This is a difficult question to answer. Given ranges are always rough figures there are so many parameters that affect radar range like;Any unofficial info/rumor regarding MURAD's performance perimeter? Range?
Radar frequency: Lower the frequency longer the range and X-band covers 8-12GHz and the difference between 8 and 12 is big.
Pulse repetition frequency: Higher is better again makes a big difference
Peak power: At least we know the peak power of Murad (30w per module x1152 module)
Pulse width: Longer pulse width provides better range at the expense of resolution (you lose the ability to detect objects flying in tight formation separately and detect them as a single object)
Target and fighter altitude
Radar scan sector: It means how big is the area/volume you are scanning. Smaller volume=better range
Scan Time: How long the radar will scan per beam
Weather conditions