Morocco Moroccan Armed Forces

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Through out the week, U.S. Marines with @2ndMLG continued training with the Royal Moroccan Armed forces soldiers in non-electric Initiation procedures, render safe procedures, and Mk 2 Mod 1 assembly and utilization techniques.



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Members of the 2nd Parachute Infantry Brigade during the military parade organized yesterday on the occasion of the national day in Mexico.



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shame that morrocans went to yemen to kill houthis and help the saudi
Morocco withdrawed from yemen in 2018 due to a short crisis with KSA that was resolved years later ,and participated because iran supported Polisario front so we responded striking their affiliates in yemen (tit for tat)
but Moroccan army won't participate in external wars for now due to tension in the sahara


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Moroccans start their training on the AH-64​


Intensive training for Apache AH-64E pilots and technicians​

Royal Air Forces (FRA) officers and technicians are currently undergoing intensive training on American “Apache” attack helicopters, which the Kingdom will receive as part of Agreement II between Washington and Rabat for the delivery of 24 AH-64E Apache plus 12 optional.

The tactical exercises include the use of simulation systems for the benefit of Moroccan pilots who will operate on the latest versions of the attack helicopter, as well as the performance of operations simulating the reality and the use of various weapons and devices of combat and defense aboard Moroccan helicopters.


The process of familiarization of Moroccan pilots had started since the American Agency for Defense and Security Cooperation (DSCA) agreed, almost 2 years ago, to deliver 36 Apache helicopters to the Royal Armed Forces. AH-64E “Guardian”, the cost of which is estimated at 4.2 billion dollars. The AH-64 Apache is an all-weather attack helicopter and is built by Boeing, which had absorbed into McDonnell Douglas, which manufactured it. All aircraft are produced at the Boeing plant in Mesa, Arizona. The Apache is equipped with a chain gun M230 30 mm turret-cannon. The range is 1,500 m and the travel limited to 11 ° upwards (+ 30 ° for the EC665 tiger). It can carry a variety of rockets and missiles, and the most commonly used are Hydra 70 rockets and AGM-114 Hellfire anti-tank missiles.

© @farmarocofficiel
For export, where it is the most sold contemporary attack helicopter: out of the 1,048 Apaches built in 2000 more than 200 were delivered outside the United States. As of July 2019, it is in service in 14 countries, as of June 2020, 17 have ordered. Its night vision system on board at the front end and intended for target designation and target tracking. This modernized system also provides him with information on objectives day, night, at all times. In addition to the classification of land and air targets, the fire control radar has been updated to operate in a naval environment. These helicopters are technologically advanced and have enormous coordination capabilities with unmanned aircraft (drones), especially the Gray Mq-c1. allowing the Apache pilot to have great control over landing operations, thanks to an integrated system in the cockpit made up of the latest communication, navigation and sensor systems.


Colonel-Khaled-Sami-the-first-Moroccan-to-have-pilot-an-Apache. © FAR-Morocco

The first Moroccan to have piloted this type of military apparatus is Colonel Khaled Samit, commander of the AeroCombat squadron of the FRA. It was in the United States at UTAH in July 2019. Since then, a lot of water has flowed under the bridges and we, on the FRA side, have started training other pilots and technicians using the latest technologies in the matter and the expertise of several American officers. The latter will accompany their counterparts to unravel the mysteries and discover the techniques of these helicopters.

The tactical exercises include the use of simulators for the benefit of the teams that will fly these Apache attack helicopters. The programs including the realization of operations simulating the reality and the use of various weapons and combat and defense devices on board these Moroccan helicopters.


© FAR-Morocco

This is also what confirms to MoroccoLatestNews, Abdelhamid Harfi, expert in military affairs. He specifies that like all deliveries, “ that of Apache AH-64E helicopters in Morocco is preceded by several measures, the first of which is the training of pilot officers and technicians to get up to speed with this technology and familiarize themselves with the rhythm of the uses of this air fleet “, Noting that” since 2020 there is physical training and distance training for a group of Moroccan pilots “.

Intensive training for FRA Apache AH-64E pilots and technicians

© @farmarocofficiel

Harfi praised the expertise and experience already acquired by Moroccan military pilot officers, specifying that, “ Colonel Khaled Samit is the first Moroccan pilot to have an accreditation certificate to fly an Apache warplane, and he has been appointed commander of an attack helicopter squadron, including Apache helicopters “, Adding that” visits were regularly organized to a division subordinate to the American Guard in order to train Moroccan pilots and technicians “.

Our interlocutor underlined that “ there had also been training exercises involving senior Moroccan pilot officers, through simulations of versions E and D of this Apache attack helicopter “. He also stressed that “ the Kingdom which is preparing to receive these state-of-the-art helicopters will, to do so, have proceeded with the construction of an exclusive air base for this type of aircraft which is ready to receive them »He concluded.




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During the sand war, morocco captured 4 Egyptian officers, who came to support the #Algerian army. On the right of the picture, we can recognize the former President of the #Egyptian Republic, Housni Mubarak. This was before he became president of egypt.


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LOL it is about quality not quantity and the global firepower data should not be used to say an X country is better than a Y country and and Algerian military heavily relies on soviet/Russian doctrine which focuses on having more tanks and planes than having modern tech
By your logic you say that if Algeria has 3000 t-72 old tanks and Morocco only 300 modern tanks but you forgot how Arab armies who have even 100000 tanks were wiped out by western modern armies ( Iraq Libya Syria etc)
And Moroccan army is silently upgrading its inventory to keep pace while Algerian army still believes that it is stronger with the obsolete doctrine of Arab armies
quantity has a quality all its own , in terms of technology the algerian army operates more up to date platforms than it's moroccan counterpart , the only "up to date " weapons that equips the moroccan army are the F-16blk 52 and the abrams tanks as for now , so kindly stop saying bullshit
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