I am hearing most of them are bypasses wanting to move further into other countries and it is ironic that they fled Afghanistan but hang up flags elsewhereNo comment
I am hearing most of them are bypasses wanting to move further into other countries and it is ironic that they fled Afghanistan but hang up flags elsewhereNo comment
this is dangerous and threatening development, never ending showing of what usa does when challenged within set up dominance, hope turkey public and politicians from all political parties will take note of content from this tweet.
that is technicality of this particular issue but thing for concern is true nature of formal ally relations between turkey and usa, ok i know it is suspicious from both sides and double gamed, what is real issue that every move from turkey in self interest direction will be opposed and tried to be disturbed by usa, huge reason that turkish think tank put this fact for all future calculations related to the security and international relationships.This kind of partistan letters will only embarras these who have written it and expose the extremist elements within the US systems.
First of all they have already stopped the part sells to turkey.. All these latest drones are entirely Turkish made and second of all there is nothing called drone profileration that is entirely made up. Anyone has the rights to develope their defense as much they like this is within every countries sovereign rights including selling them to anyone of their own chosing such partistan letters will be laughed at because it is intellectually bankrupt and just embarras them
Trust me when I say this,this is dangerous and threatening development, never ending showing of what usa does when challenged within set up dominance, hope turkey public and politicians from all political parties will take note of content from this tweet.
that is technicality of this particular issue but thing for concern is true nature of formal ally relations between turkey and usa, ok i know it is suspicious from both sides and double gamed, what is real issue that every move from turkey in self interest direction will be opposed and tried to be disturbed by usa, huge reason that turkish think tank put this fact for all future calculations related to the security and international relationships.
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[deleted by user]
by in Turkey
Another mistake the international community makes is that they they believe that the USA and Europe think of Turkey as an ally, which is hugely incorrect! From the time Turkey joined NATO, the only thing the west thought of Turkey is that they are the best gatekeepers and cannon fodder against Russia. It was, is, and will always be the main role of Turkey in the West's eyes. However, for such a thing to be achieved, Turkey must he wholely dependent on the West in terms of everything from food, clothing and jobs to even Weapons which is why the West believed that if Turkey was sanctioned when they intervened during the Cyprus coup, they would have learned their lesson to never say no to the west. This, according to them, may be a sign so that the Turks will bend the knee whenever they are asked to do something they dont like.that is technicality of this particular issue but thing for concern is true nature of formal ally relations between turkey and usa, ok i know it is suspicious from both sides and double gamed, what is real issue that every move from turkey in self interest direction will be opposed and tried to be disturbed by usa, huge reason that turkish think tank put this fact for all future calculations related to the security and international relationships.
this is dangerous and threatening development, never ending showing of what usa does when challenged within set up dominance, hope turkey public and politicians from all political parties will take note of content from this tweet.
A Pakistani talking about India as a failed state is the biggest irony and laughable at best
They wont be liberating their own country by waving a Afghan flag in a Turkish beach.
Interesting how AKP, HDP and some IYI politicans openly "support" the refugee politics. MHP pretty much quiet about it.
Only opposing side by majority is CHP, is this a new reverse psychology attempt by the dij gücler?![]()
CHP refugee policy is nothing more then fairytales, "Europe promised us money, we will send them back, mend ties with Assad, he will welcome them back, build homes and factories in Syria". If they ever got to power the first thing they would say is "we have human rights treaties with EU and the world we are not Arabia or Iran".
Syrian refugees are here to stay, that is the reality, i hate to say it. We need programs to integrate and assimilate them not rubbish from AKP like din kardesleri or CHP ne isimiz var sensationalism.
Only option i see is give the newer parties a chance.
Unreal,the guts to do such a thing.No comment
[deleted by user]
by in Turkey
Interesting how AKP, HDP and some IYI politicans openly "support" the refugee politics. MHP pretty much quiet about it.
Only opposing side by majority is CHP, is this a new reverse psychology attempt by the dij gücler?![]()
The government gave away 110k citizenship to syrian refugeesIndeed, but the focus needs to be on the AKP and especially the leadership why they are so quiet about this. I predicted for years that the current refugee situation will already result in their loss in the next election but for some -unknown- reason the AKP doubles down on the refugee numbers, smh. Something must have happened in that biden-erdo talk.
one way another, the next election is lost for them, this is already predictable.
This is not dangerous this is desperation on their side. Be confident we don't buy anything important from the US other than engines (F-110, F-404 for TF-X and Hurjet prototypes). They can embargo those other than that they can't do shit. And if they do indeed embargo they will be embargoing TEI which is %46 owned by the US. Even COTS products like Viasat and Garmin are replaced with national ones. Even though they are COTS cant be effectively embargoed. We did that just to shut their mouths. The US will be hard-pressed to find any item to put an embargo on. The US already placed an embargo on items it can embargo like the VLS system.this is dangerous and threatening development, never ending showing of what usa does when challenged within set up dominance, hope turkey public and politicians from all political parties will take note of content from this tweet.
The first Turks came to the region as explorers looking for new pastures. Later, the Byzantines invited them in as mercenaries to hold the line against Arabs and Persians. Later waves came as Turks fleeing from the Mongols, which ironically enough included other Turks among their ranks, so it was essentially Turks killing Turks at that point. But by that point, Turks were already firmly established in Anatolia, so they had a place to go. Afghans are not Turks, with the exception of minorities like Hazaras, who are actually persecuted quite hard in Afghanistan. Turkey should be willing to take them (among other Turkic minorities) in and tell the rest to get lost unless they can prove that they are legitimate refugees and not illegal migrants.
AKP's statement there reminds me an awful lot of some of the BS that Democrats in the USA spew.