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Don't know why but I have a feeling that, a new government is probably going to abandon the cooperative model and adopt the policy of more direct sells. ( French style )

And the current enthusiasm to cooperate with South East Asian countries ( we heard a great deal from Turkish ambassadors and Foreign minister about about ToT and joint production ) like Bangladesh and Malaysia will probably fade away. ( given there is not much economic gains in cooperative model, rather it was a foreign policy adaptation by Erdogan government considering long term geopolitics from their perspective )

In that sense, Turkey will become just another supplier, not the industry partner that we were eager to see.
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@TheInsider @dBSPL don't know why but I have a feeling that, a new government is probably going to abandon the cooperative model and adopt the policy of more direct sells. ( French style )

And the current enthusiasm to cooperate with South East Asian countries ( we heard a great deal from Turkish ambassadors and Foreign minister about about ToT and joint production ) like Bangladesh and Malaysia will probably fade away. ( given there is not much economic gains in cooperative model, rather it was a foreign policy adaptation by Erdogan government considering long term geopolitics from their perspective )

In that sense, Turkey will become just another supplier, not the industry partner that we were eager to see.
Bro, we all know that in the world of politics shit happens. Yesterday’s best buddies turn against each other just like that. I give you that.
But what you foresee is kind of far fetched. How do you come to such a conclusion ?
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Wow, there is lot of serious discussions going on. But given the topic of defence industry has already came up, I am curious to know how avarage Turkish people feels about it.

Given, last decade was an astonishing success for the industry, is public also feels equally enthusiastic about it? How high is general awareness on the subject matter?

Do they prioritize it on other national achievements? Does success in defence industry overshadow other problems?
@dBSPL @what et al.
Not that much.

There a few reasons.

1-) Back in time, like in 2012 we heard Altay Tanks, Atak Helikopter, Milgem, Anka UAV for the first it hyped people much at that time, because it was kinda like for the first time that Turkey produced platforms. Over time it kinda became norm. People used to it.

2-) Unemployment and Economic Crsis became a catastrophe, they over shadow. Big projects or defence industry achievement. No one cares that much anymore. Also, people came to understand these projects, make government officials and contractors very rich with corruption.


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Bro, we all know that in the world of politics s*** happens. Yesterday’s best buddies turn against each other just like that. I give you that.
But what you foresee is kind of far fetched. How do you come to such a conclusion ?
Far fetched? I am not sure, is it?

Of course, I hope it doesn't come to reality. And maybe I am just wrong given I don't have sufficient knowledge about current opposition party's foreign policy thinking to derive such conclusion confidently.

However, the way i am thinking is,

1.From a neutral perspective, Cooperative model is actually economically less productive. ( Given joint production and ToT )

2. Current rulling party's Ideology influenced the foreign policy to adapt the cooperative model in defence industry with countries like BD given their conservative and right wing perspective on international geopolitics ( rather than choosing the more economically viable direct sell model like French style )

So, given current opposition has completely different ideology, naturally their take on geopolitics and foreign policy would be different. And that likely to influence the defence Cooperation model.

Maybe @dBSPL can help us to shade more light on the topic.
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And if somebody says "A political party will destroy Turkish Defence Industry", it's just bad black propaganda. You need to be a retard to believe that.

We know how leaders of CHP praised Baykar on multiple occasions. People in general don't buy this propaganda. Because reason is Erdogan said if they lose the munucipality elections, CHP woudl bring their terrorists to municapality and terrorists will come to your door with AK's"

As much as it sounds crazy this was said, CHP won the elections and AKP voters saw that Erdogan was lying to them. This is the same propaganda as in 2019.


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( rather than choosing the more economically viable direct sell model like French style )
This is not something that can be looked on in a vacuum. World's changing. Nowadays with cheap Chinese electronics and other components being mostly off commercial off the shelf, most countries try to do earn something more than just the platform. They want to be able to service it themselves for starters. That's why Baykar found great success.

Now you have Korea giving out naval designs to Indonesia for them to build, UAE and other gulf countries not just buying stuff wholesale but looking to get as much as they can in regards to a platform, France offering license build agreements to India for submarines and many more. Customers want more.


USA Correspondent
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This is not something that can be looked on in a vacuum. World's changing. Nowadays with cheap Chinese electronics and other components being mostly off commercial off the shelf, most countries try to do earn something more than just the platform. They want to be able to service it themselves for starters. That's why Baykar found great success.

Now you have Korea giving out naval designs to Indonesia for them to build, UAE and other gulf countries not just buying stuff wholesale but looking to get as much as they can in regards to a platform, France offering license build agreements to India for submarines and many more. Customers want more.
On top of that, @Afif you are thinking more of a text book definition of the opposition party wrt its ideology.
Yes, they are leaning to the left but they are not exactly Germany’s Greens or Scandinavian style social democrats ;)

In fact, they‘re more driven by Ataturk’s principles and adopted them as their official guidelines and if you knew Ataturk you know that he was a hero to all nations under the yoke of colonialism back in the day. That sentiment is intact to this day and not limited to that party.

Listen to us. As if elections were held they are already there :LOL:


DefenceHub Diplomat
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I'm posting the "Defense Industry" section of "Consensus Text"(Mutabakat Metni) of the Table of Six. The translation is at the bottom half. Maybe we should discuss these written documents instead of reading intentions of said politicans. There are specifics about some companies and some projects provided in the text.

