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Iam truly waiting for the coalition to win post 2023 tbh
The moment the CHP/HDP lay their hands on the decision making chair, the moment I will see Mavi Vatan evaporate into thin air
TRULY, no shame from such filth and yet they claim to be wishing for a better Turkey along with the CHP

Translation: HDP and Libyan putschist Haftar forces will hold a conference in occupied Benghazi against Turkey's intervention in Libya.
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8 2,075
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Iam truly waiting for the coalition to win post 2023 tbh
The moment the CHP/HDP lay their hands on the decision making chair, the moment I will see Mavi Vatan evaporate into thin air
TRULY, no shame from such filth and yet they claim to be wishing for a better Turkiye along with the CHP

Translation: HDP and Libyan putschist Haftar forces will hold a conference in occupied Benghazi against Turkiye's policies.
What do you think is the reason why hdp was not shut down and its administrators were not banned from politics? Our supreme democracy, the rule of law and the independence of justice? Why is it like this for 20 years?

Or is it because of Chp?:D:p


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What do you think is the reason why hdp was not shut down and its administrators were not banned from politics? Our supreme democracy, the rule of law and the independence of justice? Why is it like this for 20 years?

Or is it because of Chp?:D:p
Iam not trying to protect anyone but the AKP did close the HDP 3 times before but they just got re-estanlished under a different name
Moreover, Turkish constitution does protect any Turk (even if they are HDP) wanting to make a political party with a radical agenda. As long as the constitution protects those fqs, then no matter which administration comes, it will be useless
Finally, HDP is more of a religion at this point, no matter how many times you cut its tail, it will just grow back. That is why any decent Turkish political partu should try and alienate the HDP as much as possible but here we are with the CHP under Kilicdaroglu and Imamogku giving power to the HDP just like between 2002-2010 to the point that they sang the national anthem in the middle of Istanbul and all of this is to win the elections; this is why it is sad


8 2,075
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Iam not trying to protect anyone but the AKP did close the HDP 3 times before but they just got re-estanlished under a different name
Moreover, Turkish constitution does protect any Turk (even if they are HDP) wanting to make a political party with a radical agenda. As long as the constitution protects those fqs, then no matter which administration comes, it will be useless
Finally, HDP is more of a religion at this point, no matter how many times you cut its tail, it will just grow back. That is why any decent Turkish political partu should try and alienate the HDP as much as possible but here we are with the CHP under Kilicdaroglu and Imamogku giving power to the HDP just like between 2002-2010 to the point that they sang the national anthem in the middle of Istanbul and all of this is to win the elections; this is why it is sad
The politicians of all the parties that were closed from the beginning should have been banned for life, so that they would not come back with another party name. We should not allow every established party. Parties that engage in politics based on religion and ethnic identity should not be allowed from the start.

Let's not think like the ignorant people on the street, please. Current Akp, chp, mhp, iyi parti, hdp, vatan partisi and all other parties are partners, they are brothers. They do not have a problem like Turkiye and the Turkish nation, how many times have they expressed this with their actions and statements. Their own political future and the future of their party are above all else.

These people are all remnants of the 1980 coup. Therefore, they have problematic political, ideological and intellectual thoughts. Our future is in the new generation and in raising the level of education.
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Azerbaijan Moderator
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Iam not trying to protect anyone but the AKP did close the HDP 3 times before but they just got re-estanlished under a different name
Moreover, Turkish constitution does protect any Turk (even if they are HDP) wanting to make a political party with a radical agenda. As long as the constitution protects those fqs, then no matter which administration comes, it will be useless
Finally, HDP is more of a religion at this point, no matter how many times you cut its tail, it will just grow back. That is why any decent Turkish political partu should try and alienate the HDP as much as possible but here we are with the CHP under Kilicdaroglu and Imamogku giving power to the HDP just like between 2002-2010 to the point that they sang the national anthem in the middle of Istanbul and all of this is to win the elections; this is why it is sad
What Turkey should be doing is not alienating HDP but co-opting it. Turn it into an organization that pretends to be PKK's best friend while destroying it from within. Same really should be done with FETO.

Turks suck at subterfuge, which is a crucial skill in the modern world. Or rather, said subterfuge is used against Turkish people rather than for their benefit.


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HDP should be closed completely, its money and assets should be confiscated and both central and local executives (city, district, village) of the party should be banned from politics. Its members should be put under surveillance.


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Like closing the Kurdish parties has done anything, ever. They just change their names and enter the parliament again.

There is a good 10% of the country that will be voting for the next version of HDP. Closing them doesn't change anything. Bring prosperity, wealth into the regions. Make the party obsolete. Dont create martyrs.

But most importantly, quit thinking like a 70s politician.


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Like closing the Kurdish parties has done anything, ever. They just change their names and enter the parliament again.

There is a good 10% of the country that will be voting for the next version of HDP. Closing them doesn't change anything. Bring prosperity, wealth into the regions. Make the party obsolete. Dont create martyrs.

But most importantly, quit thinking like a 70s politician.
Up to now Turkish judiciary only closed the party name and banned several people from politics. I'm talking about banning complete party administration including village-level party officials and confiscating party assets. Do you think Germany will ever let a Nazi party operate in Germany? HDP has to be closed at all costs.


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Up to now Turkish judiciary only closed the party name and banned several people from politics. I'm talking about banning complete party administration including village-level party officials and confiscating party assets. Do you think Germany will ever let a Nazi party operate in Germany? HDP has to be closed at all costs.

I mean, technically there is the AfD, which is a Nazi party. What will closing HDP accomplish? My points still stand, whether you ban it or not. There will be a new HDP with the same voter turnout.

Solve the source of the problem.


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I mean, technically there is the AfD, which is a Nazi party. What will closing HDP accomplish? My points still stand, whether you ban it or not. There will be a new HDP with the same voter turnout.

Solve the source of the problem.
Banning HDP won't achieve anything on its own. Banning 20k terrorists from politics and confiscating party assets will achieve a lot.


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Anyone who has a serious criminal record as described in Turkish criminal code is automatically exempted from being a civil servant and hence politics.
People who who have organic connection with PKK and don’t denounce terrorist organisations should really, automatically be exempted from being in our House of Representatives. Unfortunately we have a number of these types in public service who managed to find a loophole somewhere in the system!

Yet our criminal code states that, even if such a criminal has been released after a general amnesty, he/she still can not hold public service.


