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I wish there was only one global state, let's get rid of this crew of legitimate thieves (politicians and bureaucrats). What I am talking about applies to all countries.


Azerbaijan Moderator
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So Germany is the scapegoat? US, single handedly, pushed Ukraine into this situation, and the first to back out when the going got though…

Go get’m tiger!
Pushed Ukraine into what situation? Getting invaded?


Pushed Ukraine into what situation? Getting invaded?
Conflict goes back to Clinton’s “Nato initiative”, dubbed as “Partnership for Peace”. In other words, it is the expansion of Nato (or economic and military support to countries under Nato influence) in Eastern Europe that Russia has always considered a threat to its national security. Just like his predecessors, Biden made promises to Ukraine that he would not be able to keep (including strong US support for a defence co-operation under Nato). But he miserably failed to deter Putin from invading Ukraine after weeks of threatening sanctions and declassifying material about Russia’s intentions.


5 3,653
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Conflict goes back to Clinton’s “Nato initiative”, dubbed as “Partnership for Peace”. In other words, it is the expansion of Nato (or economic and military support to countries under Nato influence) in Eastern Europe that Russia has always considered a threat to its national security. Just like his predecessors, Biden made promises to Ukraine that he would not be able to keep (including strong US support for a defence co-operation under Nato). But he miserably failed to deter Putin from invading Ukraine after weeks of threatening sanctions and declassifying material about Russia’s intentions.

This Russian invasion shows perfectly well why Eastern European countries want to join NATO in the first place. After decades under Soviet yoke and after having a madman like Putin as neighbor of course that most small Eastern European states will want to join NATO.

It is quite idiotic to believe that anyone in the West will ever think about invading Russia- world's biggest nuclear power. Why invade Russia when you can make tens of billions off trading with them and when their oil money are still ending up in your banks and in your cities. Westerners love money and easy life more than anything else so why go to war with Russia...

Spare us the Russia Today and Sputnik News propaganda.


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Cant believe the Anti-NATO gang in here, especially right now the value of the alliance should be clearly seen.


2 3,159
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Cant believe the Anti-NATO gang in here, especially right now the value of the alliance should be clearly seen.

We have seen the value of the alliance when we shot down that russian jet in 2015 and on other multiple proxy wars since then, but they know, if they dont stop the russians in ukraine, the russians will further invade into europe.



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Cant believe the Anti-NATO gang in here, especially right now the value of the alliance should be clearly seen.
No offense - > I understand you logic and I Would agree with you but if we were year 2000.

But you need to OPEN YOU EYES "SEE CLEAR ONE THING" and when you SAY that "the value of the alliance should be clearly seen". YOU should understand that this words mean nothing they LOST thier weight When you direct them to Turkiye.

I will ask you TO WHOM is this VALUES CLEARLY can be SEEN?

It is a FACT -> I mean REAL FACT -> that all above VALUES were "stamp flat" form NATO when target is Turkiye and Turk nation.

Are you Forgot the last 10+ years. Is it you saying that what happend to Turks never happend That they EXPECTED and REALY RELY on NATO alliance with above VALUES to stand with Turks but NATO DID chicken it shit.

When NATO officals SAID Turkiye is "DANGER for NATO" Turkiye "HAVE to be EXPELED"

What happend is ALL WORLD SAW this.
you forgot about Turks soldiars bodies in Turkiye in Syria in Iraq in Lybia


Dont forgot Turkiye is STILL EMBARGOED from ALMOST ALL NATO pesudo ALLIES.

So spare me NATO Talks when it is related to Turkiye .


5 3,653
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Even if some NATO members were and still are hostile towards Turkey that doesn't mean that Turkey shouldn't enjoy the show and help Ukraine. Let's not forget that Ukraine is a country which is a partner of Turkey in some military developments too.
If that NATO helps for the destruction of Putin and the weakening of Russia I don't see a single reason why we as Turks shouldn't enjoy the show. Especially considering the coward attack Russians made against our soldiers on this same date two years ago. Every dead Russian son of a whore and some unknown alcoholic in Ukraine is a positive not only for Turkey but the Planet Earth too.

