you got 6meter long Mk41, why not to use it all to shoot missiles from far away but use only 3 meters of it? you know that with supersonic missiles, those range really matters against saturation attacks.. with g40, being able to be packed Quadro, its perfect for Turkey..CAMM spots out ESSM because it weighs 100kg , diameter 16cm and length 3 m while ESSM 280kg, diameter 25cm, length 3.6 m.
CAMM gives more point defense opportunity with compact dimensions.
Quad pack three cells consist 12 missiles.
However it can engage up to 25km with active radar seeker.
Nonetheless, RN type 26 will have additional mk41 VLS equipped with ESSMs apart from sea Ceptor VLS.
I'd would say the Brits created own RAM but more capable( 360degree cover) like C-Dome.
this mentioned missile is good to add into ships later, but Turkey will not need it much. You got SUngur for that.. Uk, only able to put 1 missile to vls system, thats why they look for other options..