Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War


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Ukraine 🇺🇦 will receive $7.85 Billion usd in direct budget support from USA 🇺🇸 in 2024, including a $3.9 Billion usd tranche that will be delivered in the coming weeks.

Ukraine will also receive $824 million usd in American support to rebuild and repair energy infrastructure.



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Only to be replaced by Ukrainian colonists.

Best is another independent Crimea, but how is it possible? Nobody knows

To be honest both are slavs. But the Russians are much worse than the Ukrainians.

Russians sent a lot of Crimean Tatars to Siberia to die in the gulags something which the Ukrainians did not do.

Crimean Tatars may not be a fan of Ukraine but they prefer Ukraine over Russia any day of the week.

Tatars and the Cossacks beefed with each other for centuries but the Russians committed even much more worse crimes than the Ukrainians and their ancestors.

Russians are also single handedly responsible for the Ottoman Empire weakening and colonised Central Asia. Hence why not a lot of Turks are not a fan of Russia.

If Turkic peoples do have fans of Russia because they are uncle toms. Just like Kalmyks who are the slaves of Russia. Kalmyks played a big role in Russia conquering the Caucasus and Central Asia just like the Armenians and Georgians. At least the Georgians regret it.


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To be honest both are slavs. But the Russians are much worse than the Ukrainians.

Russians sent a lot of Crimean Tatars to Siberia to die in the gulags something which the Ukrainians did not do.

Because they don't have their own country yet at the time

Crimean Tatars may not be a fan of Ukraine but they prefer Ukraine over Russia any day of the week.

I see


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@Gary @mehmed beg

I see you have some things you need to sort out between yourselves. Why don't you do it in a chit chat or a relevant thread? I understand that the theme of talk is flowing and this is the nature of the discussion, but please be aware of the thread you are posting in and restrict yourselves from derailing it.

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Ukraine do not own anything. They're just an invented people in the end IMO.

I do wish Prabowo could secure those grains, even though we Indonesians do not actually eat bread, but rice.

mehmed beg

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Ukrainians invented people?
Ukrainians can say that for the Palestinians , no? They can say that they are Sea People or Syrians , does Biladi Sham ring a bell?
Maybe Indians can say that Indonesians are invented people, a mixture between Chinese and Indians . Inda and indonesia sounds similar to me ? Maybe there is a lot of Sanskrit in Indonesian languages?
Maybe it is not truly the nation.
Maybe this is similar story that Serbs, Croats and Russians peddle about us?
Maybe we should read Hadith which says " You can't take the knowledge from the Bedouins " and Qur'an which calls Bedouins the worst hypocrites?
Or we can say Bismillah and Haram becomes Halal .
So just say Bismillah and here we go , you can eat the bacon? Can we?
You see , you can make Haram into Halal, just like my Bengali neighbour. He is on benefits which I pay with his 7 children, I pay Zekat ( a sold sum). Yet because I have a golden watch , it is me who is Harami and he is a Halal guy.
Or if you are far away, it is you and your standards which quantify something?
As long as you say Bismillah, there we go?
The stories which bring nothing to the Muslims and have no practical goals apart to make none Muslims hate us even more
You see when you say Bismillah then I means that someone from far away has more reason to be angry on the people whome my people and I fought for the centuries.
But hey when you, yourself are comfortable then what else to do?
Be pseudo islsmist, pseudo intellectual and of course, you can always mock out of frustration.
I am 57 years old , I can't believe that the time has come that the people can make these kinds of constructions.
As Hadith says before the day of the judgement, people will see strange people on the streets and I guess hear and read from them .

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