Angry Turk !!!

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That's why the cultist behaviour that supporters have for these political leaders is bad news. These supporters do not realise the psychological manipulations that are deployed against them. You only have to look at people like Pavlov and Skinner behavioural scientists or things like neuro linguistic programming to know that politicians are employing all sorts of strategies to manipulate the thoughts, feelings and thus the actions of the voter.

A politician is there to serve the people and nation and to get results, if he doesn't perform and does things like massive levels of corrupt cronyism, they have to go and should be investigated. And i agree the scrutiny and punishment applied to politicians should be in proportion to the responsibility and privilege of the position.

Instead in Turkiye we watch our politicians taking photo shoots with literally enemies of the state and they laugh at how stupid and ignorant the people of Turkiye have become. Its basically a form of cuckolding the state. They lie to the people, take the votes and take the money and then to laugh at the people they rule over they do these little photo stunts as a way insulting the people and also showing the enemies of Turkiye that they are on their side.
Man, reading this stuff makes one angry. All I want is a strong Türkiye without traitors and ICBM to deliver Nukes. Only then I know, that Türkiye is safe.
What do you think will be the future of this Country?


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Another screw up by the CHP
Iam truly intrigued on how they will run the country post 2023; anyone believing that they will do anything instrumental to improve Turkey is blind. Just recently, HDP visits Haftar and states that the Turkish-Libyan maritime boundary is illegal and now CHP istanbul deputies are protecting the one who threw chemical weapons at TSK. I really cant believe that this is the party that Ataturk founded; Iam sure he is crying in his grave from the current conditions

CHP Istanbul Deputy Sezgin Tanrıkulu and CHP Istanbul Provincial Chair Canan Kaftancıoğlu gathered in Çağlayan to support TTB Fincancı, who threw chemical weapons at the TAF.



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If america wanted to resolve the problem in syria all they had to do was work with NATO second largest army. Thats all. This syrian civil war could have been resolved early.

But this comment gives some idea as too the dirty games the USA played against Turkiye historically.

He is bit of a right wing nut sometimes, but he has a solid take on this particular deep state tentacle (he drifts into the economic greed aspect later in vid):

You can see for yourself what the blatant propaganda is plastered on their website:

Edit: (Defencehub seems to change Turkey to Turkiye automatically, anyway you can google CFR yourself if link is broken)
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He is bit of a right wing nut sometimes, but he has a solid take on this particular deep state tentacle (he drifts into the economic greed aspect later in vid):

You can see for yourself what the blatant propaganda is plastered on their website:

Edit: (Defencehub seems to change Turkiye to Turkiye automatically, anyway you can google CFR yourself if link is broken)

One thing i learned growing up and discussing politics with family members let alone friends or strangers is that individuals only have certain capacity to understand. If you go outside of their capacity, that the information then seems crazy and outlandish to them.

That means that when it comes to politics in order to gain any traction with people in general i have to keep this discussion relatively simple.

Its a bit like discussing "freemasonry" with someone who doesn't even know they exist. Everything you say to them is going to sound crazy and they will be entirely dismissive of you, its a waste of time.

So for example the video you posted about the council of foreign relations. There was an american professor named Carrol Quigley who wrote two books when he was given access for two years to records library of the American congress. He details why things like the council of foreign relations was set up.

He was also a teacher and mentor to Rhodes scholar bill Clinton. This is bill Clinton paying his respects to Carrol Quigley. In Cecil Rhodes wills the scholarships were to pay for great minds education to aid in furthering the British empire.

This extract is taken from his book tragedy and hope. He books basically point out how an international anglophile network is out there trying to create a world government in which the Anglo-American establishment dominates. He also declared himself as part of this network in his own books.

There does exist, and has existed for a generation, an international Anglophile network which operates, to some extent, in the way the radical Right believes the Communists act. In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table Group has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, of any other groups, and frequently does so.

I know of the operations of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960's, to examine its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims and have, for much of my life, been close to it and to many of its instruments.

I have objected, but in the past and recently, to a few of its policies (notably to its belief that England was an Atlantic rather than a European Power and must be allied, or even federated, with the United States and must remain isolated from Europe), but in general my chief difference of opinion is that it wished to remain unknown, and I believe its role in history is significant enough to be known.

The Round Table Groups have already been mentioned in this book several times, notably in connection with the formation of the British Commonwealth in chapter 4 and in the discussion of appeasement in chapter 12 ("the Cliveden Set").

At the risk of some repetition, the story will be summarized here, because the American branch of this oganization (sometimes called the "Eastern Establishment") has played a very significant role in the history of the United States in the last generation.

The Round Table Groups were semi-secret discussion and lobbying groups organized by Lionel Curtis, Philip H. Kerr (Lord Lothian), and (Sir) William S. Marris in 1908-1911. This was done on behalf of Lord Milner, the dominant Trustee of the Rhodes Trust in the two decades 1905-1925.

The original purpose of these groups was to seek to federate the English-speaking world along lines laid down by Cecil Rhodes (1853-1902) and William T. Stead, (1840-1912), and the money for the organizational work came originally from the Rhodes Trust.

By 1915 Round Table groups existed in seven countries, including England, South Africa, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India, and a rather loosely organized group in the United States (George Louis Beer, Walter Lippman, Frank Avdelotte, Whitney Shepardson, Thomas W. Lamont, Jerome D. Greene, Erwin D. Canham of the Christian Science Monitor, and others).

The attitudes of the various groups were coordinated by frequent visits and discussions and by a well-informed and totally anonymous quarterly magazine, The Round Table, whose first issue, largely written by Philip Kerr, appeared in November 1910.

The leaders of this group were: Milner, until his death in 1915, followed by Curtis (1872-1955), Robert H. (Lord) Brand -- brother-in-law of Lady Astor -- until his death in 1963, and now Adam D. Marris, son of Sir William and Brand's successor as managing director of Lazard Brothers bank. The original intention had been to have collegial leadership, but Milner was too secretive and headstrong to share the role.

He did so only in the period 1913-1919 when he held regular meetings with some of his closest friends to coordinate their activities as a pressure group in the struggle with Wilhelmine Germany. This they called their "Ginger Group". After Milner's death in 1925, the leadership was largely shared by the survivors of Milner's 'Kindergarten', that is, the group of young Oxford men whom he used as civil servants in his reconstruction of South Africa in 1901-1910.