Savunma Sanayii

  1. Savunma sanayimizi çok daha ileri bir noktaya taşıyarak, ülkemizin savunma sanayii alanındaki dışa bağımlılığını azaltacak, çift kullanımlı ileri endüstriyel teknolojilerin gelişimine öncülük yapacak bir ekosistem oluşturacak, silahlı kuvvetlerimizin operasyonel gücünü ve caydırıcılığını artıracak ve yüksek katma değerli ihracatı geliştireceğiz.
  2. Savunma sanayii ile ilgili kamu kurum ve kuruluşlarındaki siyasi nitelikli atamalar ve nepotizm uygulamalarını sonlandıracak, bu kurum ve kuruluşların liyakat ve uzmanlık esaslı çalışmasını sağlayacağız.
  3. Savunma sanayiinde yetki ve sorumlulukları Savunma Sanayii Başkanlığı’nda toplayacak, şeffaf, hesap sorulabilir ve siyasi etkilerden arındırılmış bir yapı oluşturacağız.
  4. Savunma Sanayii İcra Komitesi’ne Kuvvet Komutanlarının da katılmasını sağlayacağız.
  5. Savunma Sanayii Başkanlığı’yla birlikte savunma sanayi alanında faaliyet gösteren diğer kurum, kuruluş ve vakıf şirketleri ile özel firmalar arasında sinerji, işbirliği ve eşgüdüm yaratacak mekanizmaları oluşturacağız.
  6. Savunma Sanayiinde özel sektörün önünü açacak ve sektörde adil rekabeti sağlayacağız.
  7. Özel sektörün savunma sanayi ihalelerine hükümete yakın/uzak şeklinde sınıflandırılmadan, kayırmacılıktan uzak, şeffaf ve sadeleştirilmiş bürokratik süreçlerle katılımını sağlayacak, denetimlerde de aynı ilkelerin uygulanmasını temin edeceğiz.
  8. Silahlı kuvvetler ve güvenlik güçlerimizin yıllara sari ihtiyaç projeksiyonlarını özel sektör ile paylaşarak, KOBİ’ler başta olmak üzere savunma sanayii şirketlerimizin geleceğe yönelik yatırım yapabilmelerinin önünü açacak, ana sistem ve alt sistem bazında birbirlerini destekleyen, geliştiren ve büyüten bir ekosistem yaratacağız.
  9. Türk Silahlı Kuvvetlerini Güçlendirme Vakfı ve bağlı şirketlerini yeniden yapılandıracak, Vakıf yönetimini siyasi etkilerden arındıracak, Vakıf kaynaklarının kullanımını şeffaf bir şekilde kamuoyu ile paylaşacağız.
  10. Savunma sanayiinde faaliyet gösteren vakıf şirketlerinin, denetlenebilir, ölçülebilir, performans ve verimlilik değerlendirmesine açık, liyakat esaslı, stratejik ve profesyonel yönetime uygun ilkeler çerçevesinde çalışmasını sağlayacağız.
  11. Vakıf Şirketlerinin tedarikte çoğunlukla tek kaynak olarak görevlendirilmesi nedeniyle ortaya çıkan/çıkacak mahsurları giderecek, küçük-orta girişimcilerin de yer alabileceği projeler ve teşviklerle gelecek nesil teknolojilerinin gelişimini destekleyeceğiz.
  12. MKEK’nu yeniden yapılandıracak, patlayıcı, konvansiyonel silah ve mühimmatta yurtdışı bağımlılığı sıfırlayacağız.
  13. Büyük tedarik projelerini, kuvvet yapısı ve kuvvet planlamasını bozmayacak şekilde somut güvenlik ortam ve ihtiyacına uygun olarak, ülkenin dış politikası ile çelişmeyen bir biçimde yöneteceğiz.
  14. Geliştirme takvimleri sürekli sarkan Milli Muharip Uçak, Jet Eğitim Uçağı, Altay Tankı, TF 2000 Firkateyni, 4G ve 5G baz istasyonu ve ağ alt yapısı, askeri gözetleme ve iletişim uyduları ve benzeri projelerin gerçekçi şekilde hayata geçirilmesi ve tamamen yerlileştirilmesi için ayrı ve özel bir bütçe oluşturacak, gerekli uzman personel tahsisini gerçekleştireceğiz
  15. Altay Tankı’nda motor tedarik sürecini tamamlayacak, buna paralel olarak hava, kara ve deniz platformlarında büyük ihtiyaç duyulan yerli motor çalışmalarını başlatacak, yerli uçak ve tank çalışmalarını büyük bir seferberlikle sürdürecek ve başarıya ulaştıracağız.
  16. Türkiye’nin uydu geliştirme, uydu fırlatma çalışmalarını hızlandıracak, sivil ve askeri amaçlı uydu programlarını birleştirecek, bu alandaki kritik teknolojilerin yerlileştirilmesine öncelik verecek, yerlilik oranını en az yüzde 50’nin üzerine çıkaracağız.
  17. Savunma sanayiinde halihazırda düşük olan yerlilik oranını 10 yıl içerisinde gerçek anlamda yüzde 80’lere çıkartacağız.
  18. Konsolidasyon, stratejik satın almalar, birleşmeler, girişim sermayesi yatırımı ve etkin bir planlama ile özel sektörün de aktif desteğiyle ASELSAN, TAI, MKE, Roketsan, TEI ve Havelsan’ı global şirketlere dönüştüreceğiz.
  19. Savunma sanayi alanında kullanımı kaçınılmaz olan yeni nesil dahil tüm malzeme ve girdileri ülkemizde yerli olarak üretmek üzere; Savunma Sanayi Endüstriyel Tasarım ve Üretim Merkezi kuracağız.
  20. Acil ihtiyaç bahanesiyle yurtdışından doğrudan alım yapılmasının önüne geçecek, kullanıma herhangi bir sınır getirmeyen sistemlerin tedariğini esas alacağız.
  21. Yurtdışından alım yapılması halinde yurtdışına çıkan kaynakların offset uygulamalarındaki bakiyemizin özelikle savunma temalı girişimcilik fonlarında kullanılmasının önünü açacağız.
  22. Yatırım yapacağımız yeni girişimlerde ve üniversite projelerinde, konvansiyonel harp silah araç sistemleri ve yeteneklerinin geliştirilmesinin yanında, gelecekteki güvenlik ihtiyaçlarına cevap verebilmek maksadıyla; nanoteknoloji, biyoteknoloji, robotik sistemler gibi geleceğin muharebelerinde belirleyici rol oynayacak yeteneklere öncelik vereceğiz.
  23. Savunma sanayiinde Ar-Ge, Ür-Ge ve Girişim Sermayelerine ayrılan kaynakları artıracak, özel sektörün Ar-Ge çalışmalarını destekleyeceğiz.
  24. Yenilikçi ürünlerle ilgili olarak yaygın bir kuluçka ortamı geliştirecek, kişi ve özel kuruluşların bu yöndeki girişimlerine teşvik ve aktif destek sağlayacağız.
  25. Milli menfaat ve milli güvenlik ilkeleri çerçevesinde, kritik özellikteki yetenekleri ve hizmetleri zaafa uğratacak askeri fabrika özelleştirilmesine gitmeyecek, uygun olacağı değerlendirilen faaliyet alanlarındaki özelleştirmeleri ise, tüm ulusal katılımcılara eşit mesafede, serbest rekabet ortamı ve kamu ihale mevzuatına uygun olarak gerçekleştireceğiz
  26. Mevcut ve yeni projeleri hızla hayata geçirmek üzere Sakarya Tank Palet Fabrikasının tahsis işlemlerini hukuki mevzuat çerçevesinde iptal edeceğiz.
  27. Milli Savunma Bakanlığı, Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakanlığı ve Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı koordinasyonuyla yurtdışına gönderilen ve eğitimini tamamlayan araştırmacılarımızın Savunma Sanayi Ar-Ge ve Ür-Ge uzmanı olarak yerli savunma sanayimize değer katmalarını sağlayacağız.
  28. Yanlış politika ve uygulamalar nedeniyle ülkemiz savunma sanayisinden ayrılarak yurt dışındaki firmalarda çalışan mühendislerimizi ve tüm teknik ekiplerimizi, savunma sanayimize yeniden kazandıracak, Savunma Sanayimizde Beyin Göçüyle Mücadele Eylem Planı’nı hazırlayacak ve uygulayacağız.

