Understood, but not an answer to my question. What counts, the value of the parts, or the parts itself?
As per
@Sanchez ’s post everyone may use a different unit to calculate %ge of locality.
1. percentage of value.
2, percentage of weight and/or volume
3. percentage of importance
But as per
@TR_123456 ’s post, if you don’t have an engine the rest is superfluous.
Had we been a country like Sweden who could easily buy a F404 or F414 engine, then to use one of the above 3 as a basis of calculation would have meant something.
The new CEO of TAI, Mr Demiroglu last year at the beginning of Summer had said that both f404 and f110 engines‘ purchase contracts were to be finalised within a few months as they were waiting for the US Congress approval.
We are now only a few months away from a year since that statement was made.
We don’t have guarantee of supply of neither engine. Yet we are talking about Hurjet and KAAN serial production. US is now the most untrustworthy equipment supplier. And we have all our eggs in their basket. I wonder if we have even enough F110GE129E engines for the prototypes we have so long been waiting for?