle centrifuges given to them by Pakistan. They handed over centrifuges to west like fools hoping a reward but Libya showed weakness by not being able to handle making even a single nuke. If you can't become a wolf then you are just food. Like several Muslim nations.
- Announcing nuclear weapons program by Erdoğan also can't be done without actually gathering enough nuclear warheads beforehand. That would be suicide.
- Iraq, Libya, Syria were invaded because their nuclear programs were uncovered before a nuclear weapons test.
- Most likely we were enriching uranium secretly as long as Pakistan was. We just didn't announce it until Erdoğan.
I am no insider though.
2) Nope. Everything you do has to be done under strict IAEA supervision otherwise you will become the next N.Korea. Russians are not dumb enough to create a nuclear Turkiye. Not that we need anything from Russia for the mining and production of fuel rods or weapons-grade enrichment.
3) Yes true but you can use centrifuges for anything. You can buy centrifuges online. There is no way to ban centrifuge trade.
4) Do you know that you can enrich fissile materials in your garage? If you find 100g it is nothing big if you find 1 ton it is big news. Those radioactive samples are far from being the weapons-grade.
8) No we haven't enriched any fissile materials (excluding scientific purposes and medical isotopes) and we won't be enriching anything in the near future. We are smart enough not to put horses behind the cart.