TR Nuclear Energy Program


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Why China sends the turbines to germany and not Türkiye directly.
Honestly, first time hearing that

All what I know is that Turkey first ordered the turbines from Siemens which then got stuck at German ports and customs which prompted Turkey to order the turbines from Chinese companies

That is as far as my info goes; seems like you know more about the issue than me bro😅


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Last NATO meeting, US and NATO were 'disappointed' about Turkeys Rostam decision.


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Peeps I'd like to ask yall some shit.

See Akkuyu's agreement is actually public for us to view on the resmi gazete (a type of official journal for laws and such to be promulgated for the 1,5 non- turkish peeps reading) because the constitution states that all international agreements (barring few exceptions) approved by the government must also pass through the assembly to be approve the approval. "Onaylamayı uygun bulmak". Lmao.

Anyway the third clause's end goes
"2.23. Türkiye'deki nükleer yakıt üretim tesislerinin kurulması ve işletimi de dahil olmak üzere nükleer yakıt döngüsü;
2.24. Teknoloji transferi ve
2.25. Lisanslama ile nükleer tesisler ve aktivitelerin ve radyasyon emniyeti ve güvenliğinin denetimi alanında bilgi ve deneyim alışverişi."

Tech transfer in 2.24 is stated.

Yet I hear absolutely nothing about engineers being trained anywhere or anything of the sort, instead we hear drama about Russians calling it theirs and quite frankly flaunting it.

Do y'all believe that the government actually hopes to receive the capability to make nuclear reactors of our own from the Ruskies or is it a deal behind a deal sort of a thing, like the S-400? Because why else go hail-mary with every reactor maker ever? To diversify risks?

No Name

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Peeps I'd like to ask yall some shit.

See Akkuyu's agreement is actually public for us to view on the resmi gazete (a type of official journal for laws and such to be promulgated for the 1,5 non- turkish peeps reading) because the constitution states that all international agreements (barring few exceptions) approved by the government must also pass through the assembly to be approve the approval. "Onaylamayı uygun bulmak". Lmao.

Anyway the third clause's end goes
"2.23. Türkiye'deki nükleer yakıt üretim tesislerinin kurulması ve işletimi de dahil olmak üzere nükleer yakıt döngüsü;
2.24. Teknoloji transferi ve
2.25. Lisanslama ile nükleer tesisler ve aktivitelerin ve radyasyon emniyeti ve güvenliğinin denetimi alanında bilgi ve deneyim alışverişi."

Tech transfer in 2.24 is stated.

Yet I hear absolutely nothing about engineers being trained anywhere or anything of the sort, instead we hear drama about Russians calling it theirs and quite frankly flaunting it.

Do y'all believe that the government actually hopes to receive the capability to make nuclear reactors of our own from the Ruskies or is it a deal behind a deal sort of a thing, like the S-400? Because why else go hail-mary with every reactor maker ever? To diversify risks?

I haven't hearded anything about what tech was supposed to be transfered but their was report of Turks going to Russia to be trained.

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Please add a short explanation for the English speakers.
Germans are being A**holes again; thus, the project may be delayed for a couple of months, and Turkey is now taking orders to replace the German equipment with Chinese equipment; how's that for an explanation.

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