If you look closely they don't have barrels so probably not real guns at all just training wood guns I would assume. Also this is an elite unit they don't really use old guns like G3 they have HK new platforms like 416 and G28 for real combat use.
In the future, and to a large extent already in the present, the Turkish army will rely on domestic weapons, for example, the MPT76. If HK is used, it is caused under pressure from NATO - but that too will come to an end, God willing.
Profesyonellere MPT, acemilere G3
Hangi birliklerde ağırlıklı hangi tip piyade tüfekleri kullanılıyor?
MPT gibi modern ve etkili silahlar ise birincil kademedeki profesyonel birliklerde dağıtımdadır. G3 ise ikincil kademedeki eğitim birlikleri gibi birliklerde kullanılır, eline muhtemelen ilk defa silah alan ere maliyet-etkin çözüm olarak bu silah verilir. Yani envanterdeki her piyade tüfeği aslında TSK'nın görev icra ettiği her bölgede bulunur."
"MPT for professionals, G3 for beginners
Which types of infantry rifles are predominantly used in which units?
Modern and effective weapons such as the
MPT are deployed in primary-level professional units. The G3, on the other hand, is used in the secondary echelon units, such as training units, and this weapon is probably given as a cost-effective solution to the soldier who receives a weapon for the first time. In other words, every infantry rifle in the inventory is actually available in every region where the TAF operates."