Sure which TRNC contractors are going to build it ? Not proxy companies in Turkey please.
That creditline of 500 mio usd was that meant for the palace ?
Building that palace should be TRNC decision, so why is RTE announcing it.
It shows who truly wishes it.
If money is paid by Turkey, local contractors
never get benefit. Tenders always done in Ankara with Turkish Registered Companies. Truth.. That water project cost 700 million or etc.. than pipes get dismantled after 4 years, Turkey said we are giving you 1 billion aid, they deduct 800 million and give it to some company in Turkey to fix the pipes.. 800 million!.. Pure corruption.. So called aids are the way to send money to friends
For those who insists on, a palace makes a state big or a true country.. for God's sake look at
10 Downing Street in UK.. look European countries.. TRNC never had that tradition, we are a modest island country.. I can call any minister and talk, any minister or any parliamentarian sits with you and drinks coffee during the day.. they have no bodyguards etc. they visit funerals, Tatar still visiting weddings of people he is not even close.. He is president! Wake up, it is a small island country. We don't need palace or kulliye.. It is all about Erdogan's ego.. He doesn't like to visit our small parliament or modest palace.. And Turkey wants to say... aa even we are building your palace and parliament, you owe us

I give your bread dog... In fact, they are putting most of these as debt.. corruption and your media manipulates you. Current government is formed with pressure from Turkey,it is illegal and it is one of the most corrupt ones.. We should have set a date for early election but somehow they are postponing it. I don't think this corrupt guys would lose with such an enormous intervention from Turkey but who knows.