TR Refugee Problem|News & Discussions

Angry Turk !!!

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If the Turks were not extreme in defending their livelihoods and identity they would have been wiped out in Anatolia for good.
That's literally happening since the first refugees came. Demographics in this Country are dying and the so called Turks aren't the Turks from back then anymore.

I don't see the Turks defending their identity, do you? Why do you think I have such a problem with those illegal Aliens.


21 2,013
They don't have official refugee status because akp friends benefit from cheap labour colonies and slavery - refugees can apply for resettlement in third country. Probably part of the deal with the EU
no better they dot hav refugee status if they do the legal path for citizenship will be open those who gain illegal citizenship their citizenship can easily be revoke. in general citizenship of anyone can be revoke so don't be hopeless about it

here Kadir Mısıroğlu explain how Kenan Evren revoke his citizenship

That's literally happening since the first refugees came. Demographics in this Country are dying and the so called Turks aren't the Turks from back then anymore.

I don't see the Turks defending their identity, do you? Why do you think I have such a problem with those illegal Aliens.

the reasons for this is the fact that kemalism is dead. on an unholy alliance of leftist-islamist they killed it in late 2000s that left a gap in people's identity + self hating that followed lead to most new generation not be nationalist. both left ( this also include PKK ) and islamist whom their origin came from palestinian hizbut tahrir they tried to install their ideology to the society but it didnt work then realized they need to destroy Kemalist first then install their ideology

in the video above cemaleddin kaplan talk about kemalism his relative ( possibly daughters ) hilal kaplan work with armenians FETÖ and PKK to destroy Kemalism she recognized Armenian geocide as well as call Atatürk murderer she also make pro PKK propaganda that yeah abdullah Ocalan was athiest but he secretly perform namaz thus he was a secret Muslim
here at the first half of the video the jourlasit discrpt perfectly unholy alliance of leftist-islamist especially the part which islamist says PKK made a wrong move they took gun before they come to power we wont make that mistake we will took gun after we come to power



hilal kaplan received Armenian award for calling Turkish people genociders


right now hilal kaplan is working in TRT

with death of kemalisim and the self hating islamist inject to the new generation, make the vulnerable to assimilation and indifferences to the Turkish identity and Armenians are exploiting it to the fullest extend and now both islamist and leftist can now shape the society in the way their ideology dictated .


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no better they dot hav refugee status if they do the legal path for citizenship will be open those who gain illegal citizenship their citizenship can easily be revoke. in general citizenship of anyone can be revoke so don't be hopeless about it

here Kadir Mısıroğlu explain how Kenan Evren revoke his citizenship

the reasons for this is the fact that kemalism is dead. on an unholy alliance of leftist-islamist they killed it in late 2000s that left a gap in people's identity + self hating that followed lead to most new generation not be nationalist. both left ( this also include PKK ) and islamist whom their origin came from palestinian hizbut tahrir they tried to install their ideology to the society but it didnt work then realized they need to destroy Kemalist first then install their ideology

in the video above cemaleddin kaplan talk about kemalism his relative ( possibly daughters ) hilal kaplan work with armenians FETÖ and PKK to destroy Kemalism she recognized Armenian geocide as well as call Atatürk murderer she also make pro PKK propaganda that yeah abdullah Ocalan was athiest but he secretly perform namaz thus he was a secret Muslim
here at the first half of the video the jourlasit discrpt perfectly unholy alliance of leftist-islamist especially the part which islamist says PKK made a wrong move they took gun before they come to power we wont make that mistake we will took gun after we come to power



hilal kaplan received Armenian award for calling Turkish people genociders


right now hilal kaplan is working in TRT

with death of kemalisim and the self hating islamist inject to the new generation, make the vulnerable to assimilation and indifferences to the Turkish identity and Armenians are exploiting it to the fullest extend and now both islamist and leftist can now shape the society in the way their ideology dictated .