Brand was the last survivor of the "Kindergarten", since his death, the greatly reduced activities of the organization have been exercised largely through the Editorial Committee of The Round Table magazine under Adam Marris.

Money for the widely ramified activities of this organization came originally from the associates and followers of Cecil Rhodes, chiefly from the Rhodes Trust itself, and from wealthy associates such as the Beit brothers, from Sir Abe Bailey, and (after 1915) from the Astor family.

Since 1925 there have been substantial contributions from wealthy individuals and from foundations and firms associated with the international banking fraternity, especially the Carnegie United Kingdom Trust, and other organizations associated with J.P. Morgan, the Rockefeller and Whitney families, and the associates of Lazard Brothers and of Morgan, Grenfell, and Company.

The chief backbone of this organization grew up along the already existing financial cooperation running from the Morgan Bank in New York to a group of international financiers in London led by Lazard Brothers.

Milner himself in 1901 had refused a fabulous offer, worth up to 100,000 a year, to become one of the three partners of the Morgan Bank in London, in succession to the younger J.P. Morgan who moved from London to join his father in New York (eventually the vacancy went to E.C. Grenfell, so that the London affiliate of Morgan became known as Morgan, Grenfell, and Company).

Instead, Milner became director of a number of public banks, chiefly the London Joint Stock Bank, corporate precursor of the Midland Bank. He became one of the greatest political and financial powers in England, with his disciples strategically placed throughout England in significant places, such as the editorship of The Times, the editorship of The Observer, the managing directorship of Lazard Brothers, various administrative posts, and even Cabinet positions.

Ramifications were established in politics, high finance, Oxford and London universities, periodicals, the civil service, and tax exempt foundations.

At the end of the war of 1914, it became clear that the organization of this system had to be greatly extended. Once again the task was entrusted to Lionel Curtis who established, in England and each dominion, a front organization to the existing local Round Table Group.

This front organization, called the royal Institute of International Affairs, had as its nucleus in each area the existing submerged Round Table Group. In New York it was known as the Council on Foreign Relations and was a front for J.P. Morgan and Company in association with the very small American Round Table Group.

The American organizers were dominated by the large number of Morgan "experts", including Lamont and Beer, who had gone to the Paris Peace Conference and there became close friends with the similar group of English "experts" which had been recruited by the Milner group.

In fact, the original plans for the Royal Institute of International Affairs and the Council on Foreign Relations were drawn up at Paris.

The Council of the RIIA (which, by Curtis's energy came to be housed in Chatham House, across St. James's Square from the Astors, and was soon known by the name of the headquarters) and the board of the Council on Foreign Relations have carried ever since the marks of their origin.

Until 1960 the council at Chatham House was dominated by the dwindling group of Milner's associates, while the paid staff members were largely the agents of Lionel Curtis. The Round Table for years (until 1960) was edited from the back door of Chatham House grounds in Ormond Yard, and its telephone came through the Chatham House switchboard.

The New York branch was dominated by the associates of the Morgan Bank. For example, in 1928 the Council on Foreign relations had John W. Davis as president, Paul Cravath as vice-president, and a council of thirteen others, which included Owen D. Young, russell C. Leffingwell, Norman Davis, Allen Dulles, George W. Wickersham, Frank L. Polk, Whitney Shepardson, Isaiah Bowman, Stephen P. Duggan, and Otto Kahn.

Throughout its history, the council has been associated with the American Round Tablers, such as Beer, Lippmann, Shepardson, and Jerome Greene.

The academic figures have been those linked to Morgan, such as James T. Shotwell, Charles Seymour, Joseph P. Chamberlain, Philip Jessup, Isaiah Bowman and, more recently, Philip Moseley, Grayson L. Kirk, and Henry W. Wriston.

The Wall Street contracts with these were created originally from Morgan's influence in handling large academic endowments. In the case of the largest of these endowments, that at Harvard, the influence was usually exercised indirectly through "State Street", Boston, which, for much of the twentieth century, came through the Boston banker Thomas Nelson Perkins.

Closely allied with this Morgan influence were a small group of Wall Street law firms, whose chief figures were Elihu Root, John W. Davis, Paul D. Cravath, Russell Leffingwell, the Dulles brothers and, more recently, Arthur H. Dean, Philip D. Reed, and John J. McCloy. Other nonlegal agents of Morgan included men like Owen D. Young and Norman H. Davis.

On this basis, which was originally financial and goes back to George Peabody, there grew up in the twentieth century a power structure between London and New York which penetrated deeply into university life, the press, and the practice of foreign policy.

In England the center was the Round Table Group, while in the United States it was J.P. Morgan and Company or its local branches in Boston, Philadelphia, and Cleveland.

Some rather incidental examples of the operations of this structure are very revealing, just because they are incidental. For example, it set up in Princeton a reasonable copy of the Round Table Group's chief Oxford headquarters, All Souls College.

This copy, called the Institute for Advanced Study, and best known, perhaps, as the refuge of Einstein, Oppenheimer, John von Neumann, and George F. Kennan, was organized by Abraham Flexner of the Carnegie Foundation and Rockefeller's General Education Board after he had experienced the delights of All Souls while serving as Rhodes Memorial Lecturer at Oxford. The plans were largely drawn by Tom Jones, one of the Round Table's most active intriguers and foundation administrators.

The American branch of this "English Establishment" exerted much of its influence through five American newspapers (The New York Times, New York Herald Tribune, Christian Science Monitor, the Washington Post, and the lamented Boston Evening Transcript )

In fact, the editor of the Christian Science Monitor was the chief American correspondent (anonymously) of The Round Table, and Lord Lothian, the original editor of The Round Table and later secretary of the Rhodes Trust (1925-1939) and ambassador to Washington, was a frequent writer in the Monitor.

It might be mentioned that the existence of this Wall Street Anglo-American axis is quite obvious once it is pointed out.

It is reflected in the fact that such Wall Street luminaries as John W. Davis, Lewis Douglas, Jock Whitney, and Douglas Dillon were appointed to be American ambassadors in London.

This double international network in which the Round Table groups formed the semi-secret or secret nuclei of the Institutes of International Affairs was extended into a third network in 1935, organized by the same people for the same motives.

Once again the mastermind was Lionel Curtis, and the earlier Round Table Groups and Institutes of International Affairs were used as nuclei for the new network.