(Google Translate)

Defense Industry

By carrying our defense industry to a much further point, we will reduce our country's foreign dependency in the defense industry, create an ecosystem that will lead the development of advanced dual-use industrial technologies, increase the operational power and deterrence of our armed forces, and develop high value-added exports.

We will end the political appointments and nepotism practices in public institutions and organizations related to the defense industry, and we will ensure that these institutions and organizations work on the basis of merit and expertise.

We will gather the authorities and responsibilities in the defense industry under the Presidency of Defense Industries, and we will create a transparent, accountable and politically-free structure.
We will ensure that Force Commanders participate in the Defense Industry Executive Committee.

Together with the Presidency of Defense Industries, we will establish mechanisms that will create synergy, cooperation and coordination between other institutions, organizations and foundation companies operating in the defense industry and private companies.

We will pave the way for the private sector in the Defense Industry and ensure fair competition in the sector.

We will ensure that the private sector participates in defense industry tenders through transparent and simplified bureaucratic processes, without being classified as close/far from the government, away from favoritism, and we will ensure that the same principles are applied in audits.

By sharing the need projections of our armed forces and security forces with the private sector, we will create an ecosystem that will pave the way for our defense industry companies, especially SMEs, to make investments for the future, and that supports, develops and expands each other on the basis of main system and subsystem.

We will restructure the Turkish Armed Forces Foundation and its affiliated companies, purify the administration of the Foundation from political influences, and share the use of the Foundation's resources with the public in a transparent manner.

We will ensure that foundation companies operating in the defense industry operate within the framework of auditable, measurable principles, open to performance and efficiency evaluation, merit-based, and in line with strategic and professional management.

We will eliminate the problems that arise or will arise due to the fact that Foundation Companies are mostly assigned as the sole source of procurement, and we will support the development of next generation technologies with projects and incentives in which small-medium entrepreneurs can also take part.

We will restructure MKEK and reset foreign dependency on explosives, conventional weapons and ammunition.

We will manage large procurement projects in a way that does not interfere with the foreign policy of the country, in accordance with the concrete security environment and needs, without disturbing the force structure and force planning.

A separate and special budget for the realistic realization and complete localization of National Combat Aircraft, Jet Trainer, Altay Tank, TF 2000 Frigate, 4G and 5G base station and network infrastructure, military surveillance and communication satellites and similar projects whose development schedules are constantly hanging. We will create the necessary expert personnel allocation.

