Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations


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In other word you are saying that palestinians should kept quite and let israelis to expell them from their homes, obstruct their religious duties, steel their land and send letters to un. Ok, i got it.

to the contrary, i'm saying they need to wake up and get organised. They are basically falling into israeli hands by conducting a style of war that benefits Israel. They need to define clear goals and objectives and build strategies to achieve these goals. Firing rockets into Isreal achieves no strategic victory whatsoever and it allows the Isrealis to come in hard and smash the Arabs.

If you walked into a boxing ring against a prime mike tyson and said to me you are going to fight and defeat him via boxing, i would laugh at you. The Palestinians are doing a similar thing, they are operating in a way in which they can only lose.


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You know that Jordanian guy is basically a British aristocrat. The British pick their lackeys and give then give them an english wife. The kids are then sent to england to study and make connections, they then also marry into british families and within 3 to 4 generations you have leaders who are completely aligned with british imperial policy.

It was the same with assad, or the kurdish tribal leaders of the KRG.


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to the contrary, i'm saying they need to wake up and get organised. They are basically falling into israeli hands by conducting a style of war that benefits Israel. They need to define clear goals and objectives and build strategies to achieve these goals. Firing rockets into Isreal achieves no strategic victory whatsoever and it allows the Isrealis to come in hard and smash the Arabs.

If you walked into a boxing ring against a prime mike tyson and said to me you are going to fight and defeat him via boxing, i would laugh at you. The Palestinians are doing a similar thing, they are operating in a way in which they can only lose.
I get your point but it is impossible to do it in that manner, simply they do not have other option to stop mistreatment and crimes against themselfs beside this loud bang that hamas produced. I would say hamas is very well organised with means on their disposal, we can see that whole country erupted and is in dissarray because of that, they even made neighbourghs ordinary people to rise up, latest reports are that even from syria some rockets are fired, it is up to israel if they will continue this madness as there are two simple amd reasonable requests for deesacalation from hamas, stop radining al aksa and evictions, even biden supports this last one. Ball is in israel courtyard to act with reason and logic.


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I get your point but it is impossible to do it in that manner, simply they do not habv other option to stop mistreatment and crimes against themselfs beside this loud bang that hamas produced. I would say hamas is very well organised with means on their disposal, we can see that whole country erupted and is in dissarray because of that, they even made neighbourghs ordinary people to rise up, latest reports are that even from syria some rockets are fired, it is up to israel if they will continue this madness as there are two simple amd reasonable requests for deesacalation from hamas, stop radining al aksa and evictions, even biden supports this last one. Ball is in israel courtyard to act with reason and logic.

If we take your perspective, that means the ultimate outcome whether its 50 years or a 100 years from now will be complete defeat. If thats the case, then it makes sense for the muslim world to come together and pay to have the Palestinians relocated into other countries. End their suffering and allow them to live life in dignity and to allow their children to grow up in a sane world.

But war always has many strategies.

Unlike the Uyghurs whose situation is completely hopeless and I've said before Turkey should have relocated them, the Palestinian situation is infinitely better.


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If we take your perspective, that means the ultimate outcome whether its 50 years or a 100 years from now will be complete defeat. If thats the case, then it makes sense for the muslim world to come together and pay to have the Palestinians relocated into other countries. End their suffering and allow them to live life in dignity and to allow their children to grow up in a sane world.

But war always has many strategies.
That is far streched from your side but respect your opinion.
People dream Allah determines.


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That is far streched from your side but respect your opinion.
People dream Allah determines.

When we look at history Allah rewards intelligent actions. In that sense for the most part we are responsible for our own misery. But the game never ends until Allah decides it. So we all have to play the game according to our capabilities.


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A baby is rescued from a building in Gaza which collapsed due to Israeli bombing.

However you want to look at it, its proper sick what the Isrealis are doing to the Palestinians. A baby gets pulled out of the wreckage of a collapsed building that the jews bombed. How many more horrors will that baby and the family of that baby witness.




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He was not the last. Peres wanted to make Palestinian state, but thanks to Hamas he lost elections. Then Barak PM offered Palestinians a state and got second Intifada in return. Then Olmert offered Palestinians a state and got rockets from Gaza and Lebanon.

