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Please change “eavesdropping” to “listening”. Kudos HawkeyeAll tests of ASELSAN's IFF Mode 5 / S transponder were completed and integrated into the T129 attack helicopter. The next T129 deliveries will continue with ASELSAN's IFF Mode 5/S. NATO armies are transitioning to IFF Mod 5/S as the newest IFF system. Turkey develops its own unique solutions in this field and integrates them into its platforms. Compared to previous modes, IFF Mod 5/S provides superiority with features such as longer range interrogation, increased resistance to eavesdropping, jamming and deception, high identification capability and the use of National Crypto Devices.
ASELSAN product IFF Mod 5/S Responder device is used in various helicopters, airplanes, unmanned aerial vehicles and ships.
Atak helikopterleri dostu-düşmanı ASELSAN'la tanıyacak
Güvenlik güçlerinin etkin olarak kullandığı T129 Atak helikopteri, dost-düşman platformları ASELSAN'ın ürettiği cihazla tanıyacak. - Anadolu Ajansı
Mode 5/S IFF Transponder satisfies military and civilian air traffic control systems’ needs while supporting Mode 1, Mode 2, Mode 3/A, Mode C, Mode S and encrypted Mode 4/Mode 5. Mode 5/S IFF Transponder can easily be adapted for Reverse IFF (STANAG 4722) requirements by software upgrade. Having advanced controlling system, Mode 5/S IFF Transponder can be controlled over Ethernet, MIL-STD-1553 data bus or Remote Control Unit. Technology IFF Transponder includes; FPGA, DSP, Microprocessors with high processing power; ADC/DAC with high sampling rate and digital modulation/demodulation techniques. Functions are fulfilled in one device for all modes of IFF and therefore flexibility and reliability are significantly provided.
View attachment 21791
General Specifications
• STANAG 4193 Edition 3 compatible
• Capability of Mode 4/5 operation with M5K-II Plug-In Crypto Device
• Supports Mode 5 Level 1 and Level 2
• Supports Mode S Level 2
• ADS-B Transmit Feature
• Control Interfaces:
• Remote Control Unit
• MIL-STD-1553
• Ethernet
• Works with TCAS via ARINC-429 Interface
• Works with ADLP via ARINC-429 Interface
• NMEA 0183 GPS Interface Compatible (Asynchronous RS422)
• Transmission and Reception Bottom/Top Antenna Diversity Feature
• BIT (Built-in Test) Capability Technical Specifications Transponder
• Operating Frequency : 1090 MHz (transmission) : 1030 MHz (reception)
• RF output power (peak) : 500 W ± 2 dB nominal
• Transmittion duty cycle : %1
• Supply Voltage : 28 VDC MIL-STD-704A
• Operating Temperature : - 40°C to +70°C
• Shock, Humidity, Vibration : MIL STD 810G
• EMI/EMC : MIL STD 461E Remote Control Unit
• Supply Voltage : 28 Vdc
• Night Vision (NVIS) : Exists
Mr Kotil: After T929, TAI will develop coaxial rotor helicopter. We are working.
NopeI think its for the cargo manned/unmanned helicopter project. Something like Kaman K-MAX is well needed for logistics for military bases. Maybe they are building something similar to Ka-226 concept wise.
It's like the Sikorsky 97 Raider with a pusher propeller, fast and agile.
T-129 is a good light attack helicopter. But it has it’s own shortcomings;TAI shared the concept drawing of the T629 attack helicopter.
The project in the 6-ton class will be developed using the T625's engine, gearbox and blades.
TAI will carry out the project with its own resources.
(The helicopter will have a different configuration, unmanned and electric)
View attachment 21824
If you are going to ferry troops and cargo and not get involved in combat , why would you need militarised engines?
Besides , the prototypes are not fully representative of some of the future versions envisaged for Gokbey. When an engine that conforms to military needs is produced, off of the TS1400 (probably for T629) , that engine would suit the so called “Off-Shore” version to be operable from the deck of TCG Anadolu.
He described the helicopter as having a pusher propeller. This configuration is good for speed and agility. The technology for changing the angle of attack of the individual blades must be developed.Still make sense that cargo helicopter could be co-axial design. We ain't seeing something like S-97 Raider unless we develop our experimental/tech demonstrator projects, culture. You can't build a helicopter like that with just knowledge from T625, ATAK 2.
Most important advantage of the T-629 is going to be the fact that , as it is a fully indigenous design and production, we will not have to pay license fee to the Italians for aver helicopter we build!T-129 is a good light attack helicopter. But it has it’s own shortcomings;
1. The gun ammo is fed from outside.
2. There is hardly any armour protection for the pilots.
3. Balance of the helicopter was off due to front FLIR position. It was remedied with approximately 130kg of ballast weight in tail.
4. Only in the latest “blocks” have they improved the avionics and alike. But more is possible.
5. No natural space to place a millimetre radar.
6. Limited weapons capacity
T-629 on the other hand being 1000kg heavier, has advantages such as;
1. Gattling Gun’s ammo is enclosed within. Room to double quantity.
2. Proper armour for pilots and cabin avionics.
3. No ballast weight in tail. More usable weight.
4. Better avionics and electronics.
5. Mildar millimetric radar(best in it’s class with 27 km range)
6. More weapons carrying capacity.
Perhaps yes and perhaps no. I have seen at least one patent granted to AW in the Türkpatent database which is about the landing gear. Please do a search to find out more. I am saying this as the landing gear looks the same. This may be a minor thing though. See if the expiration date is near or not.Most important advantage of the T-629 is going to be the fact that , as it is a fully indigenous design and production, we will not have to pay license fee to the Italians for aver helicopter we build!
Polish Attack Helicopter Program 'Kruk' is still ongoing which to replace Mi-24s with at least 32 helicopters. Main offers are Boeing AH-64 and Leonardo AW249. Poland wants local industrial involvement, partnership. Poland still undecided is moving to modernize Mi-24s.
If defense relations further improve after TB2 deal, we can offer them partnership for T629 or ATAK-2.