However, this new organization for Pacific affairs was extended to ten countries, while the Round Table Groups existed only in seven. The new additions, ultimately China, Japan, France, the Netherlands, and Soviet Russia, had Pacific councils set up from scratch.

In Canada, australia, and New Zealand, Pacific councils, interlocked and dominated by the Institutes of International Affairs, were set up.

In England, Chatham House served as the English center for both nets, while in the United States the two were parallel creations (not subordinate) of the Wall Street allies of the Morgan Bank. The financing came from the same international banking groups and their subsidiary commercial and industrial firms.

In England, Chatham House was financed for both networks by the contributions of Sir Abe Bailey, the Astor family, and additional funds largely acquired by the persuasive powers of Lionel Curtis. The financial difficulties of the IPR Councils in the British Dominions in the depression of 1929-1935 resulted in a very revealing effort to save money, when the local Institute of International Affairs absorbed the local Pacific Council, both of which were, in a way, expensive and needless fronts for the local Round Table groups.

The chief aims of this elaborate, semi-secret organization were largely commendable: to coordinate the international activities and outlooks of all the English-speaking world into one (which would largely, it is true, be that of the London group); to work to maintain the peace; to help backward, colonial, and underdeveloped areas to advance toward stability, law and order, and prosperity along lines somewhat similar to those taught at Oxford and the University of London (especially the School of Economics and the Schools of African and Oriental Studies).

These organizations and their financial backers were in no sense reactionary or Fascistic persons, as Communist propaganda would like to depict them. Quite the contrary.

They were gracious and cultured gentlemen of somewhat limited social experience who were much concerned with the freedom of expression of minorities and the rule of law for all, who constantly thought in terms of Anglo-American solidarity, of political partition and federation, and who were convinced that they could gracefully civilize the Boers of South Africa, the Irish, the Arabs, and the Hindus, and who are largely responsible for the partitions of Ireland, Palestine, and India, as well as the federations of South Africa, Central Africa, and the West Indies.

Their desire to win over the opposition by cooperation worked with Smuts but failed with Hertzog, worked with Gandhi but failed with Menon, worked with Stresemann but failed with Hitler, and has shown little chance of working with any Soviet leader. If their failures now loom larger than their successes, this should not be allowed to conceal the high motives with which they attempted both.

It was this group of people, whose wealth and influence so exceeded their experience and understanding, who provided much of the frame-work of influence which the Communist sympathizers and fellow travelers took over in the United States in the 1930's.

It must be recognized that the power that these energetic Left-wingers exercised was never their own power or Communist power but was ultimately the power of the international financial coterie, and, once the anger and suspicions of the American people were aroused, as they were by 1950, it was a fairly simple matter to get rid of the Red sympathizers.

Before this could be done, however, a congressional committee, following backward to their source the threads which led from admitted Communists like Whittaker Chamber, through Alger Hiss, and the Carnegie Endowment to Thomas Lamont and the Morgan Bank, fell into the whole complicated network of the interlocking tax-exempt foundations.

The Eighty-third Congress in July 1953 set up a Special Committee to investigate Tax-Exempt Foundations with Representative B. Carroll Reece of Tennessee, as chairman. It soon became clear that people of immense wealth would be unhappy if the investigation went too far and that the "most respected" newspapers in the country, closely allied with these men of wealth, would not get excited enough about any revelations to make the publicity worth while, in terms of votes or campaign contributions.

An interesting report showing the Left-wing associations of the interlocking nexus of tax-exempt foundations was issued in 1954 rather quietly. Four years later, the Reece committee's general counsel, Rene A. Wormser wrote a shocked, but not shocking, book on the subject called Foundations: Their Power and Influence.

One of the most interesting members of this Anglo-American power structure was Jerome D. Greene (1874-1959). Born in Japan of missionary parents, Greene graduated from Harvard's college and law school by 1899 and became secretary to Harvard's president and corporation in 1901-1910. This gave him contacts with Wall Street which made him general manager of the Rockefeller Institute (1910-1012), assistant to John d. Rockefeller in philanthropic work for two years, then trustee to the Rockefeller Institute, to the Rockefeller foundation, and to the Rockefeller General Education Board until 1939.

For fifteen years (1917-1932) he was with the Boston investment banking firm of Lee, Higginson, and Company, most of the period as its chief officer, as well as with its London branch. As executive secretary of the American section of the Allied Maritime Transport Council, stationed in London in 1918, he lived in Toynbee Hall, the world's first settlement house, which has been founded by Alfred Milner and his friends in 1984.

This brought him in contact with the Round Table Group in England, a contact which was strengthened in 1919 when he was secretary to the Reparations Commission at the Paris Peace Conference. Accordingly, on his return to the United States he was one of the early figures in the establishment of the Council on Foreign Relations, which served as the New York branch of Lionel Curtis's Institute of International Affairs.

As an investment banker, Greene is chiefly remembered for his sales of millions of dollars of the fraudulent securities of the Swedish match king, Ivar Kreuger. That Greene offered these to the American investing public in good faith is evident from the fact that he put a substantial part of his own fortune in the same investments. As a consequence, Kreuger's suicide in Paris in April 1932 left Greene with little money and no job. He wrote to Lionel Curtis, asking for help, and was given, for two years, a professorship of international relations at Aberystwyth, Wales."

Now you can go a hell of a lot deeper then this on these topics, buts its so far out the remit of most people not only is it a waste of time, but you end up bringing trouble in your own direction.

Its a catch 22 because on the one hand to change any of this the common person needs to learn about the world around him, but if you go down the path of trying to do that the common man and the system will ruin you.


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One thing i learned growing up and discussing politics with family members let alone friends or strangers is that individuals only have certain capacity to understand. If you go outside of their capacity, that the information then seems crazy and outlandish to them.

That means that when it comes to politics in order to gain any traction with people in general i have to keep this discussion relatively simple.

Its a bit like discussing "freemasonry" with someone who doesn't even know they exist. Everything you say to them is going to sound crazy and they will be entirely dismissive of you, its a waste of time.

So for example the video you posted about the council of foreign relations. There was an american professor named Carrol Quigley who wrote two books when he was given access for two years to records library of the American congress. He details why things like the council of foreign relations was set up.

He was also a teacher and mentor to Rhodes scholar bill Clinton. This is bill Clinton paying his respects to Carrol Quigley. In Cecil Rhodes wills the scholarships were to pay for great minds education to aid in furthering the British empire.

