Your “enthusiasm” surely don’t leave any room for dreams and wishful thinkingI see it as new Hürkuş loading. TAI doesn't have the time and resources available to build it as such, they don't have a viable engine, they probably don't have the necessary back and forth with the army either. On top of that, increasing brain drain, continued lack of funding, claimed sunk cost of 500 million dollars on the development already and they are now probably stuck.
Don't let my enthusiasm showing from seeing the actual picture. A design changing this much in such a short time frame multiple times is a sign of disaster in the making. T925 majorly changed 4 times since 2018, T929 changed at least 3 times. And these are just the publicly available ones. It's not looking too good. T925 is claimed to make its first flight this year. Let's see.

T925 was my favorite project among many others. I was sincerely hopeful but schedule changes, delays, lack of engine all were red flags. And when I heard they were redesigning to scale it down, that’s when my heart sank.
We really, really needed that beast.