Well them not having refugee status is why the EU can dump them in Turkey. They already have a path to citizenship.


21 2,013
They are basically being brainwashed with "globalist" ideals with an islamic face. Its the exact same agenda that takes place in the west but everything has an islamic face to it.
no they are tho they may look a same but they are not. the differences is islamist are anti turkist they dont want Turkish migrant they will accept arab persian afghan and pakistani tho their goal is to destroy the turkish population's dominance and return the society back to the time of ottomans thats why they reject turkish history before islam or anything that have to do with turkish identiy

here Erdogan complaining about why government accepting Turkish refugee from Bulgaria but he let 13 millions sharia population to walk in

both the left and the islamist have problem with

1) establishment of Turkish republic

2) Turkish identity

thus the unholy alliance of leftist-islamist one of the rare thing both group agree on

But as far as as Turkiye is concerned these tarikets are like an internal cancer growing and growing, eventually they will destroy the body. FETO was a good example of how dangerous just one "tariket" can be. Remember the hundreds of thousands of FETO members generally believed what they were doing was about bringing an islamic sharia state into being, but in reality it was no more then an american plot against Turkiye and Islam itself. Nearly all tarikets operate in the say way. The grand majority of members are almost entirely ignorant of the true purposes of what they have joined.
do not make mistake of all the tarikats are the same, they are not. right now 4 different group giving birth to our tarikats and their goals are different

CIA tarikat ==> Fetö , making turkey sunni iran, target was the central asia and turkic republic
i dont want to get into rabbit hole of how azerbijan's defence and justis ministers turns out to be member of Fetö or the Fetö compines active in Turkmenistan but know this kyrgyzstan is the country that is counqerd by Fetö not only ministers but all ministeries are full of Fetöcu

Palestinian hizb ul tahrir takrikat ==> Erbakan and his gang, target : since they cant beat israel on their own they are to raise the generation of islamist sympathize with Palestinian cause and to make them take control of turkey ( and other muslim countries ) and use its recourse for Palestine. Abdulrahman uzun and mavi marmara is the great example of their handy work

Egypt and Saudi tarikat ==> furkanci tarikat, target : to wahabify turkey as secular democratic turkey is threat to their dictatorship since arab people will look at turkey and will want the same type of government

remember the time isis burn 2 turkish soilders alive ?? those who burn them were turks from adana and formaly members of Furkanci tarikat

Alparslan Kuytul leader of furkanci tarikat mainly active in adana targeting drug addicts and those who suffer from metal illnes for his tarikats. he finish his islamic education in Egypt

iran ==> multipule tarikat, target : increase its influence and use the people's isalmic ignorance to weaken turkey for example in 90s they increase dosage of Islamism and call for sharia in turkey to break the military deal with USA in which we gain F-16s which gave us superiority over iranian air force. since in 80s iran was USA ally and when the islamist took over all the advanced military hardware fall to their enemy Americans feared that the same thing will happen with turkey too. iranians know this and they play their islamism card on the fear of Americans in turkey

i wont get into the cultural imperialism of these tarikas because that would be too long
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21 2,013
Well them not having refugee status is why the EU can dump them in Turkey. They already have a path to citizenship.
no they dont. by both international law and the turkish constitution their path to citizenship is blocked their actual status is illegal alien. if erdogan giving them citizenship then he is committing crimes


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no they are tho they may look a same but they are not. the differences is islamist are anti turkist they dont want Turkish migrant they will accept arab persian afghan and pakistani tho their goal is to destroy the turkish population's dominance and return the society back to the time of ottomans thats why they reject turkish history before islam or anything that have to do with turkish identiy

here Erdogan complaining about why government accepting Turkish refugee from Bulgaria but he let 13 millions sharia population to walk in

both the left and the islamist have problem with

1) establishment of Turkish republic

2) Turkish identity

thus the unholy alliance of leftist-islamist one of the rare thing both group agree on

do not make mistake of all the tarikats are the same, they are not.
right now 4 different group giving birth to our tarikats and their goals are different