This extract is taken from his book tragedy and hope. He books basically point out how an international anglophile network is out there trying to create a world government in which the Anglo-American establishment dominates. He also declared himself as part of this network in his own books.

There does exist, and has existed for a generation, an international Anglophile network which operates, to some extent, in the way the radical Right believes the Communists act. In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table Group has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, of any other groups, and frequently does so.

I know of the operations of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960's, to examine its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims and have, for much of my life, been close to it and to many of its instruments.

I have objected, but in the past and recently, to a few of its policies (notably to its belief that England was an Atlantic rather than a European Power and must be allied, or even federated, with the United States and must remain isolated from Europe), but in general my chief difference of opinion is that it wished to remain unknown, and I believe its role in history is significant enough to be known.

The Round Table Groups have already been mentioned in this book several times, notably in connection with the formation of the British Commonwealth in chapter 4 and in the discussion of appeasement in chapter 12 ("the Cliveden Set").

At the risk of some repetition, the story will be summarized here, because the American branch of this oganization (sometimes called the "Eastern Establishment") has played a very significant role in the history of the United States in the last generation.

The Round Table Groups were semi-secret discussion and lobbying groups organized by Lionel Curtis, Philip H. Kerr (Lord Lothian), and (Sir) William S. Marris in 1908-1911. This was done on behalf of Lord Milner, the dominant Trustee of the Rhodes Trust in the two decades 1905-1925.

The original purpose of these groups was to seek to federate the English-speaking world along lines laid down by Cecil Rhodes (1853-1902) and William T. Stead, (1840-1912), and the money for the organizational work came originally from the Rhodes Trust.

By 1915 Round Table groups existed in seven countries, including England, South Africa, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India, and a rather loosely organized group in the United States (George Louis Beer, Walter Lippman, Frank Avdelotte, Whitney Shepardson, Thomas W. Lamont, Jerome D. Greene, Erwin D. Canham of the Christian Science Monitor, and others).

The attitudes of the various groups were coordinated by frequent visits and discussions and by a well-informed and totally anonymous quarterly magazine, The Round Table, whose first issue, largely written by Philip Kerr, appeared in November 1910.

The leaders of this group were: Milner, until his death in 1915, followed by Curtis (1872-1955), Robert H. (Lord) Brand -- brother-in-law of Lady Astor -- until his death in 1963, and now Adam D. Marris, son of Sir William and Brand's successor as managing director of Lazard Brothers bank. The original intention had been to have collegial leadership, but Milner was too secretive and headstrong to share the role.

He did so only in the period 1913-1919 when he held regular meetings with some of his closest friends to coordinate their activities as a pressure group in the struggle with Wilhelmine Germany. This they called their "Ginger Group". After Milner's death in 1925, the leadership was largely shared by the survivors of Milner's 'Kindergarten', that is, the group of young Oxford men whom he used as civil servants in his reconstruction of South Africa in 1901-1910.

Brand was the last survivor of the "Kindergarten", since his death, the greatly reduced activities of the organization have been exercised largely through the Editorial Committee of The Round Table magazine under Adam Marris.

Money for the widely ramified activities of this organization came originally from the associates and followers of Cecil Rhodes, chiefly from the Rhodes Trust itself, and from wealthy associates such as the Beit brothers, from Sir Abe Bailey, and (after 1915) from the Astor family.

Since 1925 there have been substantial contributions from wealthy individuals and from foundations and firms associated with the international banking fraternity, especially the Carnegie United Kingdom Trust, and other organizations associated with J.P. Morgan, the Rockefeller and Whitney families, and the associates of Lazard Brothers and of Morgan, Grenfell, and Company.

The chief backbone of this organization grew up along the already existing financial cooperation running from the Morgan Bank in New York to a group of international financiers in London led by Lazard Brothers.

Milner himself in 1901 had refused a fabulous offer, worth up to 100,000 a year, to become one of the three partners of the Morgan Bank in London, in succession to the younger J.P. Morgan who moved from London to join his father in New York (eventually the vacancy went to E.C. Grenfell, so that the London affiliate of Morgan became known as Morgan, Grenfell, and Company).

Instead, Milner became director of a number of public banks, chiefly the London Joint Stock Bank, corporate precursor of the Midland Bank. He became one of the greatest political and financial powers in England, with his disciples strategically placed throughout England in significant places, such as the editorship of The Times, the editorship of The Observer, the managing directorship of Lazard Brothers, various administrative posts, and even Cabinet positions.

Ramifications were established in politics, high finance, Oxford and London universities, periodicals, the civil service, and tax exempt foundations.

At the end of the war of 1914, it became clear that the organization of this system had to be greatly extended. Once again the task was entrusted to Lionel Curtis who established, in England and each dominion, a front organization to the existing local Round Table Group.

This front organization, called the royal Institute of International Affairs, had as its nucleus in each area the existing submerged Round Table Group. In New York it was known as the Council on Foreign Relations and was a front for J.P. Morgan and Company in association with the very small American Round Table Group.

The American organizers were dominated by the large number of Morgan "experts", including Lamont and Beer, who had gone to the Paris Peace Conference and there became close friends with the similar group of English "experts" which had been recruited by the Milner group.

In fact, the original plans for the Royal Institute of International Affairs and the Council on Foreign Relations were drawn up at Paris.

The Council of the RIIA (which, by Curtis's energy came to be housed in Chatham House, across St. James's Square from the Astors, and was soon known by the name of the headquarters) and the board of the Council on Foreign Relations have carried ever since the marks of their origin.

Until 1960 the council at Chatham House was dominated by the dwindling group of Milner's associates, while the paid staff members were largely the agents of Lionel Curtis. The Round Table for years (until 1960) was edited from the back door of Chatham House grounds in Ormond Yard, and its telephone came through the Chatham House switchboard.

The New York branch was dominated by the associates of the Morgan Bank. For example, in 1928 the Council on Foreign relations had John W. Davis as president, Paul Cravath as vice-president, and a council of thirteen others, which included Owen D. Young, russell C. Leffingwell, Norman Davis, Allen Dulles, George W. Wickersham, Frank L. Polk, Whitney Shepardson, Isaiah Bowman, Stephen P. Duggan, and Otto Kahn.

Throughout its history, the council has been associated with the American Round Tablers, such as Beer, Lippmann, Shepardson, and Jerome Greene.

