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The first helicopter in the Gökbey General Purpose Helicopter project will be delivered in the middle of 2022. In this context, 3 deliveries will be made to the Gendarmerie. In the project, 70% localization rate has already been reached. With the delivery of the TS-1400 turboshaft engine in 2024, the ratio will be 90%.
Yerli helikopter Gökbey, Cougarların yerini alacak - Sondakika Haberler | Video
Son Dakika Türkiye Gündem Haberleri - Cougar tipi askeri helikopterin düşmesi sonucunda 11 asker şehit oldu, 2 asker yaralandı. Helikopter bugüne kadar 3
Can you give me a link?Atak 2 will use Ukrainian engine.
Temel Kotil
Atak-2 is years away,why not indigenous engine?Yes, Mr Kotil stated that Atak-2 will be powered with Ukrainian (defenceturk: 2500hp) turboshaft engines.
Atak-2 is years away,why not indigenous engine?
Strange decision.
They do but it won't be readyI thought TEI had a 3000shp engine program.
Atak 2 will use Ukrainian engine.
Temel Kotil