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You don’t want to cut off an escape route. Unless you want to find out how hard people will fight.Sadly, it seems that the railway is still intact
Thus, Russia can fix the path and resume using it
I hope Ukraine fires another volley and get rid of that shitty bridge
After that hot fire, the steel in construction will have been so badly compromised that it won’t be safe to exact loads on it. It is as good as collapsed.Sadly, it seems that the railway is still intact
Thus, Russia can fix the path and resume using it
I hope Ukraine fires another volley and get rid of that shitty bridge
Look as this propaganda fool. Talking about mortars when Crimea bridge was destroyedThe use by Ukrainian soldiers of the famous in quotation marks M120-15 Molot mortar. The 120 mm Ukrainian M120-15 mortar manufactured by the Mayak plant turned out to be very unsuccessful, but it was accepted into service anyway. During its use from 2016 to 2021, as a result of explosions of Molot mortars, more than 20 Ukrainian soldiers died and about 45 more were injured, some called it cursed. The mortar has a mass of 210 kg and a firing range of 7100 m, a rate of fire of up to 15 rounds per minute, a mortar crew of 5 people.
Episode of the battle in Ukraine. A Ukrainian mobile group in a Hummer found a damaged Russian truck. After trying to check the car, they heard the sounds of Russian armored vehicles and tried to drive away, while the car was attacked by the Russian army.
Russian PMC Wagner video training assault groups. The exercise is called the "Confidence Test" since during the training of soldiers fire from military weapons is fired.
Nah, we like the sound of crimea bridge getting blown up more.guess besides turkish users there might be a handful of arabic users that might like this jam.
The Russians blamed the Jews for the defeats of the XX century, in the First World War, the Civil War in Russia. Fascism originated initially in Russia, not in Germany.Russians will make their own stab in the back myth.
"We were not defeated in the battlefield but lost due to the Tuvans, Chechens, Yakuts and Buryats"
Anyway today is Vladimir Putin birthday. Who's going to tell Putin?
Angela Merkel: Kalıcı barış ancak Rusya ile mümkün
Eski Almanya Başbakanı Angela Merkel, Avrupa’nın kalıcı bir barışa ancak Rusya’nın katılımıyla ulaşabileceğini sö
Merkel said that sustainable peace in Europe can only be achieved if it includes Russia.
"The Cold War is not over"
Merkel said, "Unless we achieve this, the Cold War is not over." used the phrases."
Fortunately for us, there are still sane rulers in Europe who are not caught in the tail of the USA.
But caught in the tail of the ex-USSR or Russiawho are not caught in the tail of the USA.