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      --Light Tanks--
         KAPLAN MT
      --Main Battle Tanks--
      --Tracked Artillery--
         T-155 Fırtına
         T-155 Fırtına- II
      --Tracked IFV--
      --Tracked SPAAG--
      --Wheeled Artillery--
      --Wheeled IFV--
         PARS III 8x8
      --Wheeled SPAAG--
      Akrep II
      Amphibious Tanks
      Cobra I
      Cobra II
      Derman 8X8
      Ejder Yalcin 4x4
      HIZIR 4X4
      Kirpi I-II
      Medium Tanks
      NMS Yörük
      PARS 4x4 Anti Tank
      Seyit 8X8
         Bayraktar Class
         TCG Anadolu
         TCG Alemdar
         TCG Işın & Akın
         Dost Class
      --Combat Boats--
         Mark V SOC
         MRTP 22/U SOC
         MRTP 24/U SOC
         MRTP 33
         PT. Lundin Tankboat
      --Combat Crafts--
         Kılıç Class
         Klewang Class
         Serhet Class
         Tuzla Class
      --Combat Vessels--
         Ada Class
         Barbaros Class
         Diponegoro Class
         Istanbul Class
         Jinnah Class
         Martadinata Class
         Turkmen Class
         MRTP 24 FAB
      --Special Vessels--
         TCG Ufuk
         Jang Bogo Class
         Preveze Class
         Reis Class
      MALE UAVs
         Bayraktar TB2
         TAI Aksungur
         TAI Anka
    Role: Tactical Wheeled Armoured Vehicle
    Nation of Origin: Turkey
    Designer: Katmerciler
    Weight: 16000kg
    Length: 5570mm
    Width: 2490mm
    Height: 2610mm
    Turret type: ASELSAN SARP
    Crew: 9
    Engine: 400HP Diesel
    Main armament: 12.7mm- 7,62mm, 40 mm grenade launcher
    Secondary Armament/s:
    Suspension: Fully independent suspensin with coil spring and Shock Absorber
    Operational Range: 700km
    Maximum Speed: 120km/sa

    HIZIR 4x4 Tactical Wheeled Armoured Vehicle is designed and optimised for high performance under extreme operational conditions at rural and urban areas for 9 personnel. Vehicle has high level of ballistic and mine protection. It is agile, dynamic, versatile, low maintenance and easy care platform for various configurations such as combat vehicle, command control vehicle, CBRN vehicle, weapon carrier (easy integration of various weapon systems), ambulance vehicle, border security vehicle, reconnaissance vehicle.


    The HIZIR is fitted with a Turkish-made ASELSAN SARP turret which provides a perfect match for integration onto tactical vehicles, fixed surveillance posts, towers and critical infrastructures. Depending on the operational requirements, SARP can be equipped with 12.7mm machine gun, 40mm automatic grenade launcher or 7.62mm machine gun.

    The SARP turret has adavanced capabilities and options such as: Fire-on-the-move capability - Day and night imaging - Automatic target tracking - Laser Range Finder for accurate ballistics - Last round warning - Manuel back-up.

    The Hizir has 9 gun ports 4 on each side and 1 on the rear door. The vehicle is also equipped with smoke grenade launcher on the top of the vehicle.​
    Design and protection
    The Katmerciler HIZIR can carry a total of 9 personnel with the driver and commander at the front and 7 people at the rear on individual seats. There are 4 side doors (2 on each side) and one rear door. The engine is located at the front of the vehicle.

    The HIZIR has a gross weight of 16,000 kg, a length of 5.57 m, a width of 2.49 m, a height of 2.61 m and a wheelbase of 3.08 m.

    The HIZIR is designed on a V-hull monocoque chassis to increase vehicle and crew survivability by deflecting an upward directed blast from a landmine or IEDs (Improvised Explosive Device) away from the vehicle.
    All the windows of the vehicle are built to withstand the firing of small arms 7.62mm machine gun and hand grenades fragments.​

    The Katmerciler HIZIR is powered by a Cummins ISL turbocharged 6 cylinders intercooled diesel engine which has a displacement of 8.9 liters and develops 400 hp (298 KW) at 2100 rpm. It has a maximum speed of 110 km/h and a range of 700 km. The vehicle has fully Independent Suspension with Coil Spring and Shock Absorber.​
    Recovery Winch, Gun Turret, Central Tire Inflation System (CTIS), Spare wheel, CBRN Air Filter System, Automatic Fire Suppression System, Intercom System, GPS Navigation​
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