The academic figures have been those linked to Morgan, such as James T. Shotwell, Charles Seymour, Joseph P. Chamberlain, Philip Jessup, Isaiah Bowman and, more recently, Philip Moseley, Grayson L. Kirk, and Henry W. Wriston.

The Wall Street contracts with these were created originally from Morgan's influence in handling large academic endowments. In the case of the largest of these endowments, that at Harvard, the influence was usually exercised indirectly through "State Street", Boston, which, for much of the twentieth century, came through the Boston banker Thomas Nelson Perkins.

Closely allied with this Morgan influence were a small group of Wall Street law firms, whose chief figures were Elihu Root, John W. Davis, Paul D. Cravath, Russell Leffingwell, the Dulles brothers and, more recently, Arthur H. Dean, Philip D. Reed, and John J. McCloy. Other nonlegal agents of Morgan included men like Owen D. Young and Norman H. Davis.

On this basis, which was originally financial and goes back to George Peabody, there grew up in the twentieth century a power structure between London and New York which penetrated deeply into university life, the press, and the practice of foreign policy.

In England the center was the Round Table Group, while in the United States it was J.P. Morgan and Company or its local branches in Boston, Philadelphia, and Cleveland.

Some rather incidental examples of the operations of this structure are very revealing, just because they are incidental. For example, it set up in Princeton a reasonable copy of the Round Table Group's chief Oxford headquarters, All Souls College.

This copy, called the Institute for Advanced Study, and best known, perhaps, as the refuge of Einstein, Oppenheimer, John von Neumann, and George F. Kennan, was organized by Abraham Flexner of the Carnegie Foundation and Rockefeller's General Education Board after he had experienced the delights of All Souls while serving as Rhodes Memorial Lecturer at Oxford. The plans were largely drawn by Tom Jones, one of the Round Table's most active intriguers and foundation administrators.

The American branch of this "English Establishment" exerted much of its influence through five American newspapers (The New York Times, New York Herald Tribune, Christian Science Monitor, the Washington Post, and the lamented Boston Evening Transcript )

In fact, the editor of the Christian Science Monitor was the chief American correspondent (anonymously) of The Round Table, and Lord Lothian, the original editor of The Round Table and later secretary of the Rhodes Trust (1925-1939) and ambassador to Washington, was a frequent writer in the Monitor.

It might be mentioned that the existence of this Wall Street Anglo-American axis is quite obvious once it is pointed out.

It is reflected in the fact that such Wall Street luminaries as John W. Davis, Lewis Douglas, Jock Whitney, and Douglas Dillon were appointed to be American ambassadors in London.

This double international network in which the Round Table groups formed the semi-secret or secret nuclei of the Institutes of International Affairs was extended into a third network in 1935, organized by the same people for the same motives.

Once again the mastermind was Lionel Curtis, and the earlier Round Table Groups and Institutes of International Affairs were used as nuclei for the new network.

However, this new organization for Pacific affairs was extended to ten countries, while the Round Table Groups existed only in seven. The new additions, ultimately China, Japan, France, the Netherlands, and Soviet Russia, had Pacific councils set up from scratch.

In Canada, australia, and New Zealand, Pacific councils, interlocked and dominated by the Institutes of International Affairs, were set up.

In England, Chatham House served as the English center for both nets, while in the United States the two were parallel creations (not subordinate) of the Wall Street allies of the Morgan Bank. The financing came from the same international banking groups and their subsidiary commercial and industrial firms.

In England, Chatham House was financed for both networks by the contributions of Sir Abe Bailey, the Astor family, and additional funds largely acquired by the persuasive powers of Lionel Curtis. The financial difficulties of the IPR Councils in the British Dominions in the depression of 1929-1935 resulted in a very revealing effort to save money, when the local Institute of International Affairs absorbed the local Pacific Council, both of which were, in a way, expensive and needless fronts for the local Round Table groups.

The chief aims of this elaborate, semi-secret organization were largely commendable: to coordinate the international activities and outlooks of all the English-speaking world into one (which would largely, it is true, be that of the London group); to work to maintain the peace; to help backward, colonial, and underdeveloped areas to advance toward stability, law and order, and prosperity along lines somewhat similar to those taught at Oxford and the University of London (especially the School of Economics and the Schools of African and Oriental Studies).

These organizations and their financial backers were in no sense reactionary or Fascistic persons, as Communist propaganda would like to depict them. Quite the contrary.

They were gracious and cultured gentlemen of somewhat limited social experience who were much concerned with the freedom of expression of minorities and the rule of law for all, who constantly thought in terms of Anglo-American solidarity, of political partition and federation, and who were convinced that they could gracefully civilize the Boers of South Africa, the Irish, the Arabs, and the Hindus, and who are largely responsible for the partitions of Ireland, Palestine, and India, as well as the federations of South Africa, Central Africa, and the West Indies.

Their desire to win over the opposition by cooperation worked with Smuts but failed with Hertzog, worked with Gandhi but failed with Menon, worked with Stresemann but failed with Hitler, and has shown little chance of working with any Soviet leader. If their failures now loom larger than their successes, this should not be allowed to conceal the high motives with which they attempted both.

It was this group of people, whose wealth and influence so exceeded their experience and understanding, who provided much of the frame-work of influence which the Communist sympathizers and fellow travelers took over in the United States in the 1930's.

It must be recognized that the power that these energetic Left-wingers exercised was never their own power or Communist power but was ultimately the power of the international financial coterie, and, once the anger and suspicions of the American people were aroused, as they were by 1950, it was a fairly simple matter to get rid of the Red sympathizers.

Before this could be done, however, a congressional committee, following backward to their source the threads which led from admitted Communists like Whittaker Chamber, through Alger Hiss, and the Carnegie Endowment to Thomas Lamont and the Morgan Bank, fell into the whole complicated network of the interlocking tax-exempt foundations.

The Eighty-third Congress in July 1953 set up a Special Committee to investigate Tax-Exempt Foundations with Representative B. Carroll Reece of Tennessee, as chairman. It soon became clear that people of immense wealth would be unhappy if the investigation went too far and that the "most respected" newspapers in the country, closely allied with these men of wealth, would not get excited enough about any revelations to make the publicity worth while, in terms of votes or campaign contributions.

An interesting report showing the Left-wing associations of the interlocking nexus of tax-exempt foundations was issued in 1954 rather quietly. Four years later, the Reece committee's general counsel, Rene A. Wormser wrote a shocked, but not shocking, book on the subject called Foundations: Their Power and Influence.

