1. First, 3-8 ADA class corvette's tender was canceled. (Ask Google wondering how it was canceled)
2. RMK Marine's LPD design is its own. It has received outside consultancy support in some areas.
3. The public benefit bid of RMK, which was clearly the winner in the LPD tender, was rejected and Sedef, who made the most expensive bid, won.
4. The tender was concluded so quickly that after the sale of this ship, which had not much experience in the inventory only by Spain and Australia, the Spaniards started to play like a bear with honey in its mouth.
5. What happened next? When was the last time Otokar (Koç) signed an armored vehicle contract? My memory entered the URAL inventory in 2014 and the Cobra-2, just like 2014-2015. However, their contracts had been signed before. Chances of cancellation were slim. Because in the summer of 2015, the PKK started trench attacks. There was a shortage of armored vehicles.
6. The Altay tank tender was awarded to BMC together with its chief engineers. BMC, which has no factory and no ability to manufacture tracked vehicles. The tender has been extended several times. At that time, Germany did not impose an engine embargo. If everything was done for the public good, NATIONAL and DOMESTIC, mass production ALTAY tanks were now on the field.
6. Even in the 8x8 TTZA tender, the rumor that BMC was waiting was spread. Otokar, who bid for the tender, could not win again. FNSS got worried for a while. However, I think the tender was finalized in line with the demands of the needs authority and FNSS won.
7. After the 8x8 TTZA that BMC recently introduced, FNSS's job is also difficult.
There is a lot to write about but "it is thought to be entering politics and it is being erased". I don't want to leave the subject, but I had to write these. These tenders will come to court someday anyway.
If my time was not short now, I would look at the archive and explain it in more detail. This is a comprehensive topic to be discussed in another topic and is an example of the deep-rooted "what I call winnings is not in the public interest" problem in the defense industry.

Dev ihalelerden ilkini RMK Marine kazandı - MarineDeal News
Savunma Sanayii Müsteşarlığı’nda 5 saat süren toplantı sonrası füze savunma sistemi ve uçak gemisi ihalelerinin ertelendiği açıklanırken, MİLGEM Projesi kapsamında seri üretime geçilecek 6 yeni gemi projesinin ihalesini RMK Marine tersanesinin kazandığı açıklandı Başbakan Erdoğan başkanlığında...

Koç'un kazandığı ihale iptal
Başbakan Erdoğan Başkanlığı'nda toplanan Savunma Sanayi İcra Komitesi'nde alınan kararlarla, Koç’un kazandığı MİLGEM ihalesinin iptal edildiği resmileşti. 3. ve 4. gemi de Pendik Askeri Tersanesi’nde yapılacak.

Milyarlık ihalede saf dışı kaldı
HAVUZLU Çıkarma Gemisi (LPD) ihalesini Sedef Tersanesi kazandı. Savunma Sanayi İcra Komitesi’nin dün aldığı karar kapsamında Sedef Gemi İnşaatı A.Ş. ile...

3. The public benefit bid of RMK, which was clearly the winner in the LPD tender, was rejected and Sedef, who made the most expensive bid, won.

İspanya'da Türk Havuzlu Çıkartma Gemisi Sevinci
İspanya'da milyarlık Havuzlu Çıkarma Gemisi (LPD) ihalesi sevinç yarattı.

6. The Altay tank tender was awarded to BMC together with its chief engineers. BMC, which has no factory and no ability to manufacture tracked vehicles. The tender has been extended several times. At that time, Germany did not impose an engine embargo. If everything was done for the public good, NATIONAL and DOMESTIC, mass production ALTAY tanks were now on the field.
6. Even in the 8x8 TTZA tender, the rumor that BMC was waiting was spread. Otokar, who bid for the tender, could not win again. FNSS got worried for a while. However, I think the tender was finalized in line with the demands of the needs authority and FNSS won.
7. After the 8x8 TTZA that BMC recently introduced, FNSS's job is also difficult.
There is a lot to write about but "it is thought to be entering politics and it is being erased". I don't want to leave the subject, but I had to write these. These tenders will come to court someday anyway.
If my time was not short now, I would look at the archive and explain it in more detail. This is a comprehensive topic to be discussed in another topic and is an example of the deep-rooted "what I call winnings is not in the public interest" problem in the defense industry.