Engineering is no such thing. It's not like a driver getting experience with driving thousands of miles. It's about establishing test rigs and doing tests on the materials you produced (lie TEI does, KaleAero doesn't have such capabilities). To recruit and plan a good organization scheme. To establish a managable calender for the project. Establishing production chain and developing necessary process technology.
To date, Kale failed badly.
Forget yenişafak a.k.a. government propaganda for shallow minds.
Here read this. It's also from government media AA.
Türk savunma sanayisinin ihtiyaçları için KTJ-3200 Milli Turbojet Motoru'nu geliştiren Kale Arge, kazandığı bilgi birikimi ve tecrübeyle yeni turbojet motor projeleri için kolları sıvadı. - Anadolu Ajansı
They say they have done "internal qualifications". Which means that they have tested the engine on a rig to see if they are complying with the project requirements. After that there will be a qualification phase for the Army and SSB on a rig. After that they will integrate engine to the missile and do another qualification phase. If everything goes well, development phase will end and SSB will open a procurement tender for the engine, after that they will go into serial production phase.
And I'm not giving a tiny consideration to them. If my company had done work like them we would have gone bankrupt. A 5+ years delay in a 4 year project is not acceptable any where in the world.
Let this be a lesson for SSB. IMO, for the next engine. They should give R&D money to both TEI and Kale. Give them 2 years and after 2 years evaluate their advance and award the project to the one that made the most advancement.
Bro..... you mishmashed everything.....