Inflation, high unemployment rate, trash education system but Kavala and terrorist Demirtas are more important it seems. Reminds me somehow to AKP few years ago...
He also dropped more gems for those care :Inflation, high unemployment rate, trash education system but Kavala and terrorist Demirtas are more important it seems. Reminds me somehow to AKP few years ago...
Kılıçdaroğlu Diyarbakırda açıklamalarda bulundu
by u/damnBeah in Turkey
Prof. Dr. Ümit Özdağ: “Suriyeliler bombalandıkları için gelmediler, gelmeleri için bombalandılar.”
by in Turkey
Hazır konuşuluyor ve burada fikir alışverişlerine vesile oluyorken rahmetli Bülent Ecevit'in terör destekçisi kurum ve kuruluşlar hakkındaki söylemlerini tekrardan analım;
by u/Zeybek-of-Ephesus in Turkey
Yeah because your religion wants to abolish democracy and anything related to him you can go to UAE for that muslimIndeed thats why we can't allow return to 2001 and this country's governing system must change.Security hole called democracy must come an end.
they are commiting crimes attacking TURKS but for our goverment some criminal is more important thant Turks
Erdoğan literally said that he has no intention of sending back refugees...
Meanwhile, thousands of refugees, mostly military age men, are coming in from the border of Iran every week. The only one's being stopped by Turkish border forces are those trying to cross INTO Greece.
first ,we need to get rid of akp!! and all syrian and afgans. then chp will not be the ruling party. If it tries to stop anti pkk operations, other memebers will stop cooperating and we will get a new election but we would be get rid of akp at that time!!we are soo f.cked up. Syria lover akp vs pkk lover chp. If we don't get rid of akp, firstly Hatay then some other cities will fall. Turkish nation is facing a self demolish sequence. If chp will come, all pkk operations and native military investments will perish.
So God help us.
Who to vote?
beside, I think akp gives citizenships to every refugees afgans etc. and maybe not just to syrians but to other peoples from other countries as well !! probably we will even see people having turkish citizenships in idlibetc. regions which will be voting in general eelctions!!
this elections is the survival elections of Turkish nation!!
akp sells Turkish citizenship for 500k usd even if you speak martianDo these refugees speak at least a decent amount of Turkish before getting citizenship ?
Does it matter? Was this a serious question or were you being sarcastic?
250k $akp sells Turkish citizenship for 500k usd even if you speak martian
I'm voting for Zafer Partisi.I'm 32 y.o. and unfortunately, I'm gonna vote for AKP for the first time in my life (actually MHP because I swore not to vote for AKP never ever). I know everything is so frustrating and we can count countless things about their reign... However I don't trust to the others like Dersimli Kemal? LoL no way. Meral mommy? Nope! Ex AKP members noope! Eko? No! Only Mansur is a great option but he will be sharing power with ((Y)CHP)) so no.
I can't stand even to the possibility of ending every Defense Industry projects. And I'm quite sure that Millet ittifakı will end them.