One of the most interesting members of this Anglo-American power structure was Jerome D. Greene (1874-1959). Born in Japan of missionary parents, Greene graduated from Harvard's college and law school by 1899 and became secretary to Harvard's president and corporation in 1901-1910. This gave him contacts with Wall Street which made him general manager of the Rockefeller Institute (1910-1012), assistant to John d. Rockefeller in philanthropic work for two years, then trustee to the Rockefeller Institute, to the Rockefeller foundation, and to the Rockefeller General Education Board until 1939.

For fifteen years (1917-1932) he was with the Boston investment banking firm of Lee, Higginson, and Company, most of the period as its chief officer, as well as with its London branch. As executive secretary of the American section of the Allied Maritime Transport Council, stationed in London in 1918, he lived in Toynbee Hall, the world's first settlement house, which has been founded by Alfred Milner and his friends in 1984.

This brought him in contact with the Round Table Group in England, a contact which was strengthened in 1919 when he was secretary to the Reparations Commission at the Paris Peace Conference. Accordingly, on his return to the United States he was one of the early figures in the establishment of the Council on Foreign Relations, which served as the New York branch of Lionel Curtis's Institute of International Affairs.

As an investment banker, Greene is chiefly remembered for his sales of millions of dollars of the fraudulent securities of the Swedish match king, Ivar Kreuger. That Greene offered these to the American investing public in good faith is evident from the fact that he put a substantial part of his own fortune in the same investments. As a consequence, Kreuger's suicide in Paris in April 1932 left Greene with little money and no job. He wrote to Lionel Curtis, asking for help, and was given, for two years, a professorship of international relations at Aberystwyth, Wales."

Now you can go a hell of a lot deeper then this on these topics, buts its so far out the remit of most people not only is it a waste of time, but you end up bringing trouble in your own direction.

Its a catch 22 because on the one hand to change any of this the common person needs to learn about the world around him, but if you go down the path of trying to do that the common man and the system will ruin you.

Yup..."going down the rabbit hole" phenomenon as I call it. A definite catch 22 as you put it.

I've lost track of number of times I've told a "leftie" or "rightie" they are being used against each other (by the powerful)....but to no avail most of the time, they are too invested in what they've gotten addicted to.

Many prefer to mistrust and fight each other....just for the rush they get from having mistrust and fighting over it in some manic manichaeism (we are good and you are bad) as I call it.

The powerful make serious hay on this like they always have. I have seen it in action and consequence with my own eyes.

It just drives you crazy if you dwell on it too much, so I've stopped caring too much about it.

The whole thing takes geopolitical contours too naturally....the powerful and weak and false (but potent) dichotomies used to prevent the latter from waking up and genuinely challenging the former.

Anyway Turkiye is in its own unique situation geopolitically and is being taken advantage of and I sense it is falling for lot of these traps set by the WASP elite of DC (whom I have my own direct experiences with as to their corrupted psyche).

Let us hope another like Ataturk comes soon, cannot come soon enough. Near century has passed, its time. Turkiye needs its genuine anchoring again, it cannot be one that is adrift and forgets what it is.


Experienced member
18 9,597
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United Kingdom
Man, reading this stuff makes one angry. All I want is a strong Türkiye without traitors and ICBM to deliver Nukes. Only then I know, that Türkiye is safe.
What do you think will be the future of this Country?

I feel in many ways Turkiye is in trouble.

If we look at it regionally, we can see both the USA and Russia working together in Syria against us. Outside of these two we always see the EU work to undermine us. When our troops were bombed by Russians and they were going to assault idlib that would have caused another 4 million refugees fleeing to Turkey, the EU was threatening us with sanctions and embargoes if we react to it. They were siding with assad, iran and russia against us. Erdogan even had to threaten the EU not to call it an invasion otherwise he was not going to hold onto refugees any longer.

When we expand this we can see greece is being used by america, isreal and the EU to cheat Turkey from her regional maritime rights, other arab lackeys like sisi and the gulf states are allied against us in this matter. The greek attempted annexation of cyprus was to cut Turkish sea acess.

When it comes to cyprus the greeks attempted the genocide and the illegal annexation of the island, when it came to voting for peace and reunification like in 2004 annan referendum, Turks voted in favour and the greeks against it. And who did the EU reward, they rewarded the greeks and ever since then the greeks have had an easier ride and the Turkish cypriots have continued to suffer.

When we look at armenia an ally of Russia, the international order works to support armenia against us. The genocide accusations are all part of a bribing game against Turkey and a way to slander Turks. But ultimately it was about claiming eastern Turkey for armenia. As pashinyon once said about the treaty of sevres being the basis for a greater armenia. Get the world to recognise the allegations by bribing them and financing politicians and other groups, then pressure Turkey to recognise it and after that to claim lands and compensation. This is why Armenia was support against Azerbaijan by the west despite Armenia being totally in the wrong.

Then when we look in the immediate region we have Iran who for decades now has been invading surrounding nations with her shia terrorists proxies, all working to undermine Turkeys interests to her benefit. Isreal does the same with their support for the Kurdistan project.

Outside of this as witnessed during the Qatar world cup where international media compared Moroccan players holding their mothers to monkeys holding their babies, or being compared to isis because they held the finger up, or even things like claiming that messi wearing the arabic clothing ruined the entire world cup. We are witnessing a global agenda that wants to demonise Islam and Muslims. This agenda i feel hopes to in the long run criminalise the religion. Whether Turks like it or not in the western conscience even if tomorrow we all become atheists, they see us as the number one Islamic enemy. So every time Muslims are discredited and demonised it works against Turkish geopolitical interests. Its why i always say turning the Agia Sophia into a Mosque in an era where the west is working to show Muslims as fanatical and intolerant as well hateful of Christians, was one the dumbest things for a Turkish leader to do. Potentially we could go to war with greece tomorrow and we gave the greeks such an easy gift to show their western owners that Turks are the enemy.


We could go on and on. This is why i feel like Turkiye is in trouble.

But this is the lessor problem that we face. The major problem in Turkey is how ignorant the common person is. This ignorance allows literally enemies of the state to take leadership positions.

As we speak now nearly all political leaders are onboard with working towards federalising the state, after that will come autonomy and after that separation. What use are all these military developments if the politicians in charge are pulling the carpet from under the nation.

