There are people talking about installing emals /catobar etc like systems to launch airplanes and they claim it is feasible, my point was rather against them. While i believe arrestor wired can be resolved peacefully depending on modifications it may require.
And the problem is that, i don't know how would they install the wires, cross deck connector and the engines will be needed, but to stop a plane of 3 tonnes they will need to penetrate the deck to install those fancy engines.
The deck is capable of handling vertical impacts, wires (rather the connector) will exert a lateral load which needs an additional strengtening or cut throughs to let wires pass through the cross deck connector from top to one or further deck lower.
This may seem like 'just opening a hole wide as wire' but to install connector and do required modifications they would cut at least a portion between major structural elements and install a modified one in place with connector installed on.
Instaling wires seems feasible but again requires permanent modifications, which won't be needed in amphibious mode, moreover occupying space in hangar and probably cancelling a spot next to the island. I don't know how much room the wire arrestor engines would require too and whether it will cause issues in hangar, or can be it extended further down one deck below in armoured vehicle storage.
So instead, i think, if they have a plane to take off and land on a ship they will start building an aircraft carrier right away.
It is first landing platform of the Turkish Navy so i presume there is a lot more to learn before actually concerning about that ski-jump

I prefer crew and admirals to adjust with having such a large vessel and training themselves on joint amphibious operations initially.
And even if F-35B was leased i presume we would see those operational and jumping over ski-jump at least beyond 2030, maybe 2035 for the reasons i have mentioned above.