Yes I said that and I don't care if you guys agree with it or ban me for saying it. Fuck Russia. :D


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Even if some NATO members were and still are hostile towards Turkey that doesn't mean that Turkey shouldn't enjoy the show and help Ukraine. Let's not forget that Ukraine is a country which is a partner of Turkey in some military developments too.
If that NATO helps for the destruction of Putin and the weakening of Russia I don't see a single reason why we as Turks shouldn't enjoy the show. Especially considering the coward attack Russians made against our soldiers on this same date two years ago. Every dead Russian son of a whore and some unknown alcoholic in Ukraine is a positive not only for Turkey but the Planet Earth too.

Yes I said that and I don't care if you guys agree with it or ban me for saying it. Fuck Russia. :D
Yes Russia killed some 30+ soldiers in Syria on other side our NATO allies caused death of nearly 10.000 security personel by supporting PKK since 80s.I am not even go mention ASALA and how they manage made us extinct during fall of Ottaman Empire.

Mark my words we are next one on chopping block after Russia and Iran.Thats why they must not allowed fall.


5 3,653
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Yes Russia killed some 30+ soldiers in Syria on other side our NATO allies caused death of nearly 10.000 security personel by supporting PKK since 80s.I am not even go mention ASALA and how they manage made us extinct during fall of Ottaman Empire.

Mark my words we are next one on chopping block after Russia and Iran.Thats why they must not allowed fall.

You brain is full of hot shit if you believe the things you say dude... First of all PKK and ASALA were created and have always been heavily supported by your precious Russian masters. To this day they support them against Turkey. PKK isn't even recognized as a terror organization in Russia to this day- YPG even has a representation in Moscow.
You want me to support Russia- Turkey's historical enemy, the country that throughout it's whole existence have been genociding and ethnically cleansing Turks and Muslims all the way from the Balkans, to the Caucasus, Crimea, Tatarstan, Central Asia and still does it today in the Turkmen mountains, Aleppo and all around Syria. I can write you a million other reasons why Turkey should be all about Russia being destroyed but I don't want to waste my time.

Yeah, Turkey has problems with many Western countries but if you say that we should support Russia you are either brain damaged or a cuck in general.


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You brain is full of hot shit if you believe the things you say dude... First of all PKK and ASALA were created and have always been heavily supported by your precious Russian masters. To this day they support them against Turkey. PKK isn't even recognized as a terror organization in Russia to this day- YPG even has a representation in Moscow.
You want me to support Russia- Turkey's historical enemy, the country that throughout it's whole existence have been genociding and ethnically cleansing Turks and Muslims all the way from the Balkans, to the Caucasus, Crimea, Tatarstan, Central Asia and still does it today in the Turkmen mountains, Aleppo and all around Syria. I can write you a million other reasons why Turkey should be all about Russia being destroyed but I don't want to waste my time.

Yeah, Turkey has problems with many Western countries but if you say that we should support Russia you are either brain damaged or a cuck in general.
Yes ASALA and PKK maybe created with Russian help at the beginning but both of them got change of ownership later and those new owners were none other than our NATO allies.Not mention PKK'S main sponsor since 2001 Iraq Invasion is U.S.!

We shouldnt support Russia but stay neutral.
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Azerbaijan Moderator
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Conflict goes back to Clinton’s “Nato initiative”, dubbed as “Partnership for Peace”. In other words, it is the expansion of Nato (or economic and military support to countries under Nato influence) in Eastern Europe that Russia has always considered a threat to its national security. Just like his predecessors, Biden made promises to Ukraine that he would not be able to keep (including strong US support for a defence co-operation under Nato). But he miserably failed to deter Putin from invading Ukraine after weeks of threatening sanctions and declassifying material about Russia’s intentions.
Russia can consider whatever the hell it wants a threat to its national security, the only time the USA ever invaded Russia was by sending the US Expeditionary Force through Siberia and that was during the time of World War One, so it would be even easier today. Eastern European nations were the ones that kept demanding to be let into NATO - and as seen by Putin's speeches about Ukraine's right to exist and the fact that even their pitiful claims of a warm water port can be refuted just by looking up the amount of naval bases Russia has on the Black Sea outside of Crimea, Russia whining about NATO is nothing more than propaganda intended for gullible westerners.

Biden is weak, yes, and this likely wouldn't be happening under Trump but neither Ukraine nor the West is to blame for this violence. That lies sorely on Russia. The West can be blamed for not doing enough to stop these dickwads and leaving Ukraine to dry against Russia but Russians are the ones killing Ukrainians right now.


