This strategy will fail once arctic route is available and a political consenses is reached regarding to the legality of the straits/ routes. For the people who says 'naah not possible in near future' number of scientific papers related to ice-hull interactions and polar class commercial ship design has greatly increased and yet more people are attracted into it, majority of the experimental studies conducted about ice.
Soon there will be a transition in sea routes, like it has happened with suez canal and cape horn.
Thus there should be alternative strategies, cooperation of militaries, given the facts about diversity of military equipments and doctrines in SEA and SE countries a well studied integration of militaries is a must.
Soon there will be a transition in sea routes, like it has happened with suez canal and cape horn.

Arctic shipping routes - Wikipedia
Thus there should be alternative strategies, cooperation of militaries, given the facts about diversity of military equipments and doctrines in SEA and SE countries a well studied integration of militaries is a must.