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Believe me i am not underestimating how racist non Europeans can be!

I do study sociology, not to claim any authority but just to say, i have some idea maybe!

Here, i was talking about PRINCIPLES only, not any current particular scenario.

Modernity And industrialisation did nothing to combat racism in fact it made people even more racist.

Dont forget how all the ideas of the superior race, survival of the fittest, bringing civilisation to the savages was born out of modernity backed by pseudo science mumbo jumbo about how your skull proves you were inferior superior.

Nobody wants to have this talk.

Im born in Australia my country had a white policy Australia. Where only white people can get in we also had pogroms against Chinese people.

Did some pretty awful things against the Native Australians we also kidnapped people in the pacific and made them work like slaves called blackbirding.

People think Hitler killed Jews overnight.
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4 1,161
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Modernity And industrialisation did nothing to combat racism in fact it made people even more racist.

Dont forget how all the ideas of the superior race, survival of the fittest, bringing civilisation to the savages was born out of modernity backed by pseudo science mumbo jumbo about how your skull proves you were inferior superior.

Nobody wants to have this talk.

Im born in Australia my country had a white policy Australia. Where only white people can get in we also had pogroms against Chinese people.

Did some pretty awful things against the Native Australians we also kidnapped people in the pacific and made work like slaves called blackbirding.

People think Hitler killed Jews overnight.
We are not same as the west white

If we use their stupid racist idea,we should be friend with Arabs ,which many of them looks like us, and to kill the blacks and other race

We didnt


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We are not same as the west white

If we use their stupid racist idea,we should be friend with Arabs ,which many of them looks like us, and to kill the blacks and other race

We didnt

Racism is not the same it all takes different turns.

Everybody has their own forms.

But humans by nature are racist due to a wide range of factors that cant be denied.

This video in a way helps explain my point.

This is not an attack on anybody regardless.


4 1,161
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Believe me i am not underestimating how racist non Europeans can be!

I do study sociology, not to claim any authority but just to say, i may have some ideas about these phenomenon!

But here, i was talking about PRINCIPLES only, not any current particular scenario.
for the non Europeans,the most racist ones are the East Asians

Japanese and Chinese always use their racist view to other people different from them.


4 1,161
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Racism is not the same it all takes different turns.

Everybody has their own forms.

But humans by nature are racist due to a wide range of factors that cant be denied.

This video in a way helps explain my point.

This is not an attack on anybody regardless.
i think Turkiye had some cultural discrimination and language discrimination.

May be there are the "different turns.own forms."Racism iyou talking about

but cultural and language can be learnt and changed,the race cant

Angry Turk !!!

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Guys, what do you think are the chances that CHP wins the upcoming elections?
And if they win, how will it impact Türkiye?


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Modernity And industrialisation did nothing to combat racism in fact it made people even more racist.

Dont forget how all the ideas of the superior race, survival of the fittest, bringing civilisation to the savages was born out of modernity backed by pseudo science mumbo jumbo about how your skull proves you were inferior superior.

Nobody wants to have this talk.

Im born in Australia my country had a white policy Australia. Where only white people can get in we also had pogroms against Chinese people.

Did some pretty awful things against the Native Australians we also kidnapped people in the pacific and made them work like slaves called blackbirding.

People think Hitler killed Jews overnight.
You are right! I meant to say, PRE MODERN ERA nation states.

Anyway, my point is, these stuff didnt exist historically in Muslim societies AT THAT LEVEL.
which, I think is a crucial distinction and should be pointed out.
Otherwise, comparing Turkish and Arab cultural discrimination against one another and maybe some racism with what Europeans did with native peoples and others in a genocidal manner would not be very realistic.

As @B_ATAMAN rightfully pointed out, culture and language can be changed and negotiated, but same is not possible with race and skin colors.
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4 1,161
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Guys, what do you think are the chances that CHP wins the upcoming elections?
And if they win, how will it impact Türkiye?
Too early to say

Türkiye ekonomisi becoming better recently

If CHP still use Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu I think akp will win again.


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"I am from CHP and Mr. Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, the leader of every CHP supporters' family, is the candidate."

— Ekrem Imamoglu

We really have the most barren, f*cked up political landscape. I swear to God, the most stupid politicians are ours. No country could hold a candle to us.


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"I am from CHP and Mr. Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, the leader of every CHP supporters' family, is the candidate."

— Ekrem Imamoglu

We really have the most barren, f*cked up political landscape. I swear to God, the most stupid politicians are ours. No country could hold a candle to us.
bro, at least your politicians dont steal the state's money or property regularly.

others not even that lucky.
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At least how it looks like from the outside.
I'll give you some basic truths:

-AKP seems to be islamist. But all the politicians and their families are extreme degenerates. Cocaine addicts, sexual deviants, party animals, violent psychos. This is also true for the opposition, but their public image is not islamist.

