Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations


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That point about Armenia doesn't support the argument, as that was not a case of ability but of will.

It was a combination of both. If they were not involved in Ukraine, they would have had a much sronger deterrence and Azerbaidjan would have had second thoughts about the war. But since Russia was already struggling in Ukraine, the Azeris knew they won’t be able to help Armenia, so they took advantage of Russia’s weakness. The lack of will from Russia’s part had its roots in its inability to fight on another front, after the difficulty it was already facing in Ukraine, and the need to not anger Turkey, as Russia was already isolated politically after the Ukraine invasion. Things are interlinked, and Russia’s weakness caused by the war in Ukraine puts it in a position where it is unable to help any of its allies.


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This is expected but very interesting.

IDF has been using VBIEDs based on old M-113 APCs in Gaza for months, but this is the first example from Lebanon (Kfar Kila) I’ve seen. They are used to demine intersections/buildings instead of lineclearing charges & are pulled into place by D9 dozers prior to remote detonation


Scott Summers

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How many F-35 Israel has lost?

We dont know. The Iranian attack was known a couple hours before, and there were flight traffics from the base to South-Cyprus before the attack occured.

But Western countries and companies are blurring satelite images of the Israeli airfields and there is a media blackout in Israel - you get arrested if you take pictures.



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With what? They couldn’t protect their own territory in Kursk against Ukrainian attacks. How could they possibly protect Iran from the US?

I mean, Kursk failed and was a huge miscalculation on Ukraine's part, likely accelerating the gains Russia's been making in the east the last couple of weeks. But yeah, the broader point stands, there's no way in hell Putin's re-directing military assets from Russia's west & Ukraine's east to help out the Ayatollah. Let alone if the U.S. is involved in whatever goes down in Iran.

As for the F-35s, I'd seriously doubt any were taken out, the air photography makes the damage on the bases look pretty limited. Frankly, it's probably a good thing if Iran *did* waste a fifth-gen fighter or multiple of them that way though - it'll make the response all the more necessary & crushing by the IDF. There's literally nothing so far indicating they lost any stealth fighters on the ground in the Iranian barrage though - true, they likely wouldn't admit to it if they did - but I thought we were supposed to substantiate claims here. If they lost 35s, prove it.

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