Ada Class

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      --Light Tanks--
         KAPLAN MT
      --Main Battle Tanks--
      --Tracked Artillery--
         T-155 Fırtına
         T-155 Fırtına- II
      --Tracked IFV--
      --Tracked SPAAG--
      --Wheeled Artillery--
      --Wheeled IFV--
         PARS III 8x8
      --Wheeled SPAAG--
      Akrep II
      Amphibious Tanks
      Cobra I
      Cobra II
      Derman 8X8
      Ejder Yalcin 4x4
      HIZIR 4X4
      Kirpi I-II
      Medium Tanks
      NMS Yörük
      PARS 4x4 Anti Tank
      Seyit 8X8
         Bayraktar Class
         TCG Anadolu
         TCG Alemdar
         TCG Işın & Akın
         Dost Class
      --Combat Boats--
         Mark V SOC
         MRTP 22/U SOC
         MRTP 24/U SOC
         MRTP 33
         PT. Lundin Tankboat
      --Combat Crafts--
         Kılıç Class
         Klewang Class
         Serhet Class
         Tuzla Class
      --Combat Vessels--
         Ada Class
         Barbaros Class
         Diponegoro Class
         Istanbul Class
         Jinnah Class
         Martadinata Class
         Turkmen Class
         MRTP 24 FAB
      --Special Vessels--
         TCG Ufuk
         Jang Bogo Class
         Preveze Class
         Reis Class
      MALE UAVs
         Bayraktar TB2
         TAI Aksungur
         TAI Anka
  • Ada Class Corvette
    Role: Anti-Submarine Warfare
    Nation of Origin: Turkey
    Designer: Milgem DPO / Turkish Navy Armerkom
    Builder: Istanbul Naval Shipyard Command
    Built: 2004
    In Service: 2010 -
    Number Built: 4
    Installed Power: propulsion: 32 MW
    Aux: 2400 KW
    Propulsion: GE LM2000 + MTU TE95
    Range: 3500 NM @15 Knots
    Speed: 33+ knots
    Length: 99.6 meters
    Beam: 14.4 meters
    Draft: 3.9 meters
    Hull Material: naval grade construction steel
    Complement: 86 (up to 106+)
    Armament& Weapon systems
    Main armament: 76mm Super rapid,
    8x Atmaca/Harpoon SSM,
    21x RAM Block1/2
    6 x Lightweight torpedo
    Secondary Armament/s: 2 x STAMP 12.7 mm RCWS
    Sensors: Havelsan GENESIS CMS (or ADVENT CMS)
    Aselsan Smart-S MkII (Licensed via Thales)
    Aselsan AKR-D Block A2
    Aselsan E/O
    Aselsan Piri IRST (Possible upgrade)
    Tübitak/Meteksan Yakamos Medium Frequency ASW Sonar
    Electronic Warfare & Decoys: Aselsan ARES-2N EW suite,
    Aselsan Hızır Towed Anti-Torpedo System,
    Aselsan Zoka torpedo decoys
    Decoy Launchers (Chaff, Radar)
    Aviation Capabilities: Helicopter Landing Pad up to 10 tons
    Equipped with helicopter arrest and traverse system allowing operations up to sea state 5
    Aircrafts carried: 2 x SeaHawk (1 in Hangar, 1 on Platform)
    Storage Capacity: 3 x RHIB (2 on each side, 1 in Mission Bay)
    Special Equipment: Multi-Mission Stern Bay with:
    Stern Ramp for Rapid RHIB /SOF SDV Deployment
    Recovery crane for Aselsan Hızır
    (provisional Towed Array Sonar DüFAS)
    (provisional USV, UUV, AUV)
    Special Crew: Aviation Team (+7), SOF Team (+17).


    Consisting of National Corvette - MiLGEM Project Phase I,Design of Ada Class is conducted by the joint cooperation of Turkish Naval MoD, Undersecretariat for Turkish Defense Industries. The projects aims at developing indigenous Turkish warship with anti-submarine warfare and high-seas patrol capabilities via extensively using the principles of stealth technology in its design.


    Ada Class Corvettes are able to recognize, localize, classify, identify and destroy surface, air and underwater targets and to carry out Naval Gun Fire Support. In addition, the Corvettes are also effective in deterrence against any potential threat and conduct naval operations including maritime surveillance and patrol, protection of offshore and infrastructure, Economic Exclusive Zone monitoring & surveillance

    Service History​




    Ships in Class​

    Pennant no.NameNamesakeBuilderLaid downLaunchedCommissionedStatus
    F-511HeybeliadaHeybeliadaIstanbul Naval Shipyard Command26 July 200527 September 200827 September 2011Active
    F-512BüyükadaBüyükadaIstanbul Naval Shipyard Command27 September 200827 September 201127 September 2013Active
    F-513BurgazadaBurgazadaIstanbul Naval Shipyard Command17 December 201421 June 20164 November 2018Active
    F-514KınalıadaKinaliadaIstanbul Naval Shipyard Command8 October 2015[21]3 July 201729 September 2019Active


    Pakistan: 4 ships exported through an agreement consisting of ToT, joint production and IP rights of the modified/Upgrade Ada-Class design this class of ships are referred as Jinnah Class Frigate.
    Ukraine: 4 Ships exported within an agreement consisting of ToT and joint production, integration of Ukrainian systems.
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