My view on Turkey's finances is this:
China has invested heavily in Pakistan's economy, reshaping the entire country with huge value projects (62 billion $ China-Pakistan Economic Corridor). This investment also concerns Turkey (future investments of 100 billion $) as it will be the connecting link of China in the European market. The Belt and Road Initiative economic program involves more than 70 countries worldwide. Anyone who observes the course of this program well will see that all the countries that are friendly to Turkey will develop to a tremendous degree. China will never let such an important link as Turkey collapse financially because then China's dreams of One Belt and One Road entering Europe via Asia will be jeopardized. This is the big picture for me where no one in the US cares so much when analyzing the Turkish economy. The Anglo-Saxon axis forgets the economic expansion of China, how important Turkey and the other Turkic countries are.
Well this is the dream our government currently pumps through the media.
I am sceptical towards the utopic claim that "we are saved!" Akp pumps but I will be glad even if it saves us from the political dominance of US a bit.
There is also a guy called Dogu Perincek, high time Eurasianist. He became best pals from sworn enemies with Erdogan since 2015.
He says incredible stuff like the weatern world order that began with the capture of the gulf of Basra by the Portuguese in 15th century will after all, change. We are witnessing history!
He is almost speaking "prophetical" I would say.
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