Without, Hue. Clearly NATO's far superior qualitatively to what Russia brings to the table. I don't know about quantity-wise, haven't checked, but I'm pretty sure the US alone is around 1 million-ish personnel. If Russia's somewhere over 2 and under 3, then I'd figure all of western Europe combined is going to make up the difference and overtake Russia's numbers. Plus, again, all the shit they have is better.
Thing is, it won't come to that, because while Putin's unlikely to say "fuck it" and blow up the planet (his generals etc would kill him and stop him pre-emptively anyway), he's still more likely to than the US/UK/France is, and both he and they know that. We'll never risk an open fight with Russia - even though we'd win - because it's just too risky in the first place, and secondly our civilians would be way less tolerant of a fight like that than the average Rooskie is. No appetite for it. He calls our bluff, he's right on calling it out, which is why he gets Ukraine.
Blackjack, what even is your point there? That Ukraine's somehow...more powerful than NATO, or even individual NATO countries?

C'mon. They're more battle-hardened recently (I...guess the US/UK guys might have something to say about that though), but the cost-benefit of that is they're all ehausted & undermanned, using western scraps to fight with. It's an insane position to take. Even not having had a fight in forever, Poland would absolutely buttfuck Ukraine in some one-to-one fight, let alone the big countries to their west coming into a Ukraine comparison.
Such a weird thing to bring up, too. I'm obviously...not for NATO countries coming into the fight against Russia, that'd be apocalyptic stupidity.
Regarding the permission for Ukraine to use US kit to strike within Russia, I've seen some analysis on that to the effect of the delay was probably intentional on Biden's part to give Russia a chance to get their important shit back further out of range, and that kind of adds up. If that's true, the inside-Russia strikes won't amount to much anyway. In any case it seems Zelensky is finally coming around the the notion of this being the beginning of the end, given the way he's been talking recently. German guy's speaking directly to Putin, I think the gears are moving here. Probably this time 2025 the peace lines will be drawn, more-or-less where they stand today.