Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War


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The Russian Su-35S fighter jet shot down a Ukrainian MiG-29 for the first time with an R-37M missile at a colossal range of 213 km. This was reported by specialized Russian resources. It is worth noting that there are no photos or videos confirming this, in fact, it is impossible to confirm this, since the Ukrainian media do not publish footage of destroyed equipment. As reported, the Russian Su-35S fighter jet used ultra-long-range R-37M missiles, a link to a video about them is in the comments to the video. The MiG-29 was detected due to the fact that the Su-35S fighter jet is equipped with the N035 Irbis radar. The Irbis radar has a maximum peak power of up to 20 kW. Which allows it to detect targets at a range of up to 400 km. The MiG-29 has an RCS of approximately 5 m2, the N035 Irbis radar can detect an air target with an RCS of 3 m2 at a range of up to 400 km.



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Russia's population = 142 mil pre war (before absorbing Ukraine's population)

Ukraine's population=
41 million (in UN recognized territory)
37 million pre Feb 2022
20+ million in areas under it's administration now

How is this bloke came with the idea of 'outlasting Russia in attrition' to begin with.


mehmed beg

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United Kingdom
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Bosnia & Herzegovina
I have no time to actually understand your miserable argument and broken English. But let it be known, that I put my whole bet that Islamist will eventually win in the Middle East, like it or not that's someone else problem.

The concept of (Western) attrition involved peddling the lies that Russia is running out of X every few months or so, not surprising to me.

See, had this forum existed in 1968 or 2001, none of you guys would dare to even toy with the idea of :

  1. Whole Viet Nam will be communist
  2. Taliban will triumphantly return to power after its lightning fast collapse

You could toy with whatever you like in terms of money and equipment your miserable alliance send to Ukraine, but the underlying problem is the same, without the manpower to do the heavy lifting everything will be lost.

Think 2014, this is the year that ISAF hands over responsibility to the ANA. For many among Western security circels, it was hoped that superior American firepower and lavish equipment donation to the ANA will (hopefully) stem the Taliban after ISAF left. But this is just a pipe dream, since its inception everyone knows that money and equipment won't save Afghanistan.

Vice News, made a very popular video about the real state of the ANA a decade ago.

Basically everyone knows that it will be just a matter of time before these armies of drug addicts and child molesters will yield to the Taliban, even though at the time, the Taliban couldn't even capture a single major town. The same thing will happen to the army of draft dodgers that is now getting dragged in vans all across Ukraine.😂

The Western arguments when it comes to the pace in which Russia could occupy the whole of Ukraine rests in their delusional hope that Russia will continue to advance at that pace, while Ukraine will continue to resist as strongly as ever ad infinitum.

This is of course flawed. In Afghanistan, the it took the Taliban longer to secure the small town of Lashkar Gah (2 weeks and 1 day), than the capital of Kabul (1 day). While the Vietnamese communist took the whole of South Vietnam in just 4 months when before that it took them half a year to secure some outpost near the DMZ.
The collapse of the Ukrainian power will come first slowly, and then suddenly.

there's one quote from an American DS veteran that I still remember to this day...we (Americans) fought for the separation and survival of South Vietnam, while the communists fought for the conquest of it, over time we lose interest and let it slip under the bus. The war in Ukraine is no different, it is a war in which America tries desperately to maintain Ukrainian sovereignty that is separate from Russia, while Russia is waging war to absorb it. Just like in Viet Nam, the one with the conquest mentality eventually prevailed.