-When AKP or the opposition take a political office, they immediately try to profit from it. They give jobs and projects to their friends and clients.

-Because of the sufi sects (tarikat) and clannish social order of some regions (Trabzon-Rize, Tunceli, whole southeast) are overrepresented in politics. This goes for both sides.

Turkish meritocracy basically doesn't exist. There is a segment of society, about %5. They are ethnically Turkish, urban, secular (or culturally muslim) patriotic men. They keep this country alive. They pay the tax. They create wealth. They die in ditches. They sacrifice their youth studying hard in universities. Anything Turkey achieves is due to this demographic. All other segments of society are essentially dependants, unqualified labor or leeches. Exceptions exist, but what I wrote is essentially true.

We live under the rule of leeches. Jackals. Hyenas. Doesn't matter their side. I have hope though, because in times of crisis, our nation produces great men: wolves to end the rule of these parasites. İstiklal Mahkemeleri ftw.


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@Afif , try to find your own „truth”. Do not listen to anyone here. The AKP fanboys will talk everything positiv, fade out every negative aspects of AKP. The opposition will talk everything mad and bash regardless everything bad, no matter what. Their is no middle way. That’s typical Turk behavior. Stupid as hell.
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Also keep in mind who wins and who loses from people like Kiliçdaroğlu. The baykal sex tapes brough Kilic to power which was blamed on a FETO action. The biggest benefactor of someone like Kilic is Erdogan. The biggest losers are the secular republic nationalists/patriots and the republic itself.

A rational mind would conclude that either kilic is in on the game, or those who conducted the events in the background that allowed him to come to his position and remain their for the past 20 years despite being a loser are in on it.

Kilic is not simply there by chance, he's playing a critical role in this play.

In england you lose one election and thats enough for the party to find a replacement, in Turkey he loses countless elections and he's going to keep running and running despite clearly having no means to challenge.

Then when you look at how the elites of CHP and AK party all associate with the same enemies of the state and push the same agendas like a kurdistan/pkkistan attack on Ataturk and national culture, you are witness to a rigged system.

Yes you can vote, but they made it so that the guy they want to win remains in power.

If AK party are able to control social media and bring in even more laws to pick and choose who they throw in jail like the "misinformation" law making it a criminal offence, basically meaning when you expose the crimes of the political elite you are going to jail, we will enter a far darker era.
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Religion should never drive politics and politics should absolutely never drive religion. Both are poisonous and is a major reason why the US Constitution's separation of church and state is supposed to work both ways. Let the believers to their own devices and the politicians to theirs.

My personal belief is that not enough politicians worldwide are afraid of their own countrymen, afraid of death. If every single one of them knew for a fact that they would end up on a pike if they tried to screw over the nation, you would have many more well-behaved patriots.

A politician's punishment for failure must be fifty times harsher than the punishment of an ordinary man to make for a functional state. Level of power should scale proportionally with the level of suffering you will endure should you betray your country.

That's why the cultist behaviour that supporters have for these political leaders is bad news. These supporters do not realise the psychological manipulations that are deployed against them. You only have to look at people like Pavlov and Skinner behavioural scientists or things like neuro linguistic programming to know that politicians are employing all sorts of strategies to manipulate the thoughts, feelings and thus the actions of the voter.

A politician is there to serve the people and nation and to get results, if he doesn't perform and does things like massive levels of corrupt cronyism, they have to go and should be investigated. And i agree the scrutiny and punishment applied to politicians should be in proportion to the responsibility and privilege of the position.

Instead in Turkey we watch our politicians taking photo shoots with literally enemies of the state and they laugh at how stupid and ignorant the people of Turkey have become. Its basically a form of cuckolding the state. They lie to the people, take the votes and take the money and then to laugh at the people they rule over they do these little photo stunts as a way insulting the people and also showing the enemies of Turkiye that they are on their side.


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In this video i came across a good comment. The video is your typical western centric bullshit in order to justify the PKK/YPG terrorists in syria they ye again show Turkish actions helping Russia. Same old propaganda over and over again.

If america wanted to resolve the problem in syria all they had to do was work with NATO second largest army. Thats all. This syrian civil war could have been resolved early.

But this comment gives some idea as too the dirty games the USA played against Turkey historically.

"Dear world. Let me clearify the situation by explainin a few key points as a not so favorable TURK on both NATO-AMERICA and Russia - China... First of all, Russia or Putin literally needs to do NOTHING to break the ties between USA - TURKİYE. USA does it already.

