TR Politics


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I dont get it why is the stray dog problem tied to politics or even ideology?
Actually, it isn't. Its all about money.

Under the guise of "animal rights" a massive racket is going on.
Various animal rights associations use the stray dogs to collect donations from people, then use that money for embezzlement/money laundering/supporting terrorists.
The amount of money that is in this racket is estimated to be 12 billion dollars.
and the actual philanthropy they make is so sloppy and dangerous that they actually cause harm to people.
People are mauled to within an inch of their lives, contact rabies and cysts, and actually die because of them.


15 1,605
I dont get it why is the stray dog problem tied to politics or even ideology?
PKKistan in syria is on its way to become a government and Americans are supporting it they helding elections this dog staff is just a distraction by both CHP and AKP to hide their screw ups in Syria. since people will start asking Generals were right all along you politicians ruined turkey's geopolitics and created 2 kurdistan in iraq and syria and yes i also blame CHP as well


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PKKistan in syria is on its way to become a government and Americans are supporting it they helding elections this dog staff is just a distraction by both CHP and AKP to hide their screw ups in Syria. since people will start asking Generals were right all along you politicians ruined turkey's geopolitics and created 2 kurdistan in iraq and syria and yes i also blame CHP as well

I dont think anybody wants to get torn apart by a pack of dogs regardless of the geopolitical situation.


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Actually, it isn't. Its all about money.

Under the guise of "animal rights" a massive racket is going on.
Various animal rights associations use the stray dogs to collect donations from people, then use that money for embezzlement/money laundering/supporting terrorists.
The amount of money that is in this racket is estimated to be 12 billion dollars.
and the actual philanthropy they make is so sloppy and dangerous that they actually cause harm to people.
People are mauled to within an inch of their lives, contact rabies and cysts, and actually die because of them.

I argued with these wackos on instagram.

They called me a murderer because I come from Australia. Because we cull camels, feral cats and feral dogs due to the damage they cause to the habitat as introduced species.


15 1,605
I dont think anybody wants to get torn apart by a pack of dogs regardless of the geopolitical situation.
the news that PKK in Syria held an election and on its way to become a government should be number 1 news in our country the reasons that the political class pumping this worthless and easy to solve topics is to hide that screw up and distract the public


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I dont get it why is the stray dog problem tied to politics or even ideology?
The problem isnt in politics per say but in the law

The animal rights organisations within Turkey are known to be common sites for money laundering money amounting to billions of dollars annually and god knows where on earth does this money go

The number of stray, violent, dogs have been on a steep rise in Turkey causing an annual increase in the number of Turks getting bitten to death right on the streets which caused the people to protest that the govt isnt doing shit. The govt, in order to quell the rising dissatisfaction, proposed a bill to kill or isolate such violent dogs; only for CHP, DEM, iYi parliamentary members to start staging protests against the bill claiming that it harms animal rights within Turkey

Summary: Many within the CHP, iYi, or DEM are either directly involved or indirectly related to the money laundering pf billions of dollars through animal rights institutions and they are violently trying to stop thr bill to protect their interests. I would say some in the AKP are involved as well but since Erdogan already decided on the course of action they will take regarding the issue, they are keeping their mouths shut or they will be rooted out

All in all, it just shows how much corruption is going on within the political parties within Turkey


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The CHP proves again just how dangerous they are to Turkish territorial integrity. Recently, a spike in the number of videos showing ppl in Istanbul singing PKK slogans and now they mention that the blue homeland is a "fairytale". Turkish rights in the sea are being discarded for a few votes and funding from the Wetsern colonialists.

I wont be surprised if they agreed to form an autonomous Kurdistam within Turkey

Foreign policy advisor of Özgür Özel and CHP Deputy Namık Tan used the expression 'Fairytale' for the Blue Homeland.

1 19
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The CHP proves again just how dangerous they are to Turkish territorial integrity. Recently, a spike in the number of videos showing ppl in Istanbul singing PKK slogans and now they mention that the blue homeland is a "fairytale". Turkish rights in the sea are being discarded for a few votes and funding from the Wetsern colonialists.

I wont be surprised if they agreed to form an autonomous Kurdistam within Turkey

Foreign policy advisor of Özgür Özel and CHP Deputy Namık Tan used the expression 'Fairytale' for the Blue Homeland.

As our Great Leader once said: Ben lafa değil icraate bakarım.
Number of the times current Turkish government ordered natural gas search activity outside of the Turkish borders drawn in the Sevilla Map: 0
Number of Turkish natural gas search ships currently operating in Mediterranean: 0
Number of Turkish natural gas drill ships currently operating in Mediterranean: 0

Alternative to CHP isn't working for Turkey's interests, they are just getting vote by making propaganda using our national interest while working opposite of our national interests.

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