Saigon 1975


Kabul 2021


Kiev 20XX

(Soon Soon)
You have a habit to argue in primitive way with some deflection.
Viet cong wasn't Islamists so why do you mention them?
Besides it brought the misery to the Muslims of Cambodia, no?
So why do you mention that? In the lack of the real argument?
In Afghanistan, it was Islamists who brought USA there and many Islamists think that Taliban are sufi deobandi Kuffar, don't they? Even Iran who you also consider Islamists
I mean, let's roll back this forum?
You shill for Russia so distastefully that even Blsck Jack has no need to add much neither he does it in such profane way.
I mean, you are bigger Russian then him , but till the last summer you were Ukrainian. Since Ukrainians haven't harmed the Palestinians and helped Muslims in Syria , Sudan etc what's the reason.
Oh I forgot, my dad died in war and my grandad was in the couple of wars , mee too. I have no need any further than that.
You are still talking about Sabahudin like he lived yesterday, oh yes there is hardly anyone who Shia " islamists " hate more than him.
Even in that, you ain't able to to have some sort of consensus.
You and your kind are plague of Islamic world, time and again you brought the misery and loss ( why 7 8 million refugees in Turkey? )
Because let's face it , you know nothing about Islam and it is all about your ego. Such people will never ever have any victory and as Hadith states , that people will be the first to join Dajjal.
No Ahlak , no edheb , no Ikhlas and that's obvious.
Just mujaheed for thr chairs , girls and prominence.
Just distasteful mocking and personal insults no Ahlak at all.
To illustrate it foe you, last Thursday when we had the last clash, I was sitting in front of Pizza restaurant underneath of Rabita Mosque in London. Arab boy came and handed over the business cards with the drugs prices then proceed to the Mosque
That's the material which makes so called Islamists, I know it as matter of fact.
I don't associate myself with people like that, neither I wait for mercy of any power nor I associate with people who are presenting the Palestinian cause as White Supremacy. I don't compromise myself in a such way.
I have never ever even thought to complain about so called Islamic world in regards of my country, I know that they couldn't help me much. I don't blame no one.
Yet on this thread, you complained that I disappointed you?
What do you want? That I frame your picture, because you donated 2 pounds for Bosnia, after one Juma 1994????
If you want I will send you back those 2 quid?


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You have a habit to argue in primitive way with some deflection.
Viet cong wasn't Islamists so why do you mention them?
Besides it brought the misery to the Muslims of Cambodia, no?
So why do you mention that? In the lack of the real argument?
In Afghanistan, it was Islamists who brought USA there and many Islamists think that Taliban are sufi deobandi Kuffar, don't they? Even Iran who you also consider Islamists
I mean, let's roll back this forum?
You shill for Russia so distastefully that even Blsck Jack has no need to add much neither he does it in such profane way.
I mean, you are bigger Russian then him , but till the last summer you were Ukrainian. Since Ukrainians haven't harmed the Palestinians and helped Muslims in Syria , Sudan etc what's the reason.
Oh I forgot, my dad died in war and my grandad was in the couple of wars , mee too. I have no need any further than that.
You are still talking about Sabahudin like he lived yesterday, oh yes there is hardly anyone who Shia " islamists " hate more than him.
Even in that, you ain't able to to have some sort of consensus.
You and your kind are plague of Islamic world, time and again you brought the misery and loss ( why 7 8 million refugees in Turkey? )
Because let's face it , you know nothing about Islam and it is all about your ego. Such people will never ever have any victory and as Hadith states , that people will be the first to join Dajjal.
No Ahlak , no edheb , no Ikhlas and that's obvious.
Just mujaheed for thr chairs , girls and prominence.
Just distasteful mocking and personal insults no Ahlak at all.
To illustrate it foe you, last Thursday when we had the last clash, I was sitting in front of Pizza restaurant underneath of Rabita Mosque in London. Arab boy came and handed over the business cards with the drugs prices then proceed to the Mosque
That's the material which makes so called Islamists, I know it as matter of fact.
I don't associate myself with people like that, neither I wait for mercy of any power nor I associate with people who are presenting the Palestinian cause as White Supremacy. I don't compromise myself in a such way.
I have never ever even thought to complain about so called Islamic world in regards of my country, I know that they couldn't help me much. I don't blame no one.
Yet on this thread, you complained that I disappointed you?
What do you want? That I frame your picture, because you donated 2 pounds for Bosnia, after one Juma 1994????
If you want I will send you back those 2 quid?

You know, I wouldn't take some war refugee in England on advice about war, nor would I take an opinion of a nationalist when it comes to religion.

Tbh, you're not a worthy opponent as you lack intellect and soundness, you're writings are hard to read and understand, it has no real point other than some unimportant blabbering

But it's nice for me to know that my post continues to anger you, I will double down

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