Azerbaijan Moderator
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Yes ASALA and PKK maybe created with Russian help at the beginning but both of them got change of ownership later and those new owners were none other than our NATO allies.Not mention PKK'S main sponsor since 2001 Iraq Invasion is U.S.!

We shouldnt support Russia but stay neutral.
Change of ownership? Russia still supports both. They are literally teaching Armenian separatists weapon tactics in the still-occupied Nagorno-Karabakh and have been arming Turkey's enemies in the Middle-East on the down-low. The collapse or balkanization of Russia is a net benefit to Turkey and, well, the world really. The West will then shift its attention to China anyway.


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Cant believe the Anti-NATO gang in here, especially right now the value of the alliance should be clearly seen.
The NATO alliance is valuable if and only if it fits the USA needs and only USA needs. The second priority for NATO is western european interest like UK, France, Germany if it does not work against USA interest. At a far far lower priority, some eastern european countries could have some form of priority against Russia. Turkey falls into the non-existent prio list, the last 40 years of active support for PKK from every single other NATO countries should have made that more than clear for ANYONE in TURKEY. If you are old enough, you might even remember Öcelan openly flying around NATO capitals on live TV without a single one of them lifted a finger.

The interest of even non-member countries such as Israel, Australia, Korea and Cyprus is more important to NATO than Turkish interest. Try to get a nuclear powered submarine with potential to launch nuclear ICBM like Australia did to see what the response will be when we could not even get a fucking fuel tank for a drone from our allies.

The ONLY benefits with NATO membership is that NATO can't openly attack Turkey, although they have done so many times covertly.
So dispite all this, Turkey must stay within NATO but do not expect any support in any matter.


Cant believe the Anti-NATO gang in here, especially right now the value of the alliance should be clearly seen.
Only time will tell whether or not this sudden “act of solidarity” holds any water. But for now, allies seem to be doing nothing beyond the mission statement, “Vigilia Pretium Libertatis”…


Russia can consider whatever the hell it wants a threat to its national security, the only time the USA ever invaded Russia was by sending the US Expeditionary Force through Siberia and that was during the time of World War One, so it would be even easier today. Eastern European nations were the ones that kept demanding to be let into NATO - and as seen by Putin's speeches about Ukraine's right to exist and the fact that even their pitiful claims of a warm water port can be refuted just by looking up the amount of naval bases Russia has on the Black Sea outside of Crimea, Russia whining about NATO is nothing more than propaganda intended for gullible westerners.

Biden is weak, yes, and this likely wouldn't be happening under Trump but neither Ukraine nor the West is to blame for this violence. That lies sorely on Russia. The West can be blamed for not doing enough to stop these dickwads and leaving Ukraine to dry against Russia but Russians are the ones killing Ukrainians right now.
Neither do I, and I am NOT discussing legitimacy of any Russian claim. I have pointed out an ongoing US policy that ignited a major conflict, and in return, the bear felt the need to flex his muscles. Ukraine is a direct victim of this conflict. After all, this is not a first that the US pushed someone down a ravine...
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15 5,026
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Even though i sympathize with Ukraine a lot and root for them in this war i don't want them to be a member of NATO, look what Bulgarians and Romanians caused the Russians build up a huge Black Sea fleet that did not exist decades ago during Cold War times.

It's in Turkish interests to keep NATO east expansion at a minimum, the more NATO expands to the east the more the Russians invest into their Black Sea fleet... actually Romania and Bulgaria should have been vetoed by us in 2004.


This Russian invasion shows perfectly well why Eastern European countries want to join NATO in the first place. After decades under Soviet yoke and after having a madman like Putin as neighbor of course that most small Eastern European states will want to join NATO.

It is quite idiotic to believe that anyone in the West will ever think about invading Russia- world's biggest nuclear power. Why invade Russia when you can make tens of billions off trading with them and when their oil money are still ending up in your banks and in your cities. Westerners love money and easy life more than anything else so why go to war with Russia...

Spare us the Russia Today and Sputnik News propaganda.
I could not really understand how any of this relates to what I posted, could you please re-phrase? Or should I interprete it as; “Billions that believe Nato is a DEFENCE ALLIANCE are nothing but delusional”.
Read more on the concept of “National Security”, as it involves state and individual wealth and values.

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