As everyone can see, both sides will once again fight for the HDP votes. Its a necessity to win the elections.
The question is how this will be received by the nationalistic junior partners of the AKP (MHP) and CHP (IYI).
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Yes, this is exactly the situation. One side is trying to get the brother of the terrorist leader Öcalan to say 'O pkk sympathizers, look, solution process is over but they are actually not that nationalist as you think' during the election week, (there is even more: why isn't the Hdp shut down? They didn't even cut the election funds. While the party called Hdp is involved in so many crimes that it cannot continue its political life in any country in Europe, what is happening in Turkiye should not be called political freedom) while the other side is at the point of a new multi-identity constitution, a new 'democratic' state order and another solution process one election later.
As everyone can see, both sides will once again fight for the HDP votes. Its a necessity to win the elections.
The question is how this will be received by the nationalistic junior partners of the AKP (MHP) and CHP (IYI).
His smirk is the eeriest thing in the world. God save us if he becomes the Foreign Minister again.Then davutoglu must be prime Minister again. ( Or another vice president, whatever)
I loved some of his academic works back then!( when I was a teenager )
- Silahlı kuvvetler ve güvenlik güçlerimizin yıllara sari ihtiyaç projeksiyonlarını özel sektör ile paylaşarak, KOBİ’ler başta olmak üzere savunma sanayii şirketlerimizin geleceğe yönelik yatırım yapabilmelerinin önünü açacak, ana sistem ve alt sistem bazında birbirlerini destekleyen, geliştiren ve büyüten bir ekosistem yaratacağız.
- Türk Silahlı Kuvvetlerini Güçlendirme Vakfı ve bağlı şirketlerini yeniden yapılandıracak, Vakıf yönetimini siyasi etkilerden arındıracak, Vakıf kaynaklarının kullanımını şeffaf bir şekilde kamuoyu ile paylaşacağız.
- Savunma sanayiinde faaliyet gösteren vakıf şirketlerinin, denetlenebilir, ölçülebilir, performans ve verimlilik değerlendirmesine açık, liyakat esaslı, stratejik ve profesyonel yönetime uygun ilkeler çerçevesinde çalışmasını sağlayacağız.
- Vakıf Şirketlerinin tedarikte çoğunlukla tek kaynak olarak görevlendirilmesi nedeniyle ortaya çıkan/çıkacak mahsurları giderecek, küçük-orta girişimcilerin de yer alabileceği projeler ve teşviklerle gelecek nesil teknolojilerinin gelişimini destekleyeceğiz.
- MKEK’nu yeniden yapılandıracak, patlayıcı, konvansiyonel silah ve mühimmatta yurtdışı bağımlılığı sıfırlayacağız.
- Büyük tedarik projelerini, kuvvet yapısı ve kuvvet planlamasını bozmayacak şekilde somut güvenlik ortam ve ihtiyacına uygun olarak, ülkenin dış politikası ile çelişmeyen bir biçimde yöneteceğiz.
- Geliştirme takvimleri sürekli sarkan Milli Muharip Uçak, Jet Eğitim Uçağı, Altay Tankı, TF 2000 Firkateyni, 4G ve 5G baz istasyonu ve ağ alt yapısı, askeri gözetleme ve iletişim uyduları ve benzeri projelerin gerçekçi şekilde hayata geçirilmesi ve tamamen yerlileştirilmesi için ayrı ve özel bir bütçe oluşturacak, gerekli uzman personel tahsisini gerçekleştireceğiz
- Altay Tankı’nda motor tedarik sürecini tamamlayacak, buna paralel olarak hava, kara ve deniz platformlarında büyük ihtiyaç duyulan yerli motor çalışmalarını başlatacak, yerli uçak ve tank çalışmalarını büyük bir seferberlikle sürdürecek ve başarıya ulaşt
Just like the CHP's "special budget" they say. It is so funny since they cant even givean approximate % at thevery least for how much they are going to provideWhen?
There should have been a schedule or a deadline with these statements. What are you going to say if you don't succeed in 5 years ? Or you gonna say "Dıj Güjler" like akp retards ?
You skipped the part of "Seperate". They said "Seperate and Special funding " for those specific projects.f you read their promises, you will fin out that they promised a "special budget" for Hurjet even though it wasnt a state sponsored program in the first place; which is supposed to be a common fact considering the dozens of public interviews Temil Kotil had performed.
Yeah, though it will score points. They all do it.I must say
The CHP isnt pulling anything back with the propaganda. Now that their prospects fo winning the elections are higher than ever, they are betting everything on it. He is trying to bring as much votes as possible
The tent where Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu will stay in the earthquake zone:
Even though they are the same man, loool
Why not Umit Ozdağ himself ?!Zafer Party Leader Ümit Özdağ announced that their Presidential candidate is Sinan Oğan. May it be auspicious for our country.
AKP is truly becoming desperateHUDAPAR joined AKPs alliance. HUDAPAR is basically an Islamic HDP. The difference is HUDAPAR is pro sharia while HDP is secular.
Yeah, Welfare Party is in negotiations with AKP. They are putting forward several conditions for joining.AKP is truly becoming desperate
They are on their knees and none of these parties will help
I even heard rumors that the welfare party will join the alliance; dont know if such rumors are true or not
I did little research on Zafer party and realized one of our experienced members here carry the party symbol in his profile picture.Zafer Party Leader Ümit Özdağ announced that their Presidential candidate is Sinan Oğan. May it be auspicious for our country.