CIA tarikat ==> Fetö , making turkey sunni iran, target was the central asia and turkic republic
i dont want to get into rabbit hole of how azerbijan's defence and justis ministers turns out to be member of Fetö or the Fetö compines active in Turkmenistan but know this kyrgyzstan is the country that is counqerd by Fetö not only ministers but all ministeries are full of Fetöcu

Palestinian hizb ul tahrir takrikat ==> Erbakan and his gang, target : since they cant beat israel on their own they are to raise the generation of islamist sympathize with Palestinian cause and to make them take control of turkey ( and other muslim countries ) and use its recourse for Palestine. Abdulrahman uzun and mavi marmara is the great example of their handy work

Egypt and Saudi tarikat ==> furkanci tarikat, target : to wahabify turkey as secular democratic turkey is threat to their dictatorship since arab people will look at turkey and will want the same type of government

iran ==> multipule tarikat, target : increase its influence and use the people's isalmic ignorance to weaken turkey for example in 90s they increase dosage of Islamism and call for sharia in turkey to break the military deal with USA in which we gain F-16s which gave us superiority over iranian air force. since in 80s iran was USA ally and when the islamist took over all the advanced military hardware fall to their enemy Americans feared that the same thing will happen with turkey too. iranians know this and they play their islamism card on the fear of Americans in turkey

i wont get into the cultural imperialism of these tarikas because that would be too long

Is there any tariket out there that doesnt operate as an enemy of the Republic? When i was younger i got to meet various leaders because of my dads status and wealth within the UK. Later on i looked into these organisations and pretty much all of them were connected to the USA/UK?


21 2,013
Is there any tariket out there that doesnt operate as an enemy of the Republic?
lol not that i know of :ROFLMAO:

When i was younger i got to meet various leaders because of my dads status and wealth within the UK. Later on i looked into these organisations and pretty much all of them were connected to the USA/UK?
good thing you rejected those Rats. i know what happend to those who didnt. for example they told turks in germany if they gave their money to them they will invest it in turkey and both they will get rich and help turkey industrialized. what they did was to take the life's work of the people and runaway . those turks who got scamed some of them committed suicide, all of them lost their saving hence the famous gurbetçi tourist problem


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good thing you rejected those Rats. i know what happend to those who didnt. for example they told turks in germany if they gave their money to them they will invest it in turkey and both they will get rich and help turkey industrialized. what they did was to take the life's work of the people and runaway . those turks who got scamed some of them committed suicide, all of them lost their saving hence the famous gurbetçi tourist problem

One of the leaders i met, it was claimed back then that his sect had over 20 million followers globally. Do we know the number of tariket members in Turkiye itself?


21 2,013
One of the leaders i met, it was claimed back then that his sect had over 20 million followers globally. Do we know the number of tariket members in Turkiye itself?
thats overexertion but they do have base in north America, Europe, south east asia, but most importantly Pakistan hence the Pakistanis discovery of turkey it is they with their mosques in pakistan that encourage them to come turkey and with network here make their settling easier

it is said the largest tarikat is ismail ağa tarikat with 2 million members

last year their leader died and around 2 million people came for his funeral

and to give you more info this is the guy who said women should stay at home and not to work or even allowed to come to street


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4th Criminal Chamber of the Court of Cassation, dated 24.10.2022, 2021 / 33116 Esas
According to the decision numbered 2022/20539; The person who employs and employs unregistered foreign fugitives who enter Turkiye illegally, who do not have a work and residence permit, who do not have the intention to go to another country, is punished for the crime of Migrant Smuggling in accordance with Article 79/ 1- a of the Turkish Penal Code.

