India Historical Indian War History Thread


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whats the end game for either country? What would Pakistan like to overall achieve and what would india like to achieve? And what if anything would either side compromise on to find a solution?


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whats the end game for either country? What would Pakistan like to overall achieve and what would india like to achieve? And what if anything would either side compromise on to find a solution?
Rhetoric and chest thumping aside, most Indians realize that what's gone is gone. India would be more than happy with the status quo and the demarcation of the LoC as the International Border.

In fact when in 1948, India threw the Pakistani and tribal forces out of the valley, they stopped where the influence of Sheikh Abdullah ended.

Be it 1965 or 1984 or 1999, it is Pak which has tried to change the status quo.

After 26/11, Indians have 0 desire to even sit and negotiate with Pak. Let them self destruct, go bankrupt or become a Chinese colony.


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Pak's end game is to get Kashmir. They also smart under the losses of 65, Siachen, Kargil and their eastern wing in 71. So getting Kashmir would be therapeutic for them.

But it isn't happening. India will double down.


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Is there anything on history of use of war elephants in India?

part I and II are also worth reading....part III given here focuses lot more on India:

This might be handy to watch too for more details on elephant use:


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whats the end game for either country? What would Pakistan like to overall achieve and what would india like to achieve? And what if anything would either side compromise on to find a solution?

Simple, our goal must be to keep growing our gross domestic savings.
It is at 1 trillion USD level right now.
It needs to get to 2 trillion USD and then 3 trillion USD ASAP.
Every other economic number flows from this (be it investment or GDP)

In 2004 our savings were about 200 billion USD compared to Pakistan's 20 billion.
We have grown 5 times, whereas they (by their own lousy hand) have stayed at 20 billion.

So that has lead us to have savings amount approaching 50 times theirs now....when it was formerly just 10 times a cpl decades ago.

Our population ratios have dropped from 8 times to 6 times bigger in interim as we enter TFR area of 2.1 and they stay well above 3.

We will have sweet spot demographic dividend at the right time IMO.

So past that we must ensure this ratio (regd savings + investment) continues to diverge as far as possible.

The bailout that Saudi Arabia provides them (under very stringent conditions) is a feature just beginning to start.

As is what they have to do to get an IMF loan.

All things they have to do because the limits of what PRC will give them have already been reached (and if not why doesn't PRC simply bail them out in these amounts of 3 billion and 6 billion which should surely be pittances for a 3 trillion US dollar stockpiled reserve country).

In fact it is quite instructive to see just how little impact "CPEC" is having on the fundamental savings+investment number.

The leverage we have been able to use (against Pakistan) by way of our economic size has been good and needs to grow even more.

Simply make key players choose between us as far as possible regarding key economic contours and decision making.

This increasingly ties into the military industrial complex and security paradigms too.

We simply need to replicate as far as possible (this first half century) a much larger vast scale of South vs North Korea in the subcontinent.

Then the options as to resolve the solution in optimal, concrete and hopefully peaceful way also increase in number as the power level discrepancy dictates it.

We can then at that point afford to waste time on what they indicate is their "end game" and judge if its any reasonable value to negotiate upon.

But not till then.

Everything else is just equivalent of twitter spam wars for politicians and people with too much free time on their hand.


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part I and II are also worth reading....part III given here focuses lot more on India:

This might be handy to watch too for more details on elephant use:
I was actually thinking more like actual literature, as in books. Though that blog is excellent, but I have already read it...


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I was actually thinking more like actual literature, as in books. Though that blog is excellent, but I have already read it...

Think the guy is an American professor who spends a lot of time in Southern India.


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I was actually thinking more like actual literature, as in books. Though that blog is excellent, but I have already read it...

Yeah look up the guy jackdaws just posted, its the same author (Trautmann) that the blog uses as underlying reference mostly.


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The Param Vir Chakra is India's highest War Time gallantry award. The last time it was awarded was in 1999

The Ashok Chakra is India's highest Peace Time gallantry award.

This thread is about those that received the two highest gallantry awards. Feel free to add their achievements


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Yogendra Singh Yadav

Param Vir Chakra Citation

Grenadier Yogendra Singh Yadav was part of the leading team of Ghatak Platoon tasked to capture Tiger Hill on the night of 3/4 July 1999. The approach to the top was steep, snow bound and rocky. Grenadier Yogendra Singh Yadav, unmindful of the risk involved, volunteered to be in the lead and fixed rope of his team to climb up. On seeing the team, the enemy opened intense automatic grenade, rocket and artillery fire killing the commander and two of his colleagues and the platoon was stalled. Realising the gravity of the situation, Grenadier Yadav crawled up to the enemy position to silence it and in the process sustained multiple injuries. Unmindful of his injuries and in the hail of enemy bullets, Grenadier Yadav continued climbing towards the enemy positions. Lobbing grenades and continuously firing from his weapon, he killed four enemy soldiers in close combat and silenced the automatic fire. Despite multiple injuries, he refused to be evacuated and continued the charge. Inspired by his gallant act, the platoon charged on to the other positions with renewed punch and captured Tiger Hill Top.

Grenadier Yogendra Singh Yadav displayed the most conspicuous courage, indomitable gallantry, grit and determination under extreme adverse circumstances.

And here he is describing what happened

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