The simplest thing we can do is the moment a politicians shows himself affilating with the enemies of the state or working to attack Turkish culture and nationalism, the voter must completely discredit them.

But this is danger we face, the entire political spectrum is comprised.


Experienced member
18 9,597
Nation of residence
United Kingdom
Yup..."going down the rabbit hole" phenomenon as I call it. A definite catch 22 as you put it.

I've lost track of number of times I've told a "leftie" or "rightie" they are being used against each other (by the powerful)....but to no avail most of the time, they are too invested in what they've gotten addicted to.

Many prefer to mistrust and fight each other....just for the rush they get from having mistrust and fighting over it in some manic manichaeism (we are good and you are bad) as I call it.

The powerful make serious hay on this like they always have. I have seen it in action and consequence with my own eyes.

It just drives you crazy if you dwell on it too much, so I've stopped caring too much about it.

The whole thing takes geopolitical contours too naturally....the powerful and weak and false (but potent) dichotomies used to prevent the latter from waking up and genuinely challenging the former.

Anyway Turkiye is in its own unique situation geopolitically and is being taken advantage of and I sense it is falling for lot of these traps set by the WASP elite of DC (whom I have my own direct experiences with as to their corrupted psyche).

Let us hope another like Ataturk comes soon, cannot come soon enough. Near century has passed, its time. Turkiye needs its genuine anchoring again, it cannot be one that is adrift and forgets what it is.

All your points i agree with with the most potent one being the left vs right trap. Another thing that people seem to fail to understand that the liberals or conservatives as they have become today will both take us towards the same end, authoritarianism.

Liberalism used to mean personal freedom and freedom to think and talk. Conservatism used to be respect for traditions and culture. Now liberalism is basically the lunatic left mandating all sorts of craziness and if you don't agree you are an enemy that can be destroyed. While the conservatives tend to be racists who blame everything on the lunatic left, alien cultures, religions and that only what they think is the right path. Both terms have been hijacked and turned into something they are not.

As far as Ataturk is concerned, i was born in england and was never educated about Ataturk all i knew as a kid growing up was he won the independence war and founded Turkey. Everything i learned about Ataturk i learned on my own. I came away believing this man to be something insanely special and its my own personal conclusion that had he not existed, that maybe Turkey wouldnt exist today. Because i know the regional mindset, if we had been reduced to the treaty of sevres our neighbours would have pushed to take more.

But here i am in 2022 and i watch a big part of Turkey attack this man and what he represents. These are dark times for Turkiye.

Angry Turk !!!

5 1,259
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Nation of origin
I feel in many ways Turkiye is in trouble.

If we look at it regionally, we can see both the USA and Russia working together in Syria against us. Outside of these two we always see the EU work to undermine us. When our troops were bombed by Russians and they were going to assault idlib that would have caused another 4 million refugees fleeing to Turkiye, the EU was threatening us with sanctions and embargoes if we react to it. They were siding with assad, iran and russia against us. Erdogan even had to threaten the EU not to call it an invasion otherwise he was not going to hold onto refugees any longer.

When we expand this we can see greece is being used by america, isreal and the EU to cheat Turkiye from her regional maritime rights, other arab lackeys like sisi and the gulf states are allied against us in this matter. The greek attempted annexation of cyprus was to cut Turkish sea acess.

When it comes to cyprus the greeks attempted the genocide and the illegal annexation of the island, when it came to voting for peace and reunification like in 2004 annan referendum, Turks voted in favour and the greeks against it. And who did the EU reward, they rewarded the greeks and ever since then the greeks have had an easier ride and the Turkish cypriots have continued to suffer.

When we look at armenia an ally of Russia, the international order works to support armenia against us. The genocide accusations are all part of a bribing game against Turkiye and a way to slander Turks. But ultimately it was about claiming eastern Turkiye for armenia. As pashinyon once said about the treaty of sevres being the basis for a greater armenia. Get the world to recognise the allegations by bribing them and financing politicians and other groups, then pressure Turkiye to recognise it and after that to claim lands and compensation. This is why Armenia was support against Azerbaijan by the west despite Armenia being totally in the wrong.

Then when we look in the immediate region we have Iran who for decades now has been invading surrounding nations with her shia terrorists proxies, all working to undermine Turkeys interests to her benefit. Isreal does the same with their support for the Kurdistan project.

Outside of this as witnessed during the Qatar world cup where international media compared Moroccan players holding their mothers to monkeys holding their babies, or being compared to isis because they held the finger up, or even things like claiming that messi wearing the arabic clothing ruined the entire world cup. We are witnessing a global agenda that wants to demonise Islam and Muslims. This agenda i feel hopes to in the long run criminalise the religion. Whether Turks like it or not in the western conscience even if tomorrow we all become atheists, they see us as the number one Islamic enemy. So every time Muslims are discredited and demonised it works against Turkish geopolitical interests. Its why i always say turning the Agia Sophia into a Mosque in an era where the west is working to show Muslims as fanatical and intolerant as well hateful of Christians, was one the dumbest things for a Turkish leader to do. Potentially we could go to war with greece tomorrow and we gave the greeks such an easy gift to show their western owners that Turks are the enemy.


We could go on and on. This is why i feel like Turkiye is in trouble.

But this is the lessor problem that we face. The major problem in Turkiye is how ignorant the common person is. This ignorance allows literally enemies of the state to take leadership positions.

As we speak now nearly all political leaders are onboard with working towards federalising the state, after that will come autonomy and after that separation. What use are all these military developments if the politicians in charge are pulling the carpet from under the nation.

The simplest thing we can do is the moment a politicians shows himself affilating with the enemies of the state or working to attack Turkish culture and nationalism, the voter must completely discredit them.

But this is danger we face, the entire political spectrum is comprised.
The situation seems to be truly f... up.

The tiny bit of knowledge I have about geopolitics is that only ABSOLUTE power means something in this World. Meaning, you're able to kill millions with one hit (Nukes). This gives you the best chance of having your Country intact and not be invaded by multiple countries.

Look at the Ukraine-Russia war, besides some hits here and there, nothing in Russia gets bombed.


Because if there would be a full hot war with NATO, one side will lose and the losing side that has the power to kill millions will use that ability with a 99% certainty.

What I want to say is, as long as Türkiye doesn't have ICBMs with Nukes on it, its Future is unsafe.

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