Why are you sharing an art impression of the Tempest/GCAP?
I have the picture from the yesterday conference of SBB.Why are you sharing an art impression of the Tempest/GCAP?
It's not from the conference the dude just add it in...I have the picture from the yesterday conference of SBB.
1:40 min
Mate, you really need to stop thinking every image on these videos you watch are official stuff. Creating these images are easier than ever before. Unless they come straight from the source, meaning TAI, Baykar etc, this is just muddying the water and nothing else.
I agree. It's the sensible thing to do politically. But if US won't supply F-35, why would they allow KAAN to be supplied with a US engine?If I were the Saudis, I would try to buy both the F-35 and Kaan if only to diversify sources and not be subject to whims of a single supplier. They can certainly afford it.
What is the current estimate/guesstimate for KAAN with TF35000 to enter production?If Saudi Arabia buys 100 KAAN then at least Block 0,1 and 2 will be financed.
The only question is whether they want to buy Block 0-1 or only Block 2 with Turkish Engines.
Block 0-1 will be equipped with F-110 129, the USA could block it in order not to prevent their own export possibilities.
2031-32.What is the current estimate/guesstimate for KAAN with TF35000 to enter production?
I think that the engine will be ready in 2033/34, not before.What is the current estimate/guesstimate for KAAN with TF35000 to enter production?