In short, it is now all forbidden to employ Afghans, Africans etc. and those who do will be directly prosecuted for "migrant smuggling". Unfortunately, this is a step taken too late by the Supreme Court. Nevertheless, it is very important. I don't know if there is an association of garment businesses in the country, but they will start crying soon.


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4th Criminal Chamber of the Court of Cassation, dated 24.10.2022, 2021 / 33116 Esas
According to the decision numbered 2022/20539; The person who employs and employs unregistered foreign fugitives who enter Turkiye illegally, who do not have a work and residence permit, who do not have the intention to go to another country, is punished for the crime of Migrant Smuggling in accordance with Article 79/ 1- a of the Turkish Penal Code.

In short, it is now all forbidden to employ Afghans, Africans etc. and those who do will be directly prosecuted for "migrant smuggling". Unfortunately, this is a step taken too late by the Supreme Court. Nevertheless, it is very important. I don't know if there is an association of garment businesses in the country, but they will start crying soon.
And what about the migrants themselves?


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4th Criminal Chamber of the Court of Cassation, dated 24.10.2022, 2021 / 33116 Esas
According to the decision numbered 2022/20539; The person who employs and employs unregistered foreign fugitives who enter Turkiye illegally, who do not have a work and residence permit, who do not have the intention to go to another country, is punished for the crime of Migrant Smuggling in accordance with Article 79/ 1- a of the Turkish Penal Code.

In short, it is now all forbidden to employ Afghans, Africans etc. and those who do will be directly prosecuted for "migrant smuggling". Unfortunately, this is a step taken too late by the Supreme Court. Nevertheless, it is very important. I don't know if there is an association of garment businesses in the country, but they will start crying soon.
Since when have the courts and their decisions been taken seriously and implemented?

There is someone who says I don't obey or respect the decisions of the Constitutional Court. Someone who says words like law and cuckoo.

Don't be funny my friend, don't humiliate yourself with such posts. This is new Türkiye!


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Interesting the refugee loving libtards are shedding crocodile tears for 500 Refugees that were drowned by Greece.

If the Turks did the same thing people worldwide would be calling for our head.

Turkiye actually has the best option. Either a fcking safe zone or people will die to smugglers and boats getting sunk by Greece.

Tell these Europeans and Americans to stop supporting pkk and stop them sending money to Mullah regime of Iran.


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If Turkiye had to solve the the refugee crisis they should solve it by annexing more land.

I think Turkiye is more than entitled to settle millions of refugees in newly annexed lands when it has taken the heaviest toll.


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Found this, but tbh I don't trust the officials or the beaucracy, the economy is in the gutters so corruption is rampant. AI is needed to control everything.

I think punishment should including losing residency permit and deportation.

Any criminal conduct even brawl should result in losing residency permit. Even if a Turk starts it the Syrian will lose his residency permit.


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Found this, but tbh I don't trust the officials or the beaucracy, the economy is in the gutters so corruption is rampant. AI is needed to control everything.

I think punishment should including losing residency permit and deportation.

Any criminal conduct even brawl should result in losing residency permit. Even if a Turk starts it the Syrian will lose his residency permit.

The claim is wrong, to long to translate but seems like misreporting or outright fake news:


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Any criminal conduct even brawl should result in losing residency permit. Even if a Turk starts it the Syrian will lose his residency permit.

Don't be so rude, I know a guy who got robbed in Istanbul twice. (Once as a tourist and then five years later on his business trip)
Imagine, how absurdly unlucky you have to be to get robbed twice in one of the greatest cities on earth.🤣🤣

Of course, there won't be any third time, but if there was and he try to defend himself.......but the next day he get deported.....🤦‍♂️
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Of course, there won't be any third time, but if there was and he try to defend himself.......but the next day he get deported.....🤦‍♂️
Indeed, how unlucky one guy can be 😤

But I don’t think it would be a criminal act if the dude defends himself. After all, in every system of law there are fundamental principles applied universally and self-defense is a basic universal right of anyone.

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