We will complete the engine supply process in the Altay Tank, in parallel with this, we will start the domestic engine works that are needed in air, land and sea platforms, we will continue the domestic aircraft and tank studies with great mobilization and achieve success.

We will accelerate Turkey's satellite development and launch efforts, combine civil and military satellite programs, prioritize the localization of critical technologies in this field, and increase the localization rate to at least 50 percent.

In 10 years, we will increase the rate of localization, which is currently low in the defense industry, to 80 percent in real terms.

We will transform ASELSAN, TAI, MKE, Roketsan, TEI and Havelsan into global companies with the active support of the private sector with consolidation, strategic acquisitions, mergers, venture capital investment and effective planning.

In order to produce all materials and inputs domestically in our country, including the new generation, which is inevitable in the field of defense industry; We will establish a Defense Industry Industrial Design and Production Center.

We will prevent direct purchases from abroad under the pretext of urgent need, and will rely on the supply of systems that do not impose any limits on use.

In case of purchases from abroad, we will pave the way for the balance in offset applications to be used, especially in defense-themed entrepreneurship funds.

In addition to the development of conventional warfare weapon vehicle systems and capabilities, in new ventures and university projects that we will invest in, in order to respond to future security needs; We will prioritize capabilities that will play a decisive role in the battles of the future, such as nanotechnology, biotechnology, and robotic systems.

We will increase the resources allocated to R&D, P&D and Venture Capitals in the defense industry, and support the R&D studies of the private sector.

We will develop a widespread incubation environment for innovative products and provide incentives and active support to the initiatives of individuals and private institutions in this direction.

Within the framework of the principles of national interest and national security, we will not engage in the privatization of military factories that will weaken critical capabilities and services, and we will carry out the privatizations in the fields of activity that are considered appropriate, at an equal distance to all national participants, in accordance with the free competition environment and public tender legislation.

We will cancel the allocation procedures of Sakarya Tank Pallet Factory within the framework of legal legislation in order to rapidly implement existing and new projects.

We will ensure that our researchers, who are sent abroad with the coordination of the Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of Industry and Technology and the Ministry of National Education, who have completed their training, will add value to our domestic defense industry as Defense Industry R&D and P&D specialists.

Due to wrong policies and practices, we have lost our engineers and technical teams who were working in foreign companies in the defense industry sector. We will regain them for our defense industry and prepare and implement an Action Plan to Combat Brain Drain in our Defense Industry.


Page 125 of "Mutabakat Metni"
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I'm posting the "Defense Industry" section of "Consensus Text"(Mutabakat Metni) of the Table of Six. The translation is at the bottom half. Maybe we should discuss these written documents instead of reading intentions of said politicans. There are specifics about some companies and about some projects provided in the text.

