That's terrifying... how would they even fix that. Parts of the city will probably have to remain abandoned years down the line.This is wrong it is not sea level rise. The city moved 3-4 meters towards the sea.
A seawall can be built to keep water away. I think the Netherlands uses that solution to prevent flooding.That's terrifying... how would they even fix that. Parts of the city will probably have to remain abandoned years down the line.
Erdoğan has tried to tame TSK. He has done all he can to take power away from TSK such as removing Jandarma from TSK to internal affairs ministry's control. Also let's not forget that he sided with FETÖ and arrested top military staff. This mistake eventually lead to the coup attempt which could have led to Gülen becoming a Türkiye's Ayatollah.Isn‘t the Turkish military mobilized for the disaster areas? Why, bad blood between Erdogan administration and TSK?
I hope they get shot somewhere were there is no camera.Jammers are deployed to Hatay
Some looters are arrested.
That is in MalatyaI can't talk for other cities but Malatya has been effectively abandoned by its citizens.
The city is basically empty. Only helpers and volunteers are in the streets.
I don't know about other areas but there are a lot of soldiers in Malatya patrolling and aiding AFAD.
In Elbistan, where my aunt and her family is living, people are getting help. They have delivered truckloads of foods and water but it's still freezing cold.
It seems like things are moving in the right direction, at least in our part of the region. Needles to say that thousands are still under the rubble fighting for their lives.
Yet AFAD isn't accepting jackets because they have beer brand logos on them. I have no words. Not even going to say what I was going to say.
"The earthquake zone will experience one of the coldest nights of this winter. Unfortunately, there are strong frost conditions. The temperature will drop to -7 degrees in the center of Kahramanmaraş, -14 degrees in Elbistan and -9 degrees in Malatya. It is now very critical hours, the risk of hypothermia is high..."
I thought of that too. But I have asked many experienced civil engineers; Their explanation was to do with the water receding in the long run. Iskenderun sits on sand and there is water underneath. When you dig a metre water comes out. Building is difficult as this water has to be continuously drained. The movement of the plates pushed the land increasing ground water level. But should dissipate over time. It does over lap with your theory of movement of the land mass by 3-4 metres.A seawall can be built to keep water away. I think the Netherlands uses that solution to prevent flooding.
Theologists/Islamic clerics/imams run AFAD.
Journalist Cemil Barlas: "Afad did not accept the donation of fleece jackets from these companies because they had the beer brand logo on them.. when I first heard it, I said it was a lie, but it turned out to be true.. this is a disgrace."
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They run all of Türkiye not just AFADTheologists/Islamic clerics/imams run AFAD.
ismail palakoğlu
afad afetlere müdahale genel müdürüdür. özgeçmişi: 1972 kahramanmaraş, afşin ilçesinde doğan ismail palakoğlu; ilkokul, ortaokul ve lise öğrenimini afşin'de tamamladı. 1990'da afşin imam hatip…
The 2. Army got deployed after 12 hours and cities like Antakya (400k residents) couldnt be reached in the first day due to damaged road infrastructures.
The military has tonns of helicopter at disposal but they were still waiting for orders from higher ups.
The coup attempt left a trauma in the government, they dont like seeing military in cities.
Cutting communication in such crude times, i wonder what the excuse for this one is, gotta be really creative.
Looters with guns...
Those without a VPN, can you access Twitter?
TSK has more than enough to handle both situations simultaniously, this reasonning is frankly ridiculous.Helicopters are used for operations and are maintained. You can not ask from the amry to give all the equipments, what if pkk attacks and they need it? Mobilising a army need management and time.
people are emotional....