not at all, i stated many times if AKP goes on next elections and opposition make better job, i would be happy as you would but i have my reservations due all the information i get and that makes me doubtfull towards opposition ability to make it regardless how imperfect and limited AKP is.No problem with sharing your opinion here but ffs why are you defending this madness which is happening in Turkey?
Maybe the Greek is clever ?When even the Greek likes your post then something very bad is going on.
I really wanna like Imamoğlu but he strikes me as too much of a politician if that makes sense. His ideas align for the most part with what I personally would like to see for Turkey but I can't shake the feeling that he's putting on a bit of a facade.
Imamoğlu is 20 points ahead of Erdogan. Erdogan and AKP are funerals waiting to be buried.
There are still many things i dont understand
Imamoğlu is 20 points ahead of Erdogan. Erdogan and AKP are funerals waiting to be buried.
He serves exact same purpose as IYI Party you shouldnt fall for it.Hes embraced by same Y-CHP led by Kanas Canan and İHA Sezgin , remember same Y-CHP expelled Muharrem İnci promoting Mansur Yavaş alongside İmamoğlu.Mansur Yavas.
CHP’li Sezgin Tanrıkulu: 'Dostlarla ittifak' özenle seçilmiş bir kavram
CHP İstanbul Milletvekili Sezgin Tanrıkulu, CHP Genel Başkanı Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu'nun, 'Dostlarımızla ittifak olacağız' söyleminin özenle seçilmiş bir kavram olduğunu belirtti.
Diyarbakır'ın yerel televizyon kanalında dikakt çeken açıklamalar yapan CHP Milletvekili Tanrıkulu, CHP lideri Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu'nun dile getirdiği 'Dostlarımızla ittifak olacağız' söyleminin özenle seçilmiş bir kavram olduğunu vurguladı.
CHP'li Tanrıkulu, "Genel başkanımız 'dostlarımız' derken sadece Millet İttifakı'ndaki partileri kastetseydi 'Millet İttifakı' derdi. Dostlarımız özenle seçilmiş bir kavramdır' ifadelerini kullandı.
HDP'nin büyük baskı altında olduğunu belirten Tanrıkulu, "Dostunuzuz, dayanışma içerisindeyiz. Umutsuz olmayın. Ne yaparsak beraber yapacağız. Bize güvenin" düşüncesini dile getirdi.
AKP says nothing about the future, and everything they said about the future were lies.He serves exact same purpose as IYI Party you shouldnt fall for it.Hes embraced by same Y-CHP led by Kanas Canan and İHA Sezgin , remember same Y-CHP expelled Muharrem İnci promoting Mansur Yavaş alongside İmamoğlu.
Just few days ago Y-CHP Number 3 (İHA Sezgin) dropped some confessions again at Amed TV :
CHP’li Sezgin Tanrıkulu: 'Dostlarla ittifak' özenle seçilmiş bir kavram
CHP İstanbul Milletvekili Sezgin Tanrıkulu, CHP Genel Başkanı Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu'nun, 'Dostlarımızla ittifak olacağız' söyleminin özenle seçilmiş bir kavram olduğunu
-So accordoing to you HDP is not terrorist?AKP says nothing about the future, and everything they said about the future were lies.
According to AKP supporters everybody except them are terrorists. No one cares for these empty propaganda anymore. No promises or real projects about the future. All they say is, this is terrorists- that is terrorist.
If you have a better candidate, please tell us.-So accordoing to you HDP is not terrorist?
- Its completly fine CHP rule Turkiye with partnership with them?
-What about CHP decides to start second Açılım Süreci after winning elections are you gonna support it too?
None is good and this is the problemIf you have a better candidate, please tell us.
There are either yavas or imamoglu on the table and both are promising candidates.
It ain't that bad. The typhoon metaphor is true though. The political chaos will be huge and will force the military to take control from behind the scenes again. Turkey will be back at square one.muddy swamp
I agree with youAlthough he isn't president material, Varank is my kind of guy. Hard working and not taking himself too seriously, by far my favorite minister.
Booth are way better than Erdogan and his corrupt cabinet, AKP has stopped ruling the country long ago, they only work to steal as much as they can and protect themselves while doing it.None is good and this is the problem
You wanna kick Erdo? That is fine but bring a better one, not worse
All what they want is to overthrow the AKP and Erdo no matter the price; and that is a wrong mentality and these arent only my words but those who were in the CHP before like Ince.
You dont legitimize kicking mafia groups out of power and replacing them with those radicals who wanna split the country in two. It just doesnt make sense
And while I somehow see that Yavas is doing well rn (hate imamoglu btw), how do you know that it is not a facade. How do you know that he wont succumb to pressure from the CHP when he becomes a president. You do realise that the CHP wanna return to parliamentary system, when it happens, what if yavas didnt agree with the HDP and they end up pulling their support. Either turkey will be trapped in endless parliamentary elections or the CHP will buckle to whatever the HDP wants which is just wrong.
You guys are saving yourselves from a muddy swamp and throwing yourselves inside a typhoon (metaphor)
Just my opinion though
I love to see them rail against the concrete heads in the parliament. Akars rant against them is also worthy to see:I agree with you
Varank is one of the best ministers ever employed by the AKP
I love Ismail Demir as well (even though he isnt a minister)
Akar as a defence minister is also way good tbh, but i feel he can do a bit more
The health minister is also not bad (I know many doesnt agree with me on this and its fine so no need to attack me because i know it is controversial)
The communication minister is good as well but the former ppl overshadows him tbh
I used to like Soylu as well but after the recent Sedat Pecker videos iam kinda keeping him in the gray zone for now; If he doesnt do something useful to the country in order to alleviate his reputation, then he sucks.. in fact , iam still confused as to why he is still not fired till now