50% of your post is BS and conspiracy theories.
The World is not black and white, and the AKP is cozing up on DEM anyway. So whats your point? Continue with the dictator, let thousands be prisoned, billions be stolen because you believe the propaganda you are fed?
How quickly perceptions change.
More or less confirmed as an open secret by the public, experts and government, officials that the Turkish governments were previously part of a network of state within the state, controlled and repeatedly brought into line. Is it now another legend and conspiracy? Interesting
So you want to tell me that the opposition is not corrupt and does not put money in its own pockets? That it doesn't distribute and spend commissions to its own people like the AKP/MHP? That is a question? and not an assertion. If there's one thing I've learned, it's that every Turkish government that has come and gone has been corrupt to the core.
So what do you want, or rather what are you looking for? If there is a change of government, some of the independent doors will definitely close.
The Europeans would call it a reassessment of politics. If arms projects are stopped, because that is what it will come down to, then you will all look stupid.
You think it won't happen, but it will happen with some meaningless justification, e.g. the policy of détente in the Aegean.