USS SARATOGA - TCG MUAVENET CASE During the resting time in a NATO drill in the Mediterrenean at 1992, US airplane carrier USS SARATOGA fired 2 sparrow missiles to the TURKISH MUAVENET frigates bridge. 5 Turkish soldiers have been killed... USA said it was an accident of a drunken sailor who had a fight with his girlfriend in USS SARATOGA. This was not an “Accident” as USA claims and it was well planned action to threat the Turks against their plan to build their new superior frigates with Germany instead of buying 2nd hand American frigates. Because these missiles has been fired at night while whole crew sleeping. And the missiles needed 4 confirmations in order to get fire. Means you need to turn 4 buttons on.

USA offered discounted prices for their 2nd hand crap frigates and gave a few frigates “FREE”. However, they already earned more money than they can if they sell them because of the spare parts and the maintainance cost…

HOOD EVENT During the 2nd Gulf War, USA wanted to use Turkish airbases including İncirlik (which is a NATO airbase) in order to attack to Iraq. However despite the whole efforts of the Turkish prime minister of the day (Recep Tayyip Erdogan), parliament did not accept it and USA needed to use more costly methods in order to fight against Iraqi army. In return, they have collaborated with the PKK in Northern Iraq and there was an incident called as “Hood event” Turkish special forces (Maroon Berets) was in Iraq for intelligence mission and one day hundreds of USA soldiers alongside with Iraqi Peshmergas supported with PKK terrorists encircled them to arrest. Turkish Maroon Berets commander called the Ministry of Defence and informed that they will fight against these so called allies until they die. However, American tool Turkish generals in the army insisted that no bullets will be fired and Maroon beret soldiers will be surrender to Americans. Commanders begged about it but this tool generals who have been taken out after the 2015 informed that if this happens, Turkish soldiers will be consider as traitors.

Americans captured and put hoods to heads of Turkish soldiers and took them out to show publicly as they were the enemy forces. Mosul and Kirkuk which is this event happened was historically Turkmen owned area and government buildings and records has been set fire by the Kurdish YPG in order to claim ownershipness. But unfortunately for them, Turkish special forces already documented, photographed and sent the title deeds to Turkish archives.

SEVERAL COUPS As a Turkish citizen I'm very familiar with coups. Last time you might saw the Turks fighting against a "FRACTION" of generals who are followers of a USA based CLERIC (!). USA, NATO and several EUROPEAN countries are behind it as always. You can literally find some images of these generals alongside with some ambassadors on internet just a day before the coup. Also there is several tapes, documents etc.

NORWAY DRILL CRISIS In 2017, during the annual drills, NATO headquarters portrayed enemy forces with the names of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. The Turkish forces who saw this immediately informed the Ministry of Defence and withdrawn from the drill.

NATO'S FORSAKEN TURKİYE AGAINST THE RUSSIA In 2015, a Russian fighter jet has ignored the Turkish warnings, violated borders and entered Hatay province. In response, Turkey shot down the Russian Jet. FOUNDING, FUNDING and ARMING TERRORIST GROUPS SUCH AS PKK-YPG-SDF-ISIS-ASALA-TIKKO-TKP and MANY 3-4 LETTERS Nothing new as you know, USA is famous on founding terrorist groups for many purposes. They created PKK against the famous DAP - GAP Projects of Turkiye. They created PJAK against the IRAN, They created GREEN BELT from the famous MUJAHADEENS and AL QUAEDA against the SOVIETS exploited AFGHANISTAN. They converted AL QUAEDA and MUJAHADEENS into ISIS and transferred it into IRAQ, They converted PKK and PJAK into YPG-SDF-PYD etc. etc. etc. THE RAPES, MURDERS and OTHER CRIMES of NATO MEMBERS There is estimated more than 1000 criminal cases of NATO personals in TURKIYE.

So... NATO is a needed mistake for TURKIYE. Until its acquiring the NUCLEAR CAPABILITY. As a person who have been discriminated and faced masked racism also EUROCENTRIC CHRISTOCENTRIC NARCISSISM in EUROPE, I'm literally saying that. Even though I don't like ERDOGAN, Literally. F*ck USA, EUROPEAN UNION, NATO, RUSSIA, CHINA and OTHERS who are criminals against human and environmental beauty..."

Ofcourse none of these videos will detail the nasty actions america and russia jointly conducted against Turkey.


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"I am from CHP and Mr. Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, the leader of every CHP supporters' family, is the candidate."

— Ekrem Imamoglu

We really have the most barren, f*cked up political landscape. I swear to God, the most stupid politicians are ours. No country could hold a candle to us.
Me and my family are members of the CHP, but we are against Kılıçdaroğlu, his team and İmamoğlu. We want Atatürk's Chp.

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