Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War


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Pardon me, but I don't think that Mr Putin has the right to determine Ukraine's choices as a nation.
His concerns about having a western puppet on the border to Russia may be understandable but his intentions were bad. Not seeing Ukrainians have the right to live is psychopathic.
Massacring civilians, looting houses and shops, bombing residential areas, raping, kidnapping, deporting to Siberia etc. etc.

I used to respect Putin and thought of him as a clever leader, even after annexing Crimea, and even after the Donbass theatre, until the stupid decision to invade Ukraine with the very funny title of "Special Operation".

Most of Turks here have nothing against Russians, but Russia has stabbed us in the back many times in Syria and Libya, It's also playing a dangerous game under the guise of "peacekeeping" in Karabagh, but most importantly, Russia's arrogance in its claims over Ukraine gives some of us the Schadenfrude when we see their army fail.

Also Russian bots and media have tried to ridicule our defence products at every chance (to no avail) and still yet do (see TB-2) although it made them bleed in al above mentioned conflicts in addition to Ukraine especially in the first weeks of the failed invasion.

Russians claimed they will take the entirety of Ukraine within a week and install a pro-Russian government but the reality is something the whole world watched with shock.
Russia showed us that they talk the talk bet they limp badly when it comes to the walk part.

I'm really sorry if you feel sometimes ostracised, and I would like to see your side of the medal too in the conflict.
I congratulate you on having a pretty thick skin and standing your ground but you should not support the killing of civilians, looting, raping and other atrocities committed by the Z army.

I hope Russians could be more humble and accept the shortcomings of their military and poor decisions of their leaders.

While your analysis is quite good
I think it is more deeper than that tbh

A really famous quote from Putin was "if war is inevitable, you always got to strike first"

One of Putin's modus operandi in the region is that if Russia is poor then the surrounding states must be poorer, if Russia is corrupt then the surrounding states must be more corrupt, if Russia has a weak military then the surrounding states must have an even weaker military

Ever since Zelensky took office and he promised reforms and new military programs to re-inforce Ukraine's military after the annexation in 2014; ever since Zelensky's arrival and there were several alarms in Russia and within the Kremlin. Putin was scared on the notion that 20 years in the future and Ukraine may retake their annexed territories (Crimea and Donbass) by force; thus, increasing their prospects of joining NATO with all of their lands and an even more decent army on Russia's doorsteps. Putin cant improve his nations conditions further as he couldnt tackle the corruption introduced by the Oligarchs but Zelensky may have a chance (albeit a small one)

That is why Putin was conducting some sort of litmus tests every now and then by having Donbass separatists shell Ukrainian positions every month or two in order to check Ukraine's response. Finally, Putin's fears came true when Zelensky used TB2s to strike Donbass separatists positions after they shelled the Ukrainian army's positions. This was a sign that 20 to 30 years into future and Zelensky will take back his territory just like how Azerbaijan did it

That is why he followed his saying: "If war is inevitable, you got to strike first" and this is what he did. However, he made many mistakes the primary being the fact that he thought Ukrainians will welcome the Russians even though the coup in 2014 was done because the people are fed up with Soviet mentality and being puppets of Russia
An extra bonus Putin thought he would get is that he would inject fresh blood into the already aging Russian and Soviet population

Ofcourse no matter how noble Putin's ambitions may be towards his nation, by no means is it a justification for screwing the lives and future of nations all across the globe. It isnt Ukraine's fault that Russia is corrupt and it isnt Ukraine's fault that Putin cant improve his nation and free it from chronic Oligarchs' corruption. Therefore, Putin's war in Ukraine is not justified, and is nothing short of a genoicde towards a neighbouring nation just so that the Russians can live in peace with a soviet-like mentality even if Putin wants the Russians to think like that; but what can I say..... we shouldnt expect more from a loyal KGB spy

Now I can understand why the Soviet Union failed
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On the frontline ukranian forces striking on Russian armourds and positions with hwitzers with combination of real time informations from drones .



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This is the follow up;

"It was a disintegration of historical Russia under the name of the Soviet Union," Putin said on the 1991 breakup, in a documentary called "Russia. New History”…

"We turned into a completely different country. And what had been built up over 1,000 years was largely lost," said Putin, saying 25 million Russian people in newly independent countries suddenly found themselves cut off from Russia, part of what he called "a major humanitarian tragedy"…

Clues of what was yet to come, of course it is not all about resources!

Russia lost all that land they are still the biggest country on this planet.

Russia for me will always be a country full of mystery. For me its an enigma.

As a Turk as much as we have bad blood with them I still respect them more than Armenians, Greeks and Kurds.

Russians even deserve more respect than our Arab or Persian rivals.


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Ukrainians are fighting hard thats lots of respect.

Rather have them alongside me than the backstabbers in our region aka the Balkans and the Middle East.


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this is not an article about tb2 instead more of politic.Its casting negative about erdogan and selcuk and indirectly tb2.
I don't think you should celebrate about this type of article at all.
Check your conversations.


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German style.....Lies

Ukraine: We want your Marder vehciles .
Scholz: We have none.
Rheinmetall: We have 100.

Scholz: They do NOT work.
Rheinmetall: They work
Scholz: We have NO ammo.
Rheinmetall: We have.
Scholz: Ukraine does NOT want them.

Ukraine: No - We Want them......
Scholz: We have none.

Ukraine's must feel like this when listen Germany lie....lie....lie.....lie.... again and again and again



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There was information few days ago that german helmets promised at the start of the war has just arrived. So we'll be lucky if those Flakpanzer Gepards arrive in 3-4 month from now.

Germany got cucked by Russia 🤣

Since 1945 lmaooo

What makes it even more hilarious how Germany has become a meme in Ukraine.

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