Your beloved Hamas does not posses any threat to Israel at all. The last state which could fight Israel (Syria) was destroyed by Iran.

Honestly, it seems to me that Palestinian Authority is not interested, they just used the (oslo accords) process to get legitimacy.

Moment any peace is made with Israel, they lose their biggest excuse and scapegoat to their people....and they will lose their monolith on power....and they do not like that.

Just look each time what happens when Arafat faced internal political issue, immediately some agitation was started in some area to focus attention there and then have it spiral out of control w.r.t Israel, so they can say "look there".

The flashpoints are well known for this....esp in al aqsa compound where this current one started (with stockpiling of rocks and fireworks inside the mosque, that little media seems to be interested in showing).

This has all been continued by mahmoud abbas.....whenever its time for election (that has been put off multiple times since the 2004 result where Hamas won, and Fatah is scared to let it again, this time in West Bank too).

Like this april yet again (PA election "postponed"/cancelled"), this kind of thing initiated.....knowing fully well it can and likely will spiral out of control.

Then they give a big solidarity support to Hamas/Gaza as the violence and indiscriminate rocket attacks commence on Israel, all the while not running that election and playing this status quo "frozen" political gamesmanship with them.

Fatah and Hamas are part of same problem in the end.....just different levels of it.....the psychology of politics and cushiness you can get from some inherited situation.

I feel very bad for the regular people in the end, that are caught up in this, suffer all of it....and have to support the big stick guy in the end anyway because of tribal solidarity in push come to shove.

I dont know what it will take to change that all, I think we are stuck with it, it is human nature.


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Degenerate Islamists as always. We don't burn other nation's flags, Turks learned this from Ataturk.

Folks that hide behind dutch flag, too afraid to show origin of why/how they know Urdu/Hindi in detailed translation capacity probably don't really understand what flags mean in first place and why burning them is wrong.

So selective highlight reel of flag burning and whatever else will come, we will just have to show why its wrong.

Their constant single likes on others and others single likes on their stuff show the credibility (or lack of it) to audience anyway.


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Very good developments from the Palestinian and Arab side this time. They are pushing Israel with their backs to the wall and maybe in later in the sea, like good old Gamal Abdel Nasser once said.

We see old fashioned Palestinian cold war tactics from the seventies and Sovjet-era replica weapons combined with a socialist stylish hardboiled insurgency in both Israel and the occupied territories.

It reminds me of the legendary PFLP (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine) with their spectacular plane-and hijackings organized by his holyness Doctor Wadi Haddad. Or the sensational raids of the United Red Army of Japan at Israeli airports.

The continued and non-stopping (cheaper than lollypops) home-made-rockets brings the already terrified Israeli community in a traumatized stress condition and keeps the Iron Dome system more than busy and finally exhausted. Think only about the price comparison, when a very expensive state-of-the-art Iron Dome rocket has no other choice than hit a kitchen-and-garden rocket of Hamas.

Israel, with a non existing cabinet and a prime minister already troubled, is boobytrapped because can only act like a elephant in a house made of glass. They are not used to surprise attacks like this civil war or angry mob attacks in every city at every time, like they were not prepared for the Jom Kippur War or the Palestinian Deltaflyers from Fatah. The Palestinians are very creative resistance fighters were Israel only reacts with the air force.

The Palestinians are also victorious in the hearts and the minds because the Israeli forces have no time or no interest to hide their outrage. In the next phase of this war we could see new Laila Khaled's, Khaled Meshal's and even new Rachell Corrie's and Patrick Arguello's. Boiling tensions in neighboring states are pointing in that direction. Maybe, if we are very lucky, a new Carlos the Jackal will rise.
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But I prefer the Atilla way where he uses enemies flags as a napkin.

Where does it say Atilla did that? Anyway, I assume you would want Ataturk to use Venizelos' skull as a cup too and drink from it in the league of nations.

Anyway, thats how you make people respect to your nations symbol of sovereignity. Your respect others symbols of sovereignity.


In the village of Reina -Galilee there is an active firefight

IDF started active strikes on Gaza

The Israel Defense Forces destroyed the office of the head of the Hamas security service in the Gaza Strip, the IDF reported.

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