The report came out… 6 years ago, the warning was given!
While the discussions regarding the fire disaster that caused tens of thousands of hectares of forest to turn into ash in the Manavgat district of Antalya continued, it was revealed in the report prepared by scientists six years ago that all warnings were made for Manavgat.
06 August 2021 11:07
In the comprehensive report titled “Geographical Distribution Modeling of Ignition Risk in Antalya-Manavgat Region Forests” prepared by Forestry Engineer Coşkun Okan Güney, Süleyman Demirel University Faculty of Forestry, Soil Science Ecology Department Kürşad Özkan and Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Forestry Department Özdemir Şentürk, While data such as climate, topography, tree species, residential areas, roads and power transmission lines are analyzed on different algorithm models, the risks that may cause a fire for Manavgat are listed.
According to the news of Mert Inan from Milliyet, the report warns that settlements, roads and energy transmission lines are concentrated in the Manavgat region and that red pine spreading areas carry the risk of "ignition". In the report, which mentioned that Manavgat and its surroundings have been exposed to great population mobility over time, the fact that settlements have been established in and around the forests increases the risk of fire, it is noted that more than 90 percent of the fires are caused by human-induced errors.In the report, “Ignition risk rate is higher in sections where voltage lines pass. As a matter of fact, it has been determined that the cause of the biggest fire of our country, which broke out in Manavgat Tağıl on July 31, 2008, was the energy transmission line.
The things to be done in the report were stated as follows: “Instead of building more helicopter pools in the region in question, small-sized fire pools should be built, especially on the roadsides, where the sprinklers can take water, to be used in a fire that may occur.A water valve should be placed at frequent intervals in a way that waterers can use. The low altitudes where the red pine spreads are generally the places where the ignition risk is high. Zonal planting should be done with fire-resistant species around the settlements, and legal regulations should be made in this regard, especially in the settlements bordering the forest, by evaluating the fire resistance on the basis of building and living space.
In the report, which stated that the more settlement and agricultural land permits are given into the forests, the risk of fire will increase, the following views were given:Keeping the routes of high voltage energy transmission lines clean by being free of plants that can be easily caught such as dry grass and bushes, removing trees that touch electrical wires, and passing low voltage power transmission lines over roads and under the ground, if possible, are among the measures to reduce the risk of ignition.
The forest cover should be incinerated and the amount of combustible material should be reduced by means of controlled burning, especially at the edges of roads, settlements and agricultural areas. The Mediterranean belt includes parts with a high risk of fire.
It is important to create ignition and fire risk maps in these areas, and to create strategies against forest fires.
In the report published by the European Union (EU) Copernicus Atmospheric Observation Service (CAMS) on forest fires in the Mediterranean, since 28 July, daily total fire radiant power (FRP) values, which are the radians released as a result of the burning of vegetation, have been reported in Turkey. It has reached an unprecedented level since 2003.The report also warned that the high heat wave in the Mediterranean region would create a risk for new fires and create air pollution. Scientists say that human-induced climate change has made heat waves more frequent and more serious.
The EU Monitoring Service also pointed out that while hot and dry air creates the danger of triggering new fires, the intensity of forest fires and the emissions resulting from these fires are increasing rapidly in Turkey and Southern Italy.

Rapor ortaya çıktı… 6 yıl önce uyarı yapılmış!
Orman yüksek mühendisi Coşkun Okan Güney, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Toprak Bilimi Ekoloji