Savunma Sanayii

  1. Savunma sanayimizi çok daha ileri bir noktaya taşıyarak, ülkemizin savunma sanayii alanındaki dışa bağımlılığını azaltacak, çift kullanımlı ileri endüstriyel teknolojilerin gelişimine öncülük yapacak bir ekosistem oluşturacak, silahlı kuvvetlerimizin operasyonel gücünü ve caydırıcılığını artıracak ve yüksek katma değerli ihracatı geliştireceğiz.
  2. Savunma sanayii ile ilgili kamu kurum ve kuruluşlarındaki siyasi nitelikli atamalar ve nepotizm uygulamalarını sonlandıracak, bu kurum ve kuruluşların liyakat ve uzmanlık esaslı çalışmasını sağlayacağız.
  3. Savunma sanayiinde yetki ve sorumlulukları Savunma Sanayii Başkanlığı’nda toplayacak, şeffaf, hesap sorulabilir ve siyasi etkilerden arındırılmış bir yapı oluşturacağız.
  4. Savunma Sanayii İcra Komitesi’ne Kuvvet Komutanlarının da katılmasını sağlayacağız.
  5. Savunma Sanayii Başkanlığı’yla birlikte savunma sanayi alanında faaliyet gösteren diğer kurum, kuruluş ve vakıf şirketleri ile özel firmalar arasında sinerji, işbirliği ve eşgüdüm yaratacak mekanizmaları oluşturacağız.
  6. Savunma Sanayiinde özel sektörün önünü açacak ve sektörde adil rekabeti sağlayacağız.
  7. Özel sektörün savunma sanayi ihalelerine hükümete yakın/uzak şeklinde sınıflandırılmadan, kayırmacılıktan uzak, şeffaf ve sadeleştirilmiş bürokratik süreçlerle katılımını sağlayacak, denetimlerde de aynı ilkelerin uygulanmasını temin edeceğiz.
  8. Silahlı kuvvetler ve güvenlik güçlerimizin yıllara sari ihtiyaç projeksiyonlarını özel sektör ile paylaşarak, KOBİ’ler başta olmak üzere savunma sanayii şirketlerimizin geleceğe yönelik yatırım yapabilmelerinin önünü açacak, ana sistem ve alt sistem bazında birbirlerini destekleyen, geliştiren ve büyüten bir ekosistem yaratacağız.
  9. Türk Silahlı Kuvvetlerini Güçlendirme Vakfı ve bağlı şirketlerini yeniden yapılandıracak, Vakıf yönetimini siyasi etkilerden arındıracak, Vakıf kaynaklarının kullanımını şeffaf bir şekilde kamuoyu ile paylaşacağız.
  10. Savunma sanayiinde faaliyet gösteren vakıf şirketlerinin, denetlenebilir, ölçülebilir, performans ve verimlilik değerlendirmesine açık, liyakat esaslı, stratejik ve profesyonel yönetime uygun ilkeler çerçevesinde çalışmasını sağlayacağız.
  11. Vakıf Şirketlerinin tedarikte çoğunlukla tek kaynak olarak görevlendirilmesi nedeniyle ortaya çıkan/çıkacak mahsurları giderecek, küçük-orta girişimcilerin de yer alabileceği projeler ve teşviklerle gelecek nesil teknolojilerinin gelişimini destekleyeceğiz.
  12. MKEK’nu yeniden yapılandıracak, patlayıcı, konvansiyonel silah ve mühimmatta yurtdışı bağımlılığı sıfırlayacağız.
  13. Büyük tedarik projelerini, kuvvet yapısı ve kuvvet planlamasını bozmayacak şekilde somut güvenlik ortam ve ihtiyacına uygun olarak, ülkenin dış politikası ile çelişmeyen bir biçimde yöneteceğiz.
  14. Geliştirme takvimleri sürekli sarkan Milli Muharip Uçak, Jet Eğitim Uçağı, Altay Tankı, TF 2000 Firkateyni, 4G ve 5G baz istasyonu ve ağ alt yapısı, askeri gözetleme ve iletişim uyduları ve benzeri projelerin gerçekçi şekilde hayata geçirilmesi ve tamamen yerlileştirilmesi için ayrı ve özel bir bütçe oluşturacak, gerekli uzman personel tahsisini gerçekleştireceğiz
  15. Altay Tankı’nda motor tedarik sürecini tamamlayacak, buna paralel olarak hava, kara ve deniz platformlarında büyük ihtiyaç duyulan yerli motor çalışmalarını başlatacak, yerli uçak ve tank çalışmalarını büyük bir seferberlikle sürdürecek ve başarıya ulaştıracağız.
  16. Türkiye’nin uydu geliştirme, uydu fırlatma çalışmalarını hızlandıracak, sivil ve askeri amaçlı uydu programlarını birleştirecek, bu alandaki kritik teknolojilerin yerlileştirilmesine öncelik verecek, yerlilik oranını en az yüzde 50’nin üzerine çıkaracağız.
  17. Savunma sanayiinde halihazırda düşük olan yerlilik oranını 10 yıl içerisinde gerçek anlamda yüzde 80’lere çıkartacağız.
  18. Konsolidasyon, stratejik satın almalar, birleşmeler, girişim sermayesi yatırımı ve etkin bir planlama ile özel sektörün de aktif desteğiyle ASELSAN, TAI, MKE, Roketsan, TEI ve Havelsan’ı global şirketlere dönüştüreceğiz.
  19. Savunma sanayi alanında kullanımı kaçınılmaz olan yeni nesil dahil tüm malzeme ve girdileri ülkemizde yerli olarak üretmek üzere; Savunma Sanayi Endüstriyel Tasarım ve Üretim Merkezi kuracağız.
  20. Acil ihtiyaç bahanesiyle yurtdışından doğrudan alım yapılmasının önüne geçecek, kullanıma herhangi bir sınır getirmeyen sistemlerin tedariğini esas alacağız.
  21. Yurtdışından alım yapılması halinde yurtdışına çıkan kaynakların offset uygulamalarındaki bakiyemizin özelikle savunma temalı girişimcilik fonlarında kullanılmasının önünü açacağız.
  22. Yatırım yapacağımız yeni girişimlerde ve üniversite projelerinde, konvansiyonel harp silah araç sistemleri ve yeteneklerinin geliştirilmesinin yanında, gelecekteki güvenlik ihtiyaçlarına cevap verebilmek maksadıyla; nanoteknoloji, biyoteknoloji, robotik sistemler gibi geleceğin muharebelerinde belirleyici rol oynayacak yeteneklere öncelik vereceğiz.
  23. Savunma sanayiinde Ar-Ge, Ür-Ge ve Girişim Sermayelerine ayrılan kaynakları artıracak, özel sektörün Ar-Ge çalışmalarını destekleyeceğiz.
  24. Yenilikçi ürünlerle ilgili olarak yaygın bir kuluçka ortamı geliştirecek, kişi ve özel kuruluşların bu yöndeki girişimlerine teşvik ve aktif destek sağlayacağız.
  25. Milli menfaat ve milli güvenlik ilkeleri çerçevesinde, kritik özellikteki yetenekleri ve hizmetleri zaafa uğratacak askeri fabrika özelleştirilmesine gitmeyecek, uygun olacağı değerlendirilen faaliyet alanlarındaki özelleştirmeleri ise, tüm ulusal katılımcılara eşit mesafede, serbest rekabet ortamı ve kamu ihale mevzuatına uygun olarak gerçekleştireceğiz
  26. Mevcut ve yeni projeleri hızla hayata geçirmek üzere Sakarya Tank Palet Fabrikasının tahsis işlemlerini hukuki mevzuat çerçevesinde iptal edeceğiz.
  27. Milli Savunma Bakanlığı, Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakanlığı ve Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı koordinasyonuyla yurtdışına gönderilen ve eğitimini tamamlayan araştırmacılarımızın Savunma Sanayi Ar-Ge ve Ür-Ge uzmanı olarak yerli savunma sanayimize değer katmalarını sağlayacağız.
  28. Yanlış politika ve uygulamalar nedeniyle ülkemiz savunma sanayisinden ayrılarak yurt dışındaki firmalarda çalışan mühendislerimizi ve tüm teknik ekiplerimizi, savunma sanayimize yeniden kazandıracak, Savunma Sanayimizde Beyin Göçüyle Mücadele Eylem Planı’nı hazırlayacak ve uygulayacağız.

