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It seems that no trustee will be appointed to IMM and a new mayor will be elected from the CHP as per reports
The court decided based on corruption charges and drop the terrorism charges until any appeals are made


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Like anybody who is not a paid troll or a rentier of AKP rule but still thinks this party gives 2 shits about this country or its future has less than two brain cells:

BTK is on overtime looks like, forcing twitter to ban any and all accounts not following government's lead. They are fucking scared of this spiraling out of control.


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You know what's really funny, all AKP and MHPians ignoring and avoiding those video footages.

If you ask them they're all pious believers, if you ask them nobody is more nationalist an patriotic than they themselves, but even during Ramadan they aren't honest, more the opposite they are two faced hypocrites who do whatever they want no matter if they injure, kill, cheat, lie who could threaten their throne as long as it suits them and doesn't affected them.

Attacking youth protesting with Turkish flags, while terrorists with Apo posters are served snacks by the Police. AKP cozying up with DEM again, to gurantee the throne and to continue milking the state, otherwise you can't explain that treason.


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Its been 25 years or so, I get it some people don't care about democracy, still idiots imo but okay.
But how can you ignore the flip-flopping @CAN_TR mentioned, first he's nationalistic, then pro-Kurdish, then an Islamist - whatever works. How spineless and how spineless do you have to be to support that?

I'm sick off trying to be decent and nice when the opposite side is literally trash.


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At this point supporting AKP/MHP = supporting PKK

It's gotten to the point where we should ask ourselves should pro-AKP posts be treated the same as pro-PKK or pro-FETÖ posts?

Though DefenceHub isn't aligned to any party, it's unfortunately clear that the government has shot the entire nation in the back. Those boot lickers who still back them should know that they're on the wrong side of history.


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Even if you are die hard AKP/MHP supporter, you should at least have the balls to mention and criticize soemthing when it's wrong, but nothing, that just proves that they are brainless submissive sheeps that move when they are told so, talk when they are told so...

It really amazes me how they can walk straight without a spine.


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And what is the right side?
Europe massively supports the CHP, DEM & Co so again what is the right side?
Do you really want a Turkish government controlled by the CIA and Europe like in the former Gladio Network Goverments until the 2000s?
A state within a state?
Only to hear years later from people that you didn't see it coming and didn't know?
When foreign countries provide massive media and organizational support to the opposition, and do so actively, it is a signal to me of what they want.

So what do you want? Because there's nothing in between....
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And what is the right side?
Europe massively supports the CHP, DEM & Co so again what is the right side?
Do you really want a Turkish government controlled by the CIA and Europe like in the former Gladio Network Goverments until the 2000s?
A state within a state?
Only to hear years later from people that you didn't see it coming and didn't know?

So what do you want? Because there's nothing in between....

50% of your post is BS and conspiracy theories.
The World is not black and white, and the AKP is cozing up on DEM anyway. So whats your point? Continue with the dictator, let thousands be prisoned, billions be stolen because you believe the propaganda you are fed?


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And what is the right side?
Europe massively supports the CHP, DEM & Co so again what is the right side?
Do you really want a Turkish government controlled by the CIA and Europe like in the former Gladio Network Goverments until the 2000s?
A state within a state?
Only to hear years later from people that you didn't see it coming and didn't know?

Which one is right which wrong is not the question here.

The question is how can AKP/Erdogan accuse someone with theft/fraud (no matter if true or not) and radically remove him, when he himself is doing that for almost a 1/4 century at a much higher level. How can you fight people who protest this injustice and corruption while TERRORISTS celebrate dressed like TERRORISTS, singing TERRORIST slogans while waving TERRORIST flags? And they do all of this without anyone even touching them, no they even serve them cotton candy. Pahali olmasaydi Baklava ikram edeceklerdi, aq.

This is just an hypocritic attempt to eliminate someone who has the potential to threat his throne, this is just an shameless attempt to come closer to DEM and to guarantee another term...

CIA, EU, XYZ, NBA and all other 2/3 letters are just a cheap excuses and cope.


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50% of your post is BS and conspiracy theories.
The World is not black and white, and the AKP is cozing up on DEM anyway. So whats your point? Continue with the dictator, let thousands be prisoned, billions be stolen because you believe the propaganda you are fed?
How quickly perceptions change.
More or less confirmed as an open secret by the public, experts and government, officials that the Turkish governments were previously part of a network of state within the state, controlled and repeatedly brought into line. Is it now another legend and conspiracy? Interesting

So you want to tell me that the opposition is not corrupt and does not put money in its own pockets? That it doesn't distribute and spend commissions to its own people like the AKP/MHP? That is a question? and not an assertion. If there's one thing I've learned, it's that every Turkish government that has come and gone has been corrupt to the core.

So what do you want, or rather what are you looking for? If there is a change of government, some of the independent doors will definitely close.
The Europeans would call it a reassessment of politics. If arms projects are stopped, because that is what it will come down to, then you will all look stupid.
You think it won't happen, but it will happen with some meaningless justification, e.g. the policy of détente in the Aegean.
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How quickly perceptions change.
More or less confirmed as an open secret by the public, experts and government, officials that the Turkish governments were previously part of a network of state within the state, controlled and repeatedly brought into line. Is it now another legend and conspiracy? Interesting

So you want to tell me that the opposition is not corrupt and does not put money in its own pockets? That it doesn't distribute and spend commissions to its own people like the AKP/MHP? That is a question? and not an assertion. If there's one thing I've learned, it's that every Turkish government that has come and gone has been corrupt to the core.

So let me summarize:

Part 1: unfounded BS & conspriacy theories. Please deliver sources, be my guest.

Part 2: the other ones are corrupt too (again populistic, unfounded BS) why should we change something? Let us let the AKP and Erdogan steal for another 25 years.


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So let me summarize:

Part 1: unfounded BS & conspriacy theories. Please deliver sources, be my guest.

Part 2: the other ones are corrupt too (again populistic, unfounded BS) why should we change something? Let us let the AKP and Erdogan steal for another 25 years.
I'm not going to provide a smorgasbord of sources just to hear you disagree. This is for me burnt time, there is enough evidence like Susurluk, Kenan Evren coup featuring CIA and much more. It is up to you to perceive them or not, Turkey has always been like this, the population that is dissatisfied has always been masochistically inclined to want to be fucked harder and harder and if you would ask them after 2-3 years if something has changed form new Goverment, I would hear again from dissatisfied people that the current government is shit with the difference that they are fucked by ideologically like-minded people 😂.
Excuse my vulgar language but I can't put it any better than that.


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"102 years after the British, French and Italian occupation, enemy rags are still flying in Istanbul… Which war did we lose that the Turkish state is being subjected to this shame?"
The war of votes
This is the cruelty of democracy and why it wasnt, isnt, and wont be a good system at all

AKP is keeping silence to continue with their make-up plan with DEM for votes
CHP's Ozgur Ozel just apologised to all DEM voters who were insulted by Yavas for flying terror banners during Imamoglu's rally and reportedly some top CHP officials when quesrioned about Yavas's actions said that they only should believe whatever comes from the mouth of Ozgur Ozel only

As long as DEM has 8% of votes in a society so fragmented, expect the DEM to even ask for independence and one day either the AKP or CHP will approve

And that is why I said that if you wanna topple Erdogan, then you need a decent and clean person unlike the likes of Imamoglu or Ozel and Iam 100% sure that even with the current fiasco, Erdogan will win the next election as long as either Imamoglu or Ozel are in power

The CHP, as a party, is literally shunning away the only successful and clean politician, Mansur Yavas, just because he doesnt follow their pro-pkk narrative

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