''Turkish MILDEN are expected to use the AIP propulsion system. No decision has been made on what type will be used or whether a partnership will be formed. Currently, Gürbağ Savunma, known for its hydrogen-based solutions, is working on hydrogen-based propulsion systems for naval platforms in cooperation with STM. Considering Germany's counter-Turkiye stance on defence exports, cooperation with Siemens is the least likely option. However, with Spain's positive attitude to cooperation with Turkiye on naval platforms such as TCG ANADOLU (L-400) LHD and interest in further joint programmes, Abengoa, responsible for S-80 submarines' ethanol-based AIP system, might be an option. It is also known that companies such as ASPİLSAN and AYESAŞ have developed various AIP R&D projects. Establishing a stable development for MİLDEN's AIP system, whether fully local or partnership, is important to avoid programme delays.Most important part is AIP. Is there any update on where Türkiye's companies are with AIP?
Seas surrending Turkiye are not deep enough to hide nuclear powered submarines. The aircraft-carrier that Turkiye will construct will also open the country to open seas and oceans. The aircraft strike group requires submarine, It would not be a suprise if the submarine design is selected as nuclear powered one.
MİLDEN submarines will be larger than the current submarines in the Turkish Navy's inventory and possess a greater weapons capacity with eight torpedo tubes. Like the Reis class, they can use locally developed weapons like AKYA heavyweight torpedoes, Submarine-Launched ATMACA cruise missiles, and GEZGİN land-attack cruise missiles. Another important development for MİLDEN has been additional maintenance sites.''

Turkish Submarine MİLDEN's Construction to Start in 2025 | TURDEF
Chief of the Turkish Navy Ercüment Tatlıoğlu has stated that the construction of MİLDEN national submarines will begin in 2025.