(Google Translate)

Defense Industry

By carrying our defense industry to a much further point, we will reduce our country's foreign dependency in the defense industry, create an ecosystem that will lead the development of advanced dual-use industrial technologies, increase the operational power and deterrence of our armed forces, and develop high value-added exports.

We will end the political appointments and nepotism practices in public institutions and organizations related to the defense industry, and we will ensure that these institutions and organizations work on the basis of merit and expertise.

We will gather the authorities and responsibilities in the defense industry under the Presidency of Defense Industries, and we will create a transparent, accountable and politically-free structure.
We will ensure that Force Commanders participate in the Defense Industry Executive Committee.

Together with the Presidency of Defense Industries, we will establish mechanisms that will create synergy, cooperation and coordination between other institutions, organizations and foundation companies operating in the defense industry and private companies.

We will pave the way for the private sector in the Defense Industry and ensure fair competition in the sector.

We will ensure that the private sector participates in defense industry tenders through transparent and simplified bureaucratic processes, without being classified as close/far from the government, away from favoritism, and we will ensure that the same principles are applied in audits.

By sharing the need projections of our armed forces and security forces with the private sector, we will create an ecosystem that will pave the way for our defense industry companies, especially SMEs, to make investments for the future, and that supports, develops and expands each other on the basis of main system and subsystem.

We will restructure the Turkish Armed Forces Foundation and its affiliated companies, purify the administration of the Foundation from political influences, and share the use of the Foundation's resources with the public in a transparent manner.

We will ensure that foundation companies operating in the defense industry operate within the framework of auditable, measurable principles, open to performance and efficiency evaluation, merit-based, and in line with strategic and professional management.

We will eliminate the problems that arise or will arise due to the fact that Foundation Companies are mostly assigned as the sole source of procurement, and we will support the development of next generation technologies with projects and incentives in which small-medium entrepreneurs can also take part.

We will restructure MKEK and reset foreign dependency on explosives, conventional weapons and ammunition.

We will manage large procurement projects in a way that does not interfere with the foreign policy of the country, in accordance with the concrete security environment and needs, without disturbing the force structure and force planning.

A separate and special budget for the realistic realization and complete localization of National Combat Aircraft, Jet Trainer, Altay Tank, TF 2000 Frigate, 4G and 5G base station and network infrastructure, military surveillance and communication satellites and similar projects whose development schedules are constantly hanging. We will create the necessary expert personnel allocation.

We will complete the engine supply process in the Altay Tank, in parallel with this, we will start the domestic engine works that are needed in air, land and sea platforms, we will continue the domestic aircraft and tank studies with great mobilization and achieve success.

We will accelerate Turkey's satellite development and launch efforts, combine civil and military satellite programs, prioritize the localization of critical technologies in this field, and increase the localization rate to at least 50 percent.

In 10 years, we will increase the rate of localization, which is currently low in the defense industry, to 80 percent in real terms.

We will transform ASELSAN, TAI, MKE, Roketsan, TEI and Havelsan into global companies with the active support of the private sector with consolidation, strategic acquisitions, mergers, venture capital investment and effective planning.

In order to produce all materials and inputs domestically in our country, including the new generation, which is inevitable in the field of defense industry; We will establish a Defense Industry Industrial Design and Production Center.

We will prevent direct purchases from abroad under the pretext of urgent need, and will rely on the supply of systems that do not impose any limits on use.

In case of purchases from abroad, we will pave the way for the balance in offset applications to be used, especially in defense-themed entrepreneurship funds.

In addition to the development of conventional warfare weapon vehicle systems and capabilities, in new ventures and university projects that we will invest in, in order to respond to future security needs; We will prioritize capabilities that will play a decisive role in the battles of the future, such as nanotechnology, biotechnology, and robotic systems.

We will increase the resources allocated to R&D, P&D and Venture Capitals in the defense industry, and support the R&D studies of the private sector.

We will develop a widespread incubation environment for innovative products and provide incentives and active support to the initiatives of individuals and private institutions in this direction.

Within the framework of the principles of national interest and national security, we will not engage in the privatization of military factories that will weaken critical capabilities and services, and we will carry out the privatizations in the fields of activity that are considered appropriate, at an equal distance to all national participants, in accordance with the free competition environment and public tender legislation.

We will cancel the allocation procedures of Sakarya Tank Pallet Factory within the framework of legal legislation in order to rapidly implement existing and new projects.

We will ensure that our researchers, who are sent abroad with the coordination of the Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of Industry and Technology and the Ministry of National Education, who have completed their training, will add value to our domestic defense industry as Defense Industry R&D and P&D specialists.

Due to wrong policies and practices, we have lost our engineers and technical teams who were working in foreign companies in the defense industry sector. We will regain them for our defense industry and prepare and implement an Action Plan to Combat Brain Drain in our Defense Industry.


Page 125 of "Mutabakat Metni"

looks like a bs articles, we should watch out about this one....

  1. Konsolidasyon, stratejik satın almalar, birleşmeler, girişim sermayesi yatırımı ve etkin bir planlama ile özel sektörün de aktif desteğiyle ASELSAN, TAI, MKE, Roketsan, TEI ve Havelsan’ı global şirketlere dönüştüreceğiz.
Turning in to global company means privatization....


DefenceHub Diplomat
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Turning in to global company means privatization....
It doesn't necessarily mean that. Many of the top defense companies in the world are state-owned companies.

Per ChatGPT(result of a query I just made);

"As of my knowledge cutoff date of September 2021, approximately 14 of the top 30 defense companies in the world are state-owned companies."
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  1. Konsolidasyon, stratejik satın almalar, birleşmeler, girişim sermayesi yatırımı ve etkin bir planlama ile özel sektörün de aktif desteğiyle ASELSAN, TAI, MKE, Roketsan, TEI ve Havelsan’ı global şirketlere dönüştüreceğiz.
Turning in to global company means privatization....

I disagree, CHP and a few of the other alliance members have been vocal opponents of privatization.

Whereas the AKP had, under Babacan, Simsek and I don't recall the other guys names any more, always been a friend of economic liberalization and privatization. For example, Türk Telekom has been sold to the Lebanese/Saudi guy, who then famously defaulted on the debt and Turkish banks took the fall. Yeni Raki has been sold to Diageo.

From PPP for infrastructure and highways to hospitals, there has been never more privatization under any government before. These privatizations of course were a nice source of income for many in the inner circles of the government.

Here's an 10-year-old article.

Balance sheet

The privatization wave got started in Turkey in 1985, but a majority of them took place during the Justice and Development Party (AKP) government in the last decade. The AKP government has sold state-owned companies for over $54 billion over the last 10 years, and $8 billion in the first half of 2013.

So, no, there's nothing indicating that privatization is on the agenda.


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You keep bringing this on every occasion. I’m not an Erdoğan supporter but I can tell you that any deliberate attempt to destroy this gem of a company by any government would make me feel miserable just like you, just like any average Turk. It is now a source of national pride.
Even the Turks, in general, not that stupid.
Incompetence, on the other hand, is something else and it happens and is not genetically coded to a certain political view or party.
Like the others keep telling, it remains to be seen.
When the HDP personally states that Baykar produces weapons of mass destruction and when a memeber of the table of the 6 states that Baykar is gaining favouritism and that they will set the rec9rd straight with that company, then you can do nothing but be sure that they will screw over Baykar

You may go on by your feelings on how they dare to destroy such a gem of a company but 2 elements which are crucial for the CHP's long term rule already hates Baykar and CHP will never ever destroy relations with them to sustain the weapon defence industry.

Loool, these guys didnt even know that Hurjet is a private endeavour by TAI and promised for a "special" budget for it

All what I can say is, just like how many ppl started to protect the CHP by saying that KK's candidacy is nothing more of a feint to protect the real candidate (imamoglu or Yavas) as if they are some sort of Sun Tzu but everything turned out to be just like how the average 0 IQ AK supporter said it will turn out

Ppl can start developing theories for protecting the CHP as much as they want but it wont ever remove how shitty, incompetent, and slave-like the party has become under KK and the fact that even the iYi wasnt even given a seat in the structure of power in the new govt proves so. Sad times are ahead of Turkey, whether you like it or not


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It doesn't necessarily mean that. Many of the top defense companies in the world are state-owned companies.

Per ChatGPT(result of a query I just made);

"As of my knowledge cutoff date of September 2021, approximately 14 of the top 30 defense companies in the world are state-owned companies."

All the named Turkish companies are global level top 100 companies in top 100 only MKE. So what are they going to make it global?


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@Lool HDP is not part of the election alliance, nor will they be.

@Oublious don't get hang up about the word global. It means further support to reach the top 100/50 globally, or whatever is the next target.


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I'm posting the "Defense Industry" section of "Consensus Text"(Mutabakat Metni) of the Table of Six. The translation is at the bottom half. Maybe we should discuss these written documents instead of reading intentions of said politicans. There are specifics about some companies and some projects provided in the text.


Page 125 of "Mutabakat Metni"
Most of what's written here is pretty general, something most people would get behind. Some of the stuff that's talked about has been in the works for some time already, some are delayed etc. More transparency is always welcome. Tiny example, we know the configuration numbers(which versions are to be procured) of the 100 ÖMTTZA vehicles for years. YNHZA tests are slated to begin soon but we literally have no info on actual planned numbers, just that first batch is to be something around 300+ vehicles in some configurations Why? How is that a state secret? It's not, it's just that the gov no longer feels the need to be transparent. Our taxes are paying for them. We gotta have some non secret info, but we no longer do on most projects. It's a billion dollar buy, and we know nothing about it. Open up any defence sector magazine, they are a ghost of what they used to be. We are searching for crumbs of info on forums and twitter because of this. I miss the old SSB website where you could just open it up and see all major projects and its details like project costs and the planned number of vehicles in each configuration. I don't believe i'm asking for much, genuinely.

Only thing I'd vehemently disagree on what's written with it is making Aselsan even bigger in scope. It's bloated as it is.

Sad times are ahead of Turkey, whether you like it or not
Brother, we are already living in sad times. No matter who wins, it can't go on like this.


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When the HDP personally states that Baykar produces weapons of mass destruction and when a memeber of the table of the 6 states that Baykar is gaining favouritism and that they will set the rec9rd straight with that company, then you can do nothing but be sure that they will screw over Baykar

You may go on by your feelings on how they dare to destroy such a gem of a company but 2 elements which are crucial for the CHP's long term rule already hates Baykar and CHP will never ever destroy relations with them to sustain the weapon defence industry.

Loool, these guys didnt even know that Hurjet is a private endeavour by TAI and promised for a "special" budget for it

All what I can say is, just like how many ppl started to protect the CHP by saying that KK's candidacy is nothing more of a feint to protect the real candidate (imamoglu or Yavas) as if they are some sort of Sun Tzu but everything turned out to be just like how the average 0 IQ AK supporter said it will turn out

Ppl can start developing theories for protecting the CHP as much as they want but it wont ever remove how shitty, incompetent, and slave-like the party has become under KK and the fact that even the iYi wasnt even given a seat in the structure of power in the new govt proves so. Sad times are ahead of Turkey, whether you like it or not
Like classic trolls, the same thing is being spouted everywhere.

In a normal, democratically governed country, the hdp is not even mentioned. They are on the agenda thanks to Akp and its media extensions. While Hdp was a marginal and shitty party that could not exceed 3-5%, it has become like this in 20 years thanks to Akp's Kurdish opening.

You attribute too much meaning to the lousy and marginal party called Hdp. Hdp is nothing, it will never be a party that influences politics.

No single party should be in power. This is dangerous for countries like ours that have not fully grasped and internalized democracy and the rule of law. A president, a party, an MP and a mayor should not be in power for more than 2 terms and should not be able to do politics.

Hopefully, we will overcome this situation in 15-20 years with education.


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When the HDP personally states that Baykar produces weapons of mass destruction and when a memeber of the table of the 6 states that Baykar is gaining favouritism and that they will set the rec9rd straight with that company, then you can do nothing but be sure that they will screw over Baykar

You may go on by your feelings on how they dare to destroy such a gem of a company but 2 elements which are crucial for the CHP's long term rule already hates Baykar and CHP will never ever destroy relations with them to sustain the weapon defence industry.

Loool, these guys didnt even know that Hurjet is a private endeavour by TAI and promised for a "special" budget for it

All what I can say is, just like how many ppl started to protect the CHP by saying that KK's candidacy is nothing more of a feint to protect the real candidate (imamoglu or Yavas) as if they are some sort of Sun Tzu but everything turned out to be just like how the average 0 IQ AK supporter said it will turn out

Ppl can start developing theories for protecting the CHP as much as they want but it wont ever remove how shitty, incompetent, and slave-like the party has become under KK and the fact that even the iYi wasnt even given a seat in the structure of power in the new govt proves so. Sad times are ahead of Turkey, whether you like it or not
Everyone knows that Hdp is a racist, fascist, separatist and shitty party. Akp doesn't take any measures against this, in fact, it deepens the issue by discussing it in front of the media.

Either you will shut it down for the crimes it has committed, or you will not legitimize that party by constantly bringing it up. Bringing it up every now and then does nothing but further multiply and strengthen the hdp voters. Both parties are trying to gain votes from such discussions and both parties like the current situation.

Although, it is not in Akp's interest to shut down the HDP at the moment. Because of possible US and European embargoes. He should not have brought it to this situation in the first place, just like he should have prevented the Syrian war in the first place.


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When the HDP personally states that Baykar produces weapons of mass destruction and when a memeber of the table of the 6 states that Baykar is gaining favouritism and that they will set the rec9rd straight with that company, then you can do nothing but be sure that they will screw over Baykar
This doesn't make sense to me. The Turkish armed forces already have the drones in three figures in its inventory. What would destroying Baykar would get them? Besides, Baykar isn't the only company who produces sophisticated drones. There is also TAI. What would HDP gain by blocking Baykar when there are alternatives. Are they gonna nuke TAI too?

I don't want to give the impression that it is ok to throw BAYKAR under the bus. I want to point out that such action wouldn't make sense in terms of Turkiye's operational capability in our southern border.


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This is just my 2 cents but if Erdogan won the elections but lost the majority in the parliament, then all will be lost
The other members will co-operate against the AKP and try to stop all AKP actions in the political spectrum; thus, limiting Erdogan's hands a lot

What made Erdogan truly strong isnt only him being the president but also the fact that his alliance controlled the parliament to give him the legal backing he needs
This is not true. President has immense power in the Turkish presidential system. Parliament has no power unless a coalition is controlling like %80 of the parliament.


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While Hdp's demands include education in the mother tongue in every region, the cessation of anti-terror operations at home and abroad, autonomy for local administrations, the return of dismissed PKK affiliates to the public sector, the writing of other identities next to the Turkish identity in the Constitution, and the release of imprisoned PKK members, I cannot even come to the question of what the fate of the defense industry will be.

The PKK/HDP's "Position Paper" is the real problem. More precisely, to what extent this position paper will overlap with the position paper announced by the Millet alliance.

In his letter, Demirtaş does not demand a direct partnership and a ministry, but the fulfillment of 'democratic' demands. Here we are confronted with Hdp's 11-point position paper. They also propose negotiations with the millet alliance on these articles.

And any statement that a structure that directly or indirectly allied with Hdp would say about the future of military operations in Syria and Iraq would be apocryphal.

If the millet alliance stops this nonsense of dialog with the Hdp and and if KK tries to take the nationalist segments in the country with him, the path to the presidency is open for Kılıçdaroğlu, otherwise it is not possible for him to become president. Unfortunately, they are incapable of clearly reading the paradigm shift taking place in the country and insist on this mistake also will have some results detriment of Iyip.

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