Ümit Dündar ne olacak?
YAŞ, yani Yüksek Askeri Şura kararları açıklandı. Genelkurmay Başkanı Orgeneral Yaşar Güler’in bir yıl daha göreve devam etmesi

According to this news the recent YAS meeting that resulted in the retirement of the next General of Staff Ümit Dündar was a surprise, and they used his age 65 as an excuse. He's the only force commander to be retired. Ümit Dündar is also well known for his stance against the coup attempt in 2016.
A rumour has it that he's likely to be a minister replacing another name that is pro MHP. As government supporter MHP would only accept replacing a pro MHP minister with another.
The article doesn't state which ministry it could be.