Such a thing would be done extremely discreetly, probably in concert with the Japanese approach/appetite for it. (ROC and JPN are becoming significantly closer behind the scenes).
In the interim, Taiwan likely will develop a fairly potent ballistic + cruise missile + stand off capability given PLA reliance on certain harbours and staging grounds (watching the video in this thread at post 6 is recommended too):

PLA Taiwan Scenario questions
Anyone on this forum actually from Taiwan? Im working on a complex scenario and deep dive into PLAs ability to actually invade Taiwan. This, as you can imagine, is quite the process. As a work up to this scenario i was hoping to talk with someone from Taiwan i could bounce elements of the...

Developing a sound capability there means a high deterrence achieved as only a pyrrhic victory would be left on the table for PLA.
i.e along the potential (non-pyrrhic) ladder
1) Prevent/dissuading dieppes from happening in first place
2) Turn each potential D-Day into a Dieppe as far as possible (i.e sustained interdiction realisation all along the staging and conveyance)
3) Have the robust capability to confront each successful D-Day (like that video goes into depth) and wargame it extensively
1 and 2 can achieve an economy of scale with cooperation with Japan (given its Navy especially) without needing USN to commit and the US is turning into an X-factor rather than an assured one like before.
The PLA will be wargaming all of this on their end too.
Overall though CCP will not want a pyrrhic victory and that is what constrains their hand on this matter to begin with right now....and for this decade.
They might have sufficient non-pyrrhic capability for it 2030 this analysis will need to be revisited maybe each year.
The political factor can be summarised overall by the trust-deficit CCP has now unlocked in Taiwan well past the earlier situation (because of CCP actions in HK).
This has put the (more CCP friendly) KMT completely out of the political picture on Taiwan and DPP strengthening its hand there.
One look at what "that lady" Tsai Ing Wen prompts with certain troll brigades (in an especial distasteful manner) just the top most layer accessible to lot of laypeople....but indicative of things going quite wrong on this front for CCP at large.
This all gives Taiwan a new fresh direction in developing its non-pyrrhic capability (i.e below WMD) to begin with so one does not need to hedge insufficiently on WMD only (very risky).
Might give a few more thoughts later maybe.
@Joe Shearer