Following the lead of Germany

, Britain

and the Netherlands

, Norway

announced additional defense spending in 2025 to plug the gap left by the U.S.
The Norwegian parliament today announced that in 2025 Ukraine will increase it's military aid commitment to Ukraine by $4.5 Billion usd, from the previous $3.0 Billion that was allotted for the year, to a total of $7.5 Billion usd. Norway has not yet indicated how they will spend the additional $4.5 Billion usd this year, however, it is expected that a large portion of the increased spending will fall into 3 categories.
1. NASAMS Air defense systems, interceptors and spare parts, taking over from the Americans in this area.
2. Funding towards the Czech Led Artillery shells initiative that seeks to procure between 800,000-1,000,000 shells for Ukraine in 2025.
3. Funding for Ukraine's domestic arms production industry that has spare capacity and is limited only by domestic and allied funding, especially in the areas of drones, 122mm and 152mm artillery shells, Mortars, mortar rounds, howitzers and BTR-4 IFV production.
Partiene på Stortinget er enige om å øke støtten til Ukraina med 50 milliarder